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Has it really been 10 weeks already?

It's the tenth week of doing this weekly update and there's been one constant: there's always something to work on! That is very true for this week, so let me tell you what I'm going to be up to this week:

-Feddie n' Fam will be going up on Wednesdays for the month of October, if it works, I'll stick with it. 

-Got one more Patreon Backlog item to finish up this week and then I'll resume work on the special mini-comic. 

-Contest prizes are still underway and I hope to make a proper dent in them this week. 

-Am also doing some writing for a possible graphic novel project, something for 2021, most likely. 

That's all I got for you on this particular Monday, here's to a productive week for both me and you! 



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