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Hey all! The baby came out healthy. Like most first-time dads, I completely underestimated how much time and energy a newborn can take (even with parental leave). Sleep deprivation (mostly interrupted sleep) and adjusting are pretty hard on me. Have not had the chance to touch my PC and think about gaming or videos.

Given this (and that I am making a big move in less than a month and then starting a new and intensive job less than a month after that), I am removing the paid tiers on my Patreon. I am unsure when I can upload content consistently again, and don't want anyone to forget to unsubscribe in the meantime. I'd like to do the custom equipment placement video at least before I move, so I will try to make time to write that up soon.

Thank you all for your support up until now. While it may be some time before I can consistently upload again, I hope to come back in a reasonable amount of time. I predict that I will continue uploading to an extent, although less frequently, because I find content creation relaxing.


Emanuel Pereda

Thank you for all you have done! Family comes first always!!!

Unholy OG

Thank you so much for what you have done. Best of luck with everything moving forward. I made an awesome class mod and couldn't have done it without you and your resources.