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Just felt like checking on everyone! I know I’ve been a bit silent this month but I promise it’s not for no reason! Been working on devising a proper debut and schedule for void as well as making some audios with visual components! (Think a kinetic novel!) speaking of the latter I was thinking of asking y’all what you want to see in terms of those! Would you prefer a continuum story like the older audio series but modernized? Or maybe something like a bunch of bite sized ones with no particular character/maybe some oc content? Could always do both as well! As for streaming things, I was thinking it might be refreshing to get to directly interact with y’all since it’s been a bit! Love y’all and hope you’re having a lovely day!



Would love to hear from some ocs! Hope you're having a lovely day too (>^-^)> !


Longer continuous storylines The combo of visual components sounds delicious 🤤


Wait your bringing Void back?? I hope I didn’t read that wrong because that exciting!

Mirajane Virfin

A continuing of the stories would be awesome! But I’m not apposed to new stories, characters or style of them mixed in! And if I may suggest, could you do a new Leon one?? I need more storryyy lol


Looking forward to what you have planned! I’d like some slice of life type story lines if you’re up to it. Just characters going on dates, falling in love, cute hangouts, domestic stuff. That’s always really comforting 🥰

Alma Razo

I'm gonna take up your suggestion of your bite sized, OC ideas. Something about how you really take the plot in a direction that I really adore. I liked the previous ones you did and your talent really shines a bit differently than your start product, your "bois," if I may.


I love the idea of the bite sized stuff but we gotta continue some of the stories that we have established. Why? Because they're also really cool!


If you need a video editor for the kinetic novels, I am an editor! Happy to offer my services if you need video and/or audio editing :)


I can't wait for what you have been planning Cece. I am super excited for it.


Whatever's going on Cece, we love your OCs! Especially void 😍🥰

Yep Yep

Excited to hear about more Void and any projects!😸


Both, both is good! I love listening to the stories, but then when I need a quick pick-me-up, the bite-sized ones are really nice to hear. Especially on days where you, Cece, need more vocal rest/a break! Whichever option you go with, I'm always happy to support you 🙏💕 thank you as always for asking!


I really miss your continuous stories but I love the bite sized stories. Maybe do a pole and see if there's a couple characters people would prefer a continuous story about and do that every few months to not burn yourself out? Either way it will be great!


I would love some more workout audios if possible! It sounds silly, but I find it easier to finish my runs when I imagine characters I like running alongside me or waiting for me at the finish line. Hearing their voices encouraging me during a tough workout is super motivational! Love you Cece! 💕


Honestly I'd love to hear something from Ouran? Like, I know, the anime is ancient, but hear me out: Tamaki being a praise heavy bottom, Kyoya being a soft but firm dom, the twins being bratty tops or a sandwich?? Hnng


Both would be great! Whichever one you want to do, I will be here supporting you! Just make sure that you are taking some time to yourself and not swamping yourself with work.


I kinda miss the continuation of stories! Love the idea of bite size stories too :)


Please do some Nanami🥺👉👈

Sinfully Delighted

I love the continuation of stories, especially when they’re connected through different characters.


I agree! The one thing I wish is that there was like a master list to follow the stories.

Phèdre nó Delauney

I miss the old longer stories but 30 min or so is about all I get free to myself. Both formats sound awesome