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As I said I don't plan to make something bad for people who supports me.
But there is a paradox when I'm fully busy when doing things for you. I can't improve or make new nice things with more frequency because I'm busy doing what I already do. That plus I'm not getting enough money for my time. So I'll present ideas in here, this isn't final, but it's very likely to follow this new rule. You are all welcome to give me ideas, suggestions, etc as you've been doing already.


  • 1. I will keep the 1$ tier, but I will start separating my extras from this tier. It will have the usual daily posts with uncensored material. But some extras might be in upper tiers.
  • 2. There will be polls for all patrons and polls for higher tiers too.
  • 3. Some poll results might be delivered only at the end of the month by email or other means. So we will vote on multiple packs at the beginning of each month.
  • 4. I will reduce the amount of things I'm doing on each tier. So if you expected X images, expect it to be half or less. If you want specific difficult things the rule applies to it too.
  • 5. The patrons from tiers that are not from training, but want training should talk to me so we can think of specific solutions for each case. I will still train models, but the quantity will probably be less depending on how much you pay.
  • 6. I want to simplify my patreon tiers, but for now you can ask the same things, but I'll do less images, as I said.

Positives/Neutral Changes:

  • 1. A new tier will be available for participating on basically everything, as usual.
  • 2. You can donate via KO-FI, any quantity starting at 2 dollars. That platform should be a new way of dealing with commissions. You may prefer directly to PayPal or Patreon, so this is just an extra option. Having people donating there helps develop the trust so I prefer there over PayPal actually.
  • 3. If I have more free time, I'll be able to invest into many things for you too. I can make more and BETTER content. I can be really picky about how my images look and post different content. If I get better at what I do, your packs, sets, etc will be better too.
  • 4. For the web comics lovers ❤️I can have more time to make them too. I will also be able to accept commissions for them. I will decide if I should make a crowdfunding for the webcomics and how it will work. But if I do something like this, expect a huge increase in quality too.
  • 5. If you want to learn something from me, I'll have time for streams, videos and more tutorials. I've even setup an AI voiceover so I can stay in character. (Who knows if I can have a VTuber avatar, maybe?)
  • 6. I want to create new categories for specific niches. I need to think well how to implement. An example would be for people who like Retro anime, 3D games, Realistic, One Piece only, etc. There are many niches, you get the idea.
  • 7. I'm studying the possibility of selling packs separate in Gumroad and Booth.pm, but I prefer to make crowdfunding and release for everyone, because this kind of thing gets leaked anyway.
  • 8. I could have time to what I've been dreaming of which is making my own game. For that I can also make other offers for people interested in it separately.

You will rarely see someone as 'competitive' as me. So I always want to get better at what I do, you can have that I will increase the quality of what I do 100% and I'm always studying how the AI is evolving.

Let me know if you are against it and why. Other suggestions are always nice. If you want to know a target for my satisfaction. If I can reach around $1500-$2000 US dollars a month from the many ways of receiving money I would be way more satisfited. If you think that's high for what I'm doing, it's possible that your country currency is very inflated and I understand. I'm far from receiving that quantity and many AI creators receive more than that while doing less.



Original Gimp

Sounds good to me. I’m sure the process will take some time and tweaking to get where you’re making the money you want and not killing yourself doing it. Put your needs first, I don’t think anyone could fault you for that.

Walter Williams

Well AI is becoming a competitive market with more people doing it after all