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Hey all! Gonna do a stream on Monday! Probably gonna do about 4 sketches once again! Please leave a comment below if you'd like to make a suggestion! Also, If you suggest a character, just let me know which topic you'd prefer (stuffing/preg/vore, etc)! 

Since this is OC month already I'll try and focus on all your OCs! If you already suggested your OC in the previous poll, you don't have to re-suggest them here! I'll go through the previous suggestions and pull a few from there! If you'd like to suggest an OC now then just remember to supply me with references!



Gonna resubmit my oc for convenience sake Her name's Skarlet, she's a demon giantess https://aryion.com/g4/view/598686 https://twitter.com/MR_RATTLEBONES/status/1286816461185413121 cant wait to see who you pick :) oh also id prefer vore for her, maybe have her eating a bunch of demons OR some shenanigans with Smauggie :P


I'll throw in my bunny mom OC, Amalia, with the topic being pregnancy: https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=1-1vgmO3mlW468qkrpIvNvHoTVrOd5RJt


I'll suggest my OC Jessie Kaine for some cute pregnant action. Probably wearing one of her goofy maternity graphic tees...may have dropped a book at her feet...that's gonna be a struggle to pick up. https://www.deviantart.com/sir-zagine/art/Jessie-Kane-char-info-791969432


*Sigh* Since it's your birthday month...catgirl GLaDOs... OG source: https://twitter.com/saiko_pu/status/1231596002743742464?s=19 Dealer's choice on the topic.


I'll suggest my lamia, Lunaria. A snek nerd for a thing for music. https://aryion.com/forum/download/file.php?id=272551&mode=view She can eat people. But would rather gorge herself giant buckets of fried chicken, cheese, and lots of soda.


My OC Maddy, pregnant: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1oXmKO-ZKagBlUyvOuI_VR6y8iIw83Z3i/view?usp=drivesdk

Jesus Jr

I’ll suggest Jessica Rabbit, Vore since it’s Cartoon lol. I’ll put up the image https://imgur.com/gallery/9OXlzc7

Violet Rose

I'll suggest hyperpreg Inari Tai having a bowl of pickles and ice cream https://sta.sh/2cre505qhba


Craving Control Lalia, food stuffing and much cleavage


Uzaki Hana (Uzaki-chan Wants to Hang Out!) She already got tig bitties, imagine what pregnancy would do.


Lampton’s Ms. Lynch. Vore (duh) https://aryion.com/g4/view/350125


M4A1 from Girls Frontline, stuffed with cinnamon rolls

Clarence Grant

If we suggested a character last time but did not add preference for vore/stuffing/preggers should we say that now? Because I would like to say vore but I'm perfectly fine with both of the others.


If OC's are still open open, I'll suggest OsmiumOrchid's Alice (dunno if she was already suggested ^_^;) Ref: - https://aryion.com/g4/data/603695-40315-1gyor83.png/Lampton-603695-miluinas_alice_refined.png


Can i suggest this one https://aryion.com/g4/view/624634 with stuffing (eating alot of fish) and vore (removing competition by eating a fisherman fishing her fish).


Ooo, well in that case lemme resubmit myself, but with my updated fauxhawk hairstyle, and of course vore https://sta.sh/0xuyv3tdfq


Kei or Yuri from Dirty Pair... one vored the other (is my suggestion)