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I just felt like adding onto the last bit of the previous one in my regular voice, if only to be brave and try and share a bit beyond mere voice acting(not that I ever act without putting my heart into it but it feels more brave to do so in my natural voice.)

I love ya'll and I hope that somehow these words can help you, and that you won't be alone and I'm going to try and be more social, as some traumas have lead me to recluse quite a lot from talking to others because I have a fear that I developed of social things because of how many times I've been stabbed in the back. But I don't want to be that kind of person, I never did, I never wanted to be a recluse who can't speak her mind or fears the hateful people. I realize its trauma as well, its just not a trauma I'm sure of how to defeat without being more social and open. I'm going to try my best and try and offer as much as I possibly can of myself to help others as before the trauma too!! Thank you all for always being my strength and giving so much support and love, I want you to know how special you are and how you always give me hope. Thank you so much for being a part of my life.



Love it. Cant wait for shigaraki x dabi x listener. If there will ever be one.



Sora Tsubaki

We have to Thank YOU for all the hard work you're putting yourself through for us.You are very important to us all, please take care of yourself. We love you sooo much. Stay safe. I want to hug you so much right now. Thank you again.


Aw this is so sweet, thank you for sharing! I don't think I've been on Patreon long enough to have heard your voice as you before, this has made me smile so much. You're so supportive to your community, it's lovely to see (or hear)


We all love you so much!!!! 🥰💖💖💖🥰 and YOU ARE DOING GREAT AND PERFECT


Few months ago I suddenly realized my mother is getting older and have less time with me, my relatives have their own family and they don’t have spare time to take care of me, so these months I tried really hard to be independent and strong. It’s tired and tough, I don’t want to show other people that I’m a really soft and sensitive person (bc I’m afraid they’ll hurt me) so I’ve been hiding from my true feelings. Your audios and the stories you create are like the safe and hiding place I can escape from the cruel world I live in. Thank you for everything you do, I’m so proud of you.🥰


Praying to the Patreon gods that you see this. 🤞Can I please please pleeeeease get a dom Iida audio!!!! I've been so good this year please lol

Pheonix Cooney

I'm a 25-year-old female that's currently homeless in a battered women's shelter. This made my night to listen to this. I've been struggling and hearing your voice has helped me overcome a lot. Thanks for everything you do Cece and I can't wait for the years to come of well-done voice acting and great times.

Mystery Man

I'll keep you in my prayers for things to get better for you. You got this❣️

Madison Wright

I’m here for you too Yagami Yato. I know that you probably don’t have it easy either and I just wanted you to know that your fans are here for you too

Montana Destiny

I’m so glad I’m working away from people while I listen to this, that way they won’t know I’m crying. 😣❤️‍🔥

Hippie Of The Sea

We love you so much. I hope you know we support you and your continued generosity of your talent.


Everyone loves you just as much if not more Cece,, and I wish you the same comfort, happiness, and love you try to give us. These audios where we get to hear your piece is brilliant, it makes people acknowledge that you are a person with feelings too. As someone who was positively effected by your work these past couple years, I couldn’t be more greatful for and to you. There’s nothing more I would want than knowing that your just as safe and cared for. This is getting a bit long lmao but I love ya,, take care

Sora Yukai

I really needed to hear something like this! These days have been rough but.. Thank you so much for always putting your heart into everything you do <3 It connects with everyone in different ways. Always for the better! Thank you <3


could i be so greedy to ask for a comfort for when listener is overstimulated? i am currently over aware of every pulse that is flowing through my body and cant wait for the sweet release of sleep 💕 congrats cece!! have a good day/night :)


I haven't been a Patreon for long but your art has really helped me! Especially with a certain part of my relationship with my husband LOL. Your comfort audios really help me a lot as well since I'm a student studying ceative writing while having massive imposter syndrome (among other mental health issues LOL) No matter what I'm feeling whether it's up or down, I listen to your audios and it instantly makes my day better. Your art is really helping people and changing their lives, but remember to take care of yourself too! We love you CeCe!

Moonlight memories

We love you too thank you for this I've been having a really bad couple of weeks your art is amazing a friend who is no longer a friend recommended you to me a while ago and I've been supporting you ever since 💗 💖 💕 ❤️

Moonlight memories

I'm trying to get back into creative writing and acting I pushed my dreams aside for toxic and Narcissistic family members who refuse to believe I'm dyslexic


I'm so sorry. Don't be afraid to chase your dreams. I'm in an online program at Southern New Hampshire University and the writers workshops and etc have done wonders for my writing and gaining confidence. I SUCK at things like sentence structure, grammar, and etc even though I only speak and write in English but...that's why there's editors! Haha. Best thing I can recommend is keep writing, check out videos on YouTube by people like Brandon Sanderson who has lectures from his writers workshop, Abbie Emmons, Overly Sarcastic Productions, Hello Future Me, do the NaNoWriMo (nonprofit organization you can join for free dedicated to writing) challenge, etc. Keep looking for your muse, last year I found out I can bust something out while listening to a playlist such as "The villain is smitten but it's a playlist" or "A soundtrack for the anti-hero" or "You're inside the cosmic horror world of H.P. Lovecraft" and etc. Read and watch everything in your genre and outside of it, I can't tell you how many times that I've heard people reference The Lord Of The Rings (I haven't read it yet LOL), Harry Potter (IE how the goblet of fire is the Arthurian myth of the holy grail), Avatar The Last Airbender, etc. Look into Literary Theory to gain deeper understandings of literature and applying different theories (such as New Criticism) which helps you gain more insight into writings of the past especially if you like medieval writings like The Canterbury Tales. Put your work out there. Just do it. Send it to people you trust, post on a reddit forum, use NanoWriMo. You'll learn very quickly which feedback you find helpful and the feedback you brush aside and especially how to not take things personally and even learn to WANT to have the feedback. Good luck on your journey! Xoxoxo


Hey, I just wanted to tell you that you’re doing an amazing job, and everyone here really appreciates you. Healing isn’t linear and if you’re backsliding don’t feel bad okay? It’s all part of the process, even if it sucks sometimes! Trauma is difficult, but eventually you’ll heal okay? Take it slow! You got this. When the road ahead Is hard to see, you just gotta focus on what’s under your feet instead. All of us are really proud of you and how you’ve grown as a person, and I personally can’t wait to see who you’re going to become in the future! The healin never stops, even if it seems slow sometimes! Oh! One last thing, if YOU are ever in need of some comfort, The movie/book “The boy, the horse, the fox, and the mole.” Is a realy comforting thing I love! Take care of yourself friend! We all believe in you, and we’re here to support you!!

Rayne Silverwing

You are doing amazing Cece! Take your time, we are all here when you are ready to reach out. <3

Jessica Ranum

You are amazing!!!!!!! Remember you need to take care of yourself also. You are brave. Thank you for everything you do for us. Remember you are also a person just like you remind us ❤️❤️❤️


Cece, I'm sure you get this alot, as you should, but I will reiterate anyway, you're an incredible person! As much as I wish I had discovered you while trying to escape my abuser, none-the-less I'm extremely happy I found you a few years ago and glad that everything you've done throughout past years is here for many others to discover and help them escape and heal from any terrible situations they may be going through ❤️ Thankfully I'm all good now and so much stronger now that I will never allow myself to be put back into a situation like that again. Your voice has taken me on many, many journeys and has always left me feeling happy since you're such a kind-hearted and caring person who truly has always had the interests and safety of your fans at heart, which is actually pretty rare to see these days. The storytelling, your words, and your comfort messages really mean alot to so many people, know that you're loved and we truly do care about you too, it isn't 1-sided, thanks for everything you do for us, for entertaining us and helping us through whatever we go through be it big or small, I hope we're able to do the same for you ❤️❤️❤️