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Hi everyone, I'm so sorry about this, but I need to delay the sin call again as my voice has yet to recover enough to perform much in terms of voices. I think it may be fine sooner rather than later but as you can hear in the audio I am still very much in the realm of chain-smoking squeaky toy as a result of the sickies that happened. Thankfully it does seem to be improving day by day but I am hoping for tomorrow or the next day but in the worst case I think this weekend. Please don't worry, everyone will get the sin call experience even if the month goes over. I will make sure that even if you have to drop down a tier or any other circumstances, that everyone gets the sin tier and that its to the quality and performance that you all deserve. I apologize for the delay again from the bottom of my heart, but my voice is too damaged right now from the bout of flu/food poisoning/whatever the heck I had in the last few days.  Love ya'll and I thank you again for your patience, I promise I'll make things worth the wait!

EDIT: to clarify: I will make sure that even if you have to drop down a tier or any other circumstance, that everyone currently on the tier gets the finished audio and that it's to the quality and performance that you all deserver; just DM me here (or if you're in the discord server, on discord) with your may receipt so I can get the audio to you if you choose to no longer be part of the sin tier!


Wisp of Thought

Oh sweetheart, that sounds MISERABLE. Thank you for offering to extend the sin call past the month end - hopefully that lets you take the time to heal without feeling pressure to hurry yourself through the process.

Katsuki's Firecracker

Oh my god! I hope you are able to rest and relax. Your voice sounds like it definitely needs it. There is no need to apologize, and your health DEFINITELY needs to come first in this. Trying to push through it could cause further damage. ;A; It's okay to prioritize yourself too. We love you, and hope you recover super soon and take the time to take care <3


Oh darlin you sound absolutely wretched right now! 🥺 I’m so sorry you’re so sick and your cords are hurting like this but please! We love you to Cece! As so many of us said before PLEASE 🙏 prioritize yourself, your health, and your healing process right now, regardless of how much time it takes. Your well-being is far more important than literally anything related to patreon could ever be and you do not ever need to apologize for that. Stressing over it or worse trying to persevere through it will likely only result in you feeling worse and doing more damage to yourself as it is and NO ONE WANTS THAT. I mean this from the bottom of my heart, people care about you, not for just all that you do and the services you provide, but for who YOU are as a PERSON. It’s ok to not be able to give 110% or even 100% ALL of the time, you aren’t any less loved for it, k? Take care of yourself, and please rest, I’m sending you nothing but the best vibes and all the hope I have that you do make a speedy recovery 🍵🫶🍲


Oh my beloved CeCe, please please, please. Be careful! I know you’re so determined to get these audios out but I promise we understand. Your health comes before ANY and EVERYTHING! Take good care of your self love! 🤍


Poor thing. Please, please don't feel pressured to force yourself for us. If your past comfort audios have taught us anything it's that you shouldn't feel disappointed in yourself when things are out of your control. We all love a support YOU as a person not just your content. We are here for you now and we will be here for you when you recover. Please take this time to rest and relax and tell anyone that has a problem with that to go step on a lego! Love you Cece! Thank you for all that you do! 🩵

Chihime Nanami

Oh god, CeCe sweetheart, first of all we absolutely love and appreciate everything you do. You really are to good to us and are always putting us first. ..However, this is becoming a problem if you don’t take care of yourself first and foremost dear. Your voice sounds is saying it DESPERATELY needs time to recover. Not just from your recent illness, but completely overall. You have always pushed yourself too and past your limits for us. We absolutely love and appreciate you for all your hard work. However, CeCe your body is trying to tell you it needs a good long break to heal. You taking care of your health is NOT a crime. The audios are wonderful, yes, but YOU MATTER WAY MORE. Plus I hate to say it but if you keep pushing yourself the way you are you could damage your voice permanently… We don’t want it to come to that for you CeCe. You need to remember we’re not children and its NOT YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to meet our every wish and need. If someone complains otherwise then their clearly not mature enough to be on this platform. You are more then welcome and encouraged to take a break to take care of you first and foremost. We will always be here as continued love and support and ready to greet you with hugs and love whenever you return. ♥️ So please, don’t push yourself to recover as soon as possible. Please listen to our words of love and encouragement to try and just slow down and relax and focus on you and your recovery. 😊 💕 ❤️ 💗

Chihime Nanami

P.S. You have absolutely ZERO reason to apologize, you’ve done nothing wrong dear. Our love and support for you will not fade or falter regardless. Please just take care of yourself now


Awwwww Cece!!! Please don't worry about us 🥺🥺. We all completely understand that you need to rest up your voice. We don't want you to hurt yourself. Rest up well okay?? Love you 💖💖

Nadiya Dyson

Oh Cece, please to rush yourself. You need to take some rest. Please don't hurry for us, we will wait, as long as it takes, just focus on recovering. Hugs and kisses.💖💖💖💖💖


Gosh, I wish you a speedy recovery, the way your voice sounds seems very painful :(( Don't stress over it and take all the time you need to recover, health always comes first. I greatly appreciate you being honest with us and all your frequent updates. Rest up and take good care of yourself! A small tip I may give you if your throat is hurting and bothers you while trying to fall asleep - apply a small amount of tiger balm(that's what helped me) or any kind of gentle minty/fresh smelling ointment under your nose before going to bed, sounds silly but that's what saved me when my throat was ruined and no amount of cough drops before bed helped, it may soothe your throat and airways! :))


It will be alright Cece, just take care of yourself, we will wait patiently as possible.

Ω Ä§å Ω

Oh honey no, don't worry. Let yourself heal. I lost my voice the way it sounds like you have (earlier this year) and I work on the phone, so I know how hard you had to push just to make this little clip. I can't do what you can do, but I sing, and I wasn't able to take the time I needed to heal. It's taken me months to reach the high end of my register again. Take care of you! We will be here!