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I asked you guys for suggestions and you delivered, oh boy! The problem is that I had TOO many suggestions, some of you listed more characters than I would do in a whole month.
There were some that I checked which didn't have AI models, others are too young, I'm sorry but Patreon REALLY blocks posts like this. I'm not afraid of the unknown, I'm just avoiding what I can't do.

What I wanted is if there is a way for us to make a monthly 'vote' on a hell lot of characters and each tier on Patreon would have a number of votes to do per month. If someone has knowledge on how to do it properly send me a private message or comment below, I'm trying to figure a way. At least you would have to place your Patreon name and email so I can confirm it's not a impersonation. I'll see if there is a way for discord bots or a simple website for that. Google Docs are possible, but I would have to ask you to login on google for that.

Anyway, people who gives me too many suggestions, I doubt you want to see every character you suggested equally, I would advise you to reduce your comment to max 5 suggestions (5 is a lot for me already). I'm 100% not checking every character suggested this time because it's too much time. What I'm doing is:
Read -> Do I recall anything about the anime or character? -> If no -> if it's from a small list I'll check -> if not I will skip because you already placed a hell lot of characters.

Another thing about models, even if the character has models, I'm trying to do stuff similar to the anime. So it's really hard to have a good model with similarity. Also there is some guys that do stuff for quantity rather than quality. One of you linked me one model from a guy that 80%-90% of the models are bad, the few good are usually commissions or sheer luck. There is also another guy who usually does good likeness, but his method of training is super bad for anime models (so why the hell he does that I don't know), so I usually skip them, I had too much headaches with those models already.

For me to train a model from a character some conditions must be met:

  • I like the character
  • It's at least somewhat popular
  • Doesn't have any decent model
  • It has original material available in more than 1080p
  • I have spare time for it
  • (OR I was paid, but I'm avoiding model commissions, not worth it for me)




Dude some where full blown list of every character in anime!🤣🤣


The job of verifying stuff there is being very hard -_-', but I really try. However it's the last time I do it like this, I need another method.


I like the tier vote system.