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WARNING: DUB CON CONTENT NOT FOR FAINT OF HEART! It has a lot of themes of losing a battle and him claiming you as the prize for him winning, mocking dom themes, messy sfx and a whole ton of him jeering at your fate, lifting off ground with cock themes, and a huge amount of cum! AGAIN CAREFUL IF YOU ARE SENSITIVE TO THIS KIND OF CONTENT!




OKAY! I did not know that this was Gojo in the live because man was MEAN, but am not dissapointed. I love me Mean Dom Men 😭, in fiction of course.


I AM SO EXCITED TO LISTEN TO THIS AGAIN!! I wasn't able to listen properly on the live, but from what I heard, OOOOO HES A MEAN MAN! 😳😳 "Quit your yappin~"...😶😶😶 "To give you the courage to take this Massive, Fat, Fucking Cock." MAN emphasized those words, I tell you. "You kinda Fucking suck at this!" WHY IS HE SO MEAN! I LOVE IT!! The dirty talk is SCRUMPTIOUS!!! He's degrading us and then giving backhanded compliments, but is still moaning 🥹🥹. Yall my Masochism is tingling fr 🙂🙂. Cece probably had to reach DEEP down into her soul to reach the degrading in this one because she's such a sweet spirit 🥺🥺... even though 👀👀. She does got a devious side to her 👀👀. Man really said he was gonna choke us out with his cock and then leave 🥹🥹. Those door sounds could also be heard as headboard sounds and AHHHHHHHH 🥹🥹🥹. Stay happy and healthy. Love you, Cece 💖💖