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Hey you guys.

A lotta issues happened this month, which I've oppened up about on twitter ( https://twitter.com/GotSomeHaps/status/1451256941435572237 ) .

I'm emotionally exhausted and consequently I don't have much to show this month, unfortunately. It's a huge shame cause I actually feel very inspired but everytime I go grab the pen I'm immediatly struck by more bad news. 

For that matter, due to the lack of content, I've decided to not bill you guys the next month of November. This way I will be able to recover and bring it back to you next month.

Wish me luck.




hope everything gets better soon <3 wishing you all the best


Wishing the best Haps, hopefully things calm down soon!


Don't you worry! I'm here to support you anyway


Take your time, self-care is important


Dont worry take your time , only important thing is that you'll come back better !


Haps! Thank you for letting us know. Appreciate your vulnerability and consciousness. I hope things settle as time passes 💜


Wishing you all the luck in the world Haps 💜


Happens to everyone! Never feel bad about needing to take time to yourself, everyone needs to be more aware of when they need a break. You deserve to rest! We'll all be around for you whenever you're ready. 💖😊