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Sorry for the day late delay. There's 2 big things this update includes. For one you can test out playing a card game with her. You can take turns drawing cards, placing cards, and checking out how cards work in general. Unfortunately I had to disable the actual card game logic as part of this beta but you can do everything related to playing cards with the loli. The 2nd big thing is the release of the game launcher. Instructions and controls are again in an early beta phase but here is how cards work:

Card Controls

  • You can pick up cards like regular items
  • Keyboard & VR: HOLDING the action button while holding the item for longer than half a second and then releasing will toggle fanning the cards.
  • Keyboard: Clicking the action button quickly will allow you to pick out a card from your hand and place it into your other hand
  • VR: You can at any point hover over any card and click it to pick it up into your other hand
  • Keyboard & VR: HOLDING the action button for even longer than half a second will allow you to SUCK UP nearby cards so it's easier to pick up all of them in case you drop all your cards.

Starting a card game with the Loli

  • Tell her to sit down on the floor with you, use the follow gesture
  • Offer her a FULL DECK of cards with the offer gesture
  • She will nod her head
  • You will be prompted to place the deck on the floor, simply drop the deck
  • You are now playing a card game with her
  • Follow the in-game symbols to know what to do (draw a card, place a card, etc.)

Stopping a card game with the Loli

  • You can tell her to follow you and get up from the seated game position. She can then do everything else but currently there is no way to remove the "Poker Symbol" that hovers above her head (signifies she's in the middle of a game)
  • If you wish to RETURN to a card game already started, simply point to the deck of cards at any moment.

All of these instructions will be implemented into a tutorial in a later phase of the update.

This game update, v0.75b, is downloadable in the brand spanking new Game Launcher!

 Beta v075b Change Log

  • Fixed Q not retracting hand in keyboard mode
  • Improved hand item detection
  • Added card picking
  • Added loli placing cards on floor
  • Added poker game state handling
  • Added card vacuuming for ease of handling
  • Added loli behavior return to card game
  • Added new models and textures for card game actions

 To add v0.75b to your game launcher:

1.) Download launcher

2.) Click Redeem

3.) Enter "banana bread"

4.) Download and play!


[Download Link]  




EDIT: there is an issue with games downloaded with the launcher not recognizing cards.


EDIT: Fix was released last night, update the launcher by clicking the green button next to the red X button. Once you restart the launcher and then play the game, the cards will work.


ISSUE TRACKER: https://bitbucket.org/RealStillkill/viva-launcher/issues


Really? You should be able to do that. Ill check with the other devs.


It is a pity that you can choose only one version in the menu , so if you want to play the 0.7.8 or the 0.75b, you cannot install both, like in the minecraft launcher for example. This should be added in a future version as the option to choose in what folder you want to install the game.