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Patrons! I’m pleased to announce that a new project (that nobody asked for) is ready to launch!

It’s called Tabletop Nights, and it’s an interactive narrative game with dice rolls, choices, and the feel of sitting at the table playing Dungeons & Dragons with a group of friends. It's sometimes silly and often stupid, but always a fun time. As with any new project, I’m sure there’s going to be plenty of bugs—any and all feedback is appreciated!

Now then…please enjoy:


Before I wrote about magical samurai, I was a programmer. I’m really happy that TTN has allowed me to stretch my programming muscles again: creating a website with dice rolls and dynamic character fade-in animations and backgrounds…it uses a different part of the brain than writing and it’s satisfying in a refreshing way.

I won’t ramble on here: I’ll write a blog post on the mcs website with more details later. The main thing is that D&D has played a large role in my life, and I’m ecstatic to be able to share that experience (in a unique and strange way) with you guys.

That said, Samurai of Hyuga remains my main focus. SoH is why you guys are here, and I apologize for stepping away from the writing for the past few weeks to get TTN up and running. I’m eager to get back to the grind, and so that’s what I’m going to be focusing on for the rest of January and all of February.

For Tabletop Nights, Intermediate+ patrons can expect Session #2 (with the other trio of characters) in March! For those wondering, the art you see in TTN is generated by an AI. I’ll go into more details about its use in a future blog post. I know it’s a controversial and contentious topic for many. I understand a lot of the arguments on both sides, but I also know that this project would still be on the shelf collecting dust (like it had for a full year!) without it.

The least I can do is be upfront about using it. And with all that out of the way…thanks for playing!



Hey! Well, I'm glad to welcome your new project. It's great that working on this game gives you special satisfaction and joy. Great project!