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Some say there are other ways of catching Pokemon that don't involve Pokeballs! -(Professor Doctor Worm, shortly before being run out of town)




That poor Spinda has that look of "at this point, spinda knew, he fucked up" I love it. And that tum jiggle, you have really gotten good at making that look fluid my worm. Nice job

Lapis the Gardevoir

Only the most effective form of capturing Pokemon! So long as you don't mind the extra weight anyways~


Your first mistake was not using a type of plant or tree as an alias. I really like that you have some panels off to the side that built up to the animation. Good stuff!

Hugh Mungus

cute! I hope we see more of her again.


This is beyond perfect! Love her expressions.


Lewdlemage, I give you a "F"............ F for FUCKING FANTASTIC !


Very nice Lewdlemage : I'm delighted ^^. By the way, what's your favorite(s) pokemons ? ;)


D'aww, her loyalty to her master is absolutely adorable! Y'know, on top of her generally cute enthusiasm.