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Need some recovery before taking a photo shoot for the nude set. I'm dizzy... labyrinthitis sort of kicking in 🫠

Tomorrow (hopefully) there will be a Kill La Kill set, but I did it using NovelAI as base, I think I'm going to ditch it for most characters, except for a few select that turned really well. I'll have to test more for other characters, but I'll go back to the default style I was doing. I still need to test other stuff with SDXL in my own machine.

This month has less days, but it will have more content actually, okay? I hope you can stick with me in this new phase.

February is an important month to me personally. There is also the lunar new year. I will make something for that too (cheers to my Eastern Asian friends who celebrates it). There will also be the start of the Fourth Waifu's Tournament and some other things.

I hope everyone has a great day and rest of the week. I'll try to bring something for tonight as well.

Peace ❤️




damn you really carried over on the images the absolute depletion of energy