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The in-game editor for character customization is almost done! I have decided to use the mirror as the station for customizing characters.

The above was a temporary preview method for my debugging but the full editor will use the actual mirror behind as a screen to preview full models. The editor will be just like the clothing customization wardrobe but with better features. There is a Browse, Create, and Tweak tab. Today I finished the create tab:

When you drag and drop your .viva3D file, the game will load the model onto the editor. Here you can see the information that displays:

 "Model:" which will display the model name.

"texture path for the skin"

"texture path for the right pupil"

"texture path for the left pupil"

"General information"

For general information, the editor will tell you the percent of expression sliders that your model is compatible with Shinobu's animations. Of course you are aiming for 100% but it will turn green if you have more than 70%. Right now it says 39% which is pretty bad so it's colored orange.

If you are missing a texture, the box for that texture will be highlighted red. For example, the above model's left pupil texture is missing and so it will notify you that it is missing and display the texture you should provide (loli miku pupil_l.png)

Much of what I'm doing is backend stuff so at the moment there is nothing to show visually besides the gif and images above. Tonight I am uploading and releasing my Shinobu model for Supporter tiers so you can check it out and see how it is built for the game. Also includes the Blender to Unity runtime export script to see it in action!

Stay tuned!



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