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Here is the first of many tutorials for building your own Holomat.

Unlock the Power of Hand Tracking with Real-Time Computer Vision

Welcome to our exclusive Patreon series where you delve into the fascinating world of real-time hand tracking using OpenCV and MediaPipe! Whether you're a hobbyist, a student, or a budding developer, this project is your gateway to understanding and implementing cutting-edge computer vision techniques.

Skip the tutorial and run the code: https://github.com/Concept-Bytes/HandTracking

What You'll Learn:

  • Fundamentals of Computer Vision: Grasp the basics of processing and analyzing images with OpenCV, the leading library for computer vision applications.

  • Real-Time Video Processing: Learn how to handle video streams in real time. We'll cover everything from capturing video from a webcam to manipulating these live video feeds in Python.

  • Advanced Hand Tracking: Dive deep into MediaPipe, a state-of-the-art framework that enables developers to build complex vision applications easily. Understand how to detect and track human hand movements dynamically, identifying various landmarks on the hand.

  • Integration with Other Applications: Explore how to take the hand tracking data and use it to interact with other software. In the advanced part of our series, you'll learn to control the mouse pointer with hand movements, opening doors to potential applications in accessibility tech and beyond.

  • Practical Coding Skills: Enhance your coding skills as you work through real-world problems, debugging, and optimizing your code to work efficiently.


Jonathan Luna

got it to work, i may have corrected some depdency issues during another project. but shes up and running. very light and impressive


import mediapipe as mp ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'mediapipe'

Abigail Koval

What’s your camera and projector setup like?


Starting today, followed the guide and it all worked perfectly using my laptops webcam, if anyone is having problems I would suggest making sure you can code a basic python program first so you know python is working correctly. My only real problem since I don't use python much was I had to set the path in my enviornment variables in order to use 'pip'


Hey where can I add a 3d Model on my project?