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The movie starts with the our main character, Kyon, helping with a christmas party for the school club he was forced into, but when he wakes up the next day, he seemingly finds himself in a whole other world. We get a glimpse at Haruhi-sama’s powers as Kyon and the only other male member of the club, Istuki, as they begin talking about her godly powers generating “closed spaces” as she sleeps. Seemingly creating them due to bad dreams. On Kyon’s walk to school, after waking up in a new reality (although he has yet to realize such), he runs into a friend from school, Taniguchi, he has a cold. He talks to him about coming to the clubroom for the christmas party, but Taniguchi has no idea what Kyon is talking about. Kyon, thinking his friend is just tired, decides to “play along” as he believes the christmas party is still happening. When class begins, Kyon can’t help but notice that the seat behind him, the seat that Haruhi-sama always sits in, is completely empty. Now, let’s just skip through some of the pretense. Kyon begins to realize Haruhi has seemingly created an alternate reality for some reason and begins on the journey of finding her and getting her to set things back to normal. Only problem, he doesn’t know what school she goes to now and he has thus far been forbidden from telling her about her godly powers as it’s possible she’d freak out and destroy the universe (or something. No one knows what would happen, everyone just plays it safe due to the possibilities of what could happen). With no options left, he decides to visit the female robot Yuki, who is a bookworm know-it-all and has helped solve numerous crises through-out the series. But, when he gets to her in the clubroom, he finds that she is now a normal, albeit still a bookworm, school girl.

Kyon ends up attacking this normal Yuki out of fear and frustration yada yada yada, skip forward. Kyon ends up hunting down Haruhi and talks to her about something only he knows about from the previous universe. After using this to get her to listen to him, they go to a cafe where he explains everything. She ends up believing him and they gather all the previous members of the SOS Brigade (that was the name of their club in the previous universe) and head to the clubroom. After entering the clubroom, dealing with Haruhi’s antics along the way, Kyon finally gets a message to help him get back to the correct universe. When activating the emergency protocol, Kyon finds himself alone in the clubroom, and now it’s night time.

Kyon becomes worried as the clubroom is still empty of everything Haruhi left in there, but now the room is unusually hot for what was just winter time. After realizing he is still in a different space-time from his original universe, he heads to a convenience store to figure out what time it is. After figuring out it’s the day his life changed forever (meeting present and future people and making contact with Haruhi) Kyon learns the truth of what happened. The hyper intelligent Yuki got fed up with Haruhi’s antics and decided to take Haruhi’s powers so she could make a world where Kyon and her can live peaceful lives. After fixing everything and having a heartwarming talk with Yuki, everything is set back to the way it should be. Well, with a setup for one final time bending story.


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