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Hi homies. Back from my trip. Here's another buncha sketches of stuff I'm kinda workin on. Dunno if they'll all make it to completion but whatever. I don't really have anything else finished to post rn

The first page is some character portraits/designs. The first is a wolf milf lady who will appear in MOMMY MANHANDLER for the next HERO MISSION thingie. She initially freaks out when HYPER HAWK suddenly appears in her world since he's freaky af, but then they fuck and its all good. Hopefully I can finish that in time for Ver 1.5

Next to her is a witch girl who would prolly be a party member in an idea I have for a breeding RPG. I'm not sure if there'd be enough interest in that project so I can't confidently say whether I'll actually commit to it or not cuz idk if it's a good idea to do so. It'd take place in a fantasy world and have you breeding a bunch to repopulate an area, and also build up your own base/city/kingdom over time too. She'd be a mage party member and cast weird spells by mashing ingredients into her cauldron

Below them are two portraits from that dream diver rpg project I'm also considering, this one depicting prolly the mc alongside Hana, who would be a party member/main character and she appears in the dream world in her volleyball uniform and uses volleyball moves to fight. The MC also appears in the dream world after dreaming/roleplaying as an in-universe video game character. Again, not sure if this game will actually happen; I'm kinda afraid it wouldn't appeal to enough people to be worth it for the amount of work it'll take, but it's another game I'm considering

The second image is a WIP for a future update of MOMMY MANHANDLER depicting the returning goddess Harmonaea from HYPER HAREM HENSHIN HERO. If you're unfamiliar, she's a goddess who wants to help save worlds from destruction and stuff, and she enlists HYPER HAWK as her herald to help fight off hellions and stuff and save worlds. She'll have multiple sex scenes in the game, as both her natural huge form, but also her 8' tall "human" form so she can walk around the world and stuff, get plowed in Hiroto's bed, etc

And the last one is another one of those random new OC sex set thingies. This one would be something along the lines of a dude banging his neighbor's daughter and her mom happens to see them from the window of her bedroom or whatever. There'll prolly be a follow-up of the mom getting plowed after since she'd get super turned on seeing it or something like that

Anyway, that's kinda what I've got going on rn. I'm also still tryna get as much done for Ver 1.5 of MOMMY MANHANDLER, which I'm gonna try and get released this Saturday, although since my gf and I had extended our trip for a few days I did fall a lil behind on this, so I might delay it a bit but I'll try and give a heads up on that in the next few days when I have a better idea of where I'm at with the game

I'm also contemplating working on a new game project. I kinda really wanna make an RPG, but I'm unsure if any of my ideas would be good/appealing to enough people that they'd actually play it since it'd be a lotta work

I also am considering maybe doing another BIG BANG BONENANZA project - if you don't know, it's a lil story series I did last year where I had a buncha peeps send in OCs and did a lil multi-part project of them all having an orgy, and I collabed with some awesome writers too. I'm not sure if it's worth doing again/if there'd be a lotta interest, so I can't say whether it'll actually happen or not, but it's kinda on my mind

And finally, I'm fiddling with a few ideas for a new short lil comic series like the Hiroto/Sophie one I did last year. I haven't settled on which idea to go with yet. Could be about Pedro losing his v card to Hana, could be about a group of milfs who go on vacations and bang each others sons, could be about a brand new milf who bangs a buncha her kid's friends, idk yet

Anyway, as always, thanks for sticking around, supporting me, following my projects and stuff. Hopefully you're getting at least some stuff you actually enjoy I know I'm kinda all over the place sorry lol






I would love to be in another BIG BANG BONENANZA, looking forward if that ends up happening


lol ill see. im just not sure enough peeps would be interested for it to be worth it thats all


it prolly will. i just dk if i can justify it being as big as it was last year but idk well see