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Heya guys, so in case you weren't aware, I have moved house but only into an airbnb until March 1st when we move into our ACTUAL new home....because our sellers are dicks.

The airbnb claimed that it had a "dedicated work space" and when we got there I could very much tell it wasn't sufficient at all, so I've set up my tablet and monitor in my brothers spare room. Work should be able to flow like normal but please bear with me as this is a new working environment and it may take a bit of getting used to.

It was an extremely emotional day yesterday but I'm feeling a bit better despite re-catching this blasted cold but hey...such is life

So yeah, hope to get some more glorious art to you all soon!



Let’s just hope it won’t be too bad!


Hope you'll feel great in your new home Rob'=D Take care=)