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What kind of content would you like to see more of from CMS?



Fanny! Fanny! Fanny!

Captain Kashup

Honestly, anything is good. Although, I admit that Fanny's "Bad ___" story is my fav.


Definitely want more Chloe she is best girl and I want to see her porn comeback. Definitely want more Penny and learn more about her character (and interracial porn with her looks really good). And definitely more of the Flynn’s to see more of Collette and Carly. Especially if it’s an addition to that temogam comic.


Can we get more Tammy? Think she deserves more of the spotlight

Jef Vinson

I'd like to see more of the Flynns, especially Carly.

Gio Tureck

I'd like to see more of Fanny's history!


I'd like to see some POV from Izzy...something like how Fanny was telling us about Pink sky...maybe Izzy explaining the transition in look (which i like) and how it's been affecting his relationships.

George Simmons

Don’t think the results of this mean we don’t like Tammy and the new OCs. It just means we LOVE Fanny that much!!!

Delia Socks

At this point I'd love to see how Fanny would react to this Poll xD


I would really love to see more Keisha!!! Especially nsfw Keisha 😏


I love your art and your content, but tbh I would like to see less of comics that start off sexy and fun, then pull up short into an X-Squad recruitment.


Would love some keisha and chloe double team action. Keisha is your hottest creation yet..