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Project 1: Original Content

I'm trying to find a solution to keep continuing doing my OC without having to go through all the problems I had when I first started. I'm testing some SDXL models to help improving on that, because if I work on the SD 1.5 models I have a lot of limitations that needs to be surpassed by pure effort or luck. This one is a test and looks decently close to what I envision for the art style I would want for Yua.

Some people will say that they prefer the other model or another kind of thing. I'm not even trying to replace some of my OC images, but I need something better when I want to make more than 1-2 images.

So what do you think about this one?

Project 2: Doujin

As I was talking about it on Patreon chat. I'm working on Lucy doujin. It's nothing super fancy, but I need to work on parallel with the daily posts because it's more specific and needs more work than a simple post, so I prefer to spread the effort in days/weeks rather than making it in a single day.

Project 3: Tournament

I should start the tournament soon. I'll try to gather all the contestants until next weekend and start producing the tournament images.

Project 4: Game

I've seen very little interest from people in this project so I always push it for later as it's also the most demanding. I believe it will draw more attention after I show something ready. So this will come out of nowhere when you least expect it.

Project 5: Animations

It's very difficult to make decent animations, but some minor things might come out sporadically. There are multiple ways to approach that. I'm not talking about the result, but how it's done. I honestly don't like bone/layered animations. You know, the ones that the character is moving in a linear way with some members, sometimes squished by some post process effect.

I prefer the old fashioned key framed animation with the in-between like The Animator's Survival Kit teaches. I didn't have a proper animation class in my college, so everything that I learn is from experiment and reading.

I honestly believe that the effort doesn't pays off, so it's more like a fun thing.

However, I can make some animated backgrounds and maybe some hair animation later. Or maybe more vivid stuff with Animatediff.

Project 6: Tutorial Videos

As much as there are people who want tutorials, making them is almost throwing money out of the window for me. I have to waste a lot of time making them. Few people want it and it also breaks the "fourth wall" for some people who are not interested in technical stuff. Not to mention the people who try to copy me as if I'm the only possible way of succeeding as an AI artist. (Yes, there are people who copy me a lot and I know it's a copy because I'm also talking about how they watermark, how they write their descriptions and some other things).

Making videos takes time. I'm not going to record something like a 2000 Youtube tutorial of how to download Minecraft. There is production time and based on how shitty some reactions or gratifications are about my tutorials, I might get very stressed if people start complaining about the video as well. There is an important lesson here: You can win people to your side more easily by gentle persuasion and flattery than by hostile confrontation.

I will make tutorial videos, but I need to figure a pipeline for the production that will save me some time.

Anyway, I hope you have a peaceful time. Until next post!




I know the pain of trying to move over to sdxl it a pain but worth it I been using ponyxl recently and been getting really good stuff from it for anime stuff just need the right loras or goes into a mess


Yes, nowadays I'm using everything. I hope that with the release of SD 3 things will get better.


Curious but with this Yua being your OC, is she like your base design character for what you project yourself onto to be or the girl you wish you had?


None of those I guess. Since koikoi has more to do with my persona, but if you think of it most people would want a girl like her. It's just a character that I decided to make based in a imaginary universe that koikoi would be in, so I could tell stories and play a bit with people here. She started as a very short interactive story and evolved to a interactive webtoon.

Original Gimp

Yua looks great as always. Love the sticky foot mess