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With the removal of ChoiceScript from this account, I've been busying programming up a solution to get Book 5 Early Access up and running again through a different method. I've created a site that should be able to present the chapters in a nice format.

You'll be able to select your MC's name, gender, and what they're attracted to, with all the pronouns and character names changing accordingly. All done through the magic of regular expressions!

There are some limitations, however: choices will not be selectable. Instead, they'll be displayed one after the other. Choice text has a special background color to make them stand out more. Variables like Impulsive vs Calculated aren't implemented, so instead you'll see the text for both.

This is all still a work in progress, so things are sure to change over time. The pages may be more readable on computer than mobile, so try that if you're having difficulty. If you experience any bugs/issues, please let me know either in a comment or in a message. I'd really appreciate it!

Lastly, thanks for bearing with me through all this. I know it's not a perfect replication, but I hope it's something that will allow you to enjoy the chapters all the same!

(I'll be posting the link to patrons on the Advance tier in my next post!)

Update 25/SEPT/2021: Choices added!

Choices now work as accordion objects, expanding when you click them! This should help replicate the feel of the finished product and make chapters much more readable!


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