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To satiate the hunger for posts, since our tournament will have a small pause before second phase, these are the previews for next posts.
They are very low resolution in here, I'm still not finished.
Kagura - Gintama (after time skip) / Touka - Tokyo Ghoul.
Touka will have few pics, because I've spend a lot of time on the images. (She will be in Ghoul form too).

I plan to shift my content to a more customized/quality images instead of many images. But I will still do easier images when I can to fill more for you. I just don't think that I should repeat too much. Kagura will have some repetition in this way.

This month I'm still working 7/7.



Original Gimp

Wow, very nice.. I like both of them but I’m leaning towards the one on the left a bit more. Love the shift towards quality. 😗👌


Kagura 😍