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Hello everyone! just wanted to wish you happy holidays! and sharing the sfw variant of this year's pinup.

and also thanks everyone who's been reading my webcomics and specially to those who have been  supportine me in Patreon, without your help it would be much more difficult to dedicate part of my life to this, drawing!

its' been my first year doing art full time, and it's been an interesting process, also a little stressful, but I've managed every month even if it's been a little difficult sometimes, that's why Patreon has become very important, is just something that gives me a little money cushion every month for which I'm very grateful.

Maybe you don't realize for how long I've been dreaming my life were just  drawing, and despite it's not been super glamorous, it's amazing to finally being doing it... I hope this place can grow some more next year, I'm still far from the point I dream of just dedicate my life to draw webcomics, but it's a good start!

I hope to be drawing comics next year, and also drawing more ferret girls and other pinups hehe, let's hope things get even better, and if not, at least that they don't get worse @.@.

I'm also very happy to be finally drawing Lost memories, it's becoming something I look forward to publish, even if I feel that sometimes not many people is reading that story, it still makes me happy to contine making it, it's just very different than what I used to do.

I was telling someone today that I feel different than I was 2 or 3 years ago, and that is also affecting how I write and the type of stories I want to make... I think I left most of my sadness with Derideal, so I expect whatever come next to balance the intensity a little better.

total thanks! happy holidays!



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