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The extras! I know I told people that I was going to make a catalog for commissions. However I've been working too much. There isn't a single day that I finish eariler than what would be unhealthy. But I will work on something that can be used. I'm more satisfied with paid requests though.




Very nice!


i personally don't like the style. it doesn't looks the same as albedo from the anime and looks weird and lack on something. only few that does looks identical. the same as the girls from Quintuplets this month. the Albedo's December style is way better BUT, idk if changing the style would also limit the pose. the dec 2023 lack poses. while this one are rich and unique. i love some of the poses here. 6th looks weird but i love 12th. and no i'm not demanding or requesting anything. just sharing my thought about this one. dec-jan-feb styles have better quality and style imo. i can see that you're playing around and experimenting something new this month. idk what other think about this new style.


Not one and not the other, I wasn't going to make Albedo as this, but I tried something with a new tool. Of course that from weird to identical could be a big difference. I don't like comments, as much elaborate as they can be, that harsh on something that isn't bad, of course could be better. I have a critical eye to these things, but for something to be improved I have to test and I can't be only testing. I need to publish what I do. I thought if I should've published this one, of course, but I'm already super pressured so I can't be excluding something like this. I just hope that people can get less reactive about the stuff that I'm doing and point out what they think could be improved. I can point out what is 'weird' here and that would be a better feedback. However I already know, but at least a second opinion would also be valuable. I want to make things better, but when someone says 'the other style is better' it doesn't help. I don't want to think of something that I 100% think is not ideal would be the goal. That's why I have to try new things. If I don't throw something into the wall and see what sticks then I would be doing the same thing over and over again.