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Hi everyone o^o/

So around April 30th I was under the impression that it was back to the drawing board because the whole moving thing had been in flux since... January, with a number of "Yeah it's almost done yeah it's almost done" updates here and there, then interrupted with "Oh wait nevermind the sellers don't have the proper info from the IRS and their home country so the deal might be off". At the start of May, suddenly it becomes "HI! We're past the contractual deadline but GUESS WHAT it's on after all :D"

As such this has been a month with a lot of turmoil 8{ There's been so much to do, so much to clean, so much to... well, go shopping for, since I had very little to bring with me and am yet to have (learned to) cooked a real dinner that wasn't pancakes, salad, microwaved, or just having dinner with family since they keep calling me back for it 8X A lot of stuff is kinda broken and needs to be replaced, but it's only now that I think I'm fully set up and ready to go and god I'm so physically/mentally/emotionally drained x.x;

This has left very little time for art this month, and the month's nearly over without any auctions. As such I'm doing what I would've done (had I known this'd be so hectic for so long) and pausing billing for the next cycle. Patrons will not be charged again until July 1. This was hardly a break or a vacation, but I can't in good faith charge people to NOT make art (aside coloring April's thing and starting the next comic page), you all treat me too well as is ;v; so I'm basically pausing June billing to make up for the fiasco that was May.

There WILL, however, be auctions starting again in early June, as well as some party streams throughout the rest of the month (expect an update/future-plans on that in the next post.) And since the [living situation] has been resolved, larger auction stuff can resume too, starting with a 3D model since it's been too much of an eternity since I've done one of those.

Thanks for everything everyone ;^;7 Hoping next month will be better.


Alex Kay

Things worth doing are rarely easy so I'm glad you managed to make to weather most of the hardship and turmoil. Ya did good.

Foxly (edited)

Comment edits

2024-06-15 14:59:27 Moving is usually never a straightforward process with a lot to account for. Glad it sounds like it's getting there for you and I look forward to seeing your latest art again once you're settled.
2024-06-15 14:59:27 Moving is usually never a straightforward process with a lot to account for. Glad it sounds like it's getting there for you and I look forward to seeing your latest art again once you're settled.
2024-06-15 14:59:27 Moving is usually never a straightforward process with a lot to account for. Glad it sounds like it's getting there for you and I look forward to seeing your latest art again once you're settled.
2024-06-15 14:59:27 Moving is usually never a straightforward process with a lot to account for. Glad it sounds like it's getting there for you and I look forward to seeing your latest art again once you're settled.
2024-06-15 14:59:27 Moving is usually never a straightforward process with a lot to account for. Glad it sounds like it's getting there for you and I look forward to seeing your latest art again once you're settled.
2024-06-15 14:59:27 Moving is usually never a straightforward process with a lot to account for. Glad it sounds like it's getting there for you and I look forward to seeing your latest art again once you're settled.
2024-05-28 03:38:09 Moving is usually never a straightforward process with a lot to account for. Glad it sounds like it's getting there for you and I look forward to seeing your latest art again once you're settled.

Moving is usually never a straightforward process with a lot to account for. Glad it sounds like it's getting there for you and I look forward to seeing your latest art again once you're settled.