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the princess has been really nice lately! ....and rounder?

i've been rewatching adventure time and i was totally taken aback but how cute this random outfit PB wore at the end of season 7 was https://sta.sh/0y1pqzwb68e .... i immediately paused the episode and made a note to draw it later LOL. 

kicky/bare versions: https://sta.sh/21cqh0t5vue1



Miss Mouse

This like literally made my heart skip a beat holy cow

Beetle Boy3

I like the way you do the adventure time dot eyes. They are still simple, but they have shine and depth to them.

clinko clinko

back to your worm roots ….


looks like bubblegum is blowing up. I wonder how much larger she could become, great drawing Worm.


i cant unsee kirby

Seana Bombard

cute, peeb x marcy baby


Aha, I love it when you tell us stories about what makes you want to draw. Don't hesitate to do it again ;)


Now the question is the child Marceline's or is it some new science experiment?

