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WARNING: He's quite demanding, lots of themes of him spoiling and tending to listener and lots of sebby being sebby with a hint of sadism, lots of love and a ton of demonic flare :D

NOTE: This month should be interesting! There will likely be more tier posts than any other month unless something happens to my voice! I got plans for almost every day! I hope you all enjoy!! 




OMG CECE!!!! WHAT IS GOING ON?!?! 😫😫😫😫. I will probably pass by the end of the month if you do keep this up 😌😌. Please take care of yourself too 🥰🥰


Sebastian 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗




Sweet goodness Cece we are definitely going to be spoiled this month


I didn’t know I was into pet play like this😳

Lina Mellbo Cedermyr

We are truly getting spoiled!! 😍😍😍 Be sure to take care of yourself Cece! Honey tea is supposedly good for your throat and voice, if you like tea 🤭

Katsuki's Firecracker

Wow! This is exciting! Please remember to take care and rest, Cece, and thank you so much for the new content! 🥺❤️


Sebastian with Neko-San is some of the most comfortable affirmations and care I have heard.


I love the pet play in this omg orrjdnej. Thanks CeCe!

Common Ghoul



Fudge.. the voice is nailed perfectly.. when you compare the original and this you find no differences! I am shocketh.. such a good work! 🖤


I am waaaaaaaay past my kuroshitsuji phase but this is GOOD

KenziiCosplay (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-08 18:27:22 Oh my God, please!! I have such a good idea lol… I picture Sebastian bound somehow, and we being extra cocky or bratty take advantage of that, and just tease the living hell out of him and as you do, so he gets more and more feral like in a “I am warning you… you’ll be sorry if you keep this up” and we just continue to tease… You can either end in a “ well, you certainly showed me a side of you I never would’ve expected… But I like it“ (listener is more of a DOM) or a “ see what happens when you play with a demon?“ where at some point he gets so feral he’s able to break his bindings and he just dick destroys us for being such a fucking Brat!!! Either way… We either get a taste of his subby side or his feral side lol
2023-02-06 21:14:01 Oh my God, please!! I have such a good idea lol… I picture Sebastian bound somehow, and we being extra cocky or bratty take advantage of that, and just tease the living hell out of him and as you do, so he gets more and more feral like in a “I am warning you… you’ll be sorry if you keep this up” and we just continue to tease… You can either end in a “ well, you certainly showed me a side of you I never would’ve expected… But I like it“ (listener is more of a DOM) or a “ see what happens when you play with a demon?“ where at some point he gets so feral he’s able to break his bindings and he just dick destroys us for being such a fucking Brat!!! Either way… We either get a taste of his subby side or his feral side lol

Oh my God, please!! I have such a good idea lol… I picture Sebastian bound somehow, and we being extra cocky or bratty take advantage of that, and just tease the living hell out of him and as you do, so he gets more and more feral like in a “I am warning you… you’ll be sorry if you keep this up” and we just continue to tease… You can either end in a “ well, you certainly showed me a side of you I never would’ve expected… But I like it“ (listener is more of a DOM) or a “ see what happens when you play with a demon?“ where at some point he gets so feral he’s able to break his bindings and he just dick destroys us for being such a fucking Brat!!! Either way… We either get a taste of his subby side or his feral side lol


Hey, Cece. Don't know if you will read this. But I can tell you are tired and forcing a lot of things. The last year I have noticed your quality has started to slip. I believe it is due to exhaustion and lack of creativity. If I am wrong. Please tell me. I have noticed many things that have happened, background noise in your audios that shouldn't be there, repetitive vocab, and just plain losing interest in storylines that don't make sense or match up in the end. I know I'm going to get bashed here. But I want to help you. I want to be a helpful supporter, not just a YES woman. The example I could relay most is this Sebastian audio. The repetitive simple vocab, him constantly repeating the same thing over and over again just in different ways. Yes. We understand he is enamored with the fuzzy cat ears. There can be a more sophisticated way of saying things. He's a several hundred year old demon, with a high and mighty personality. He looks down on many things, his vocab HAS to be more than simple words. He is much more tactful than that. So, I recommend you take your time and NOT RUSH audios. Most of us are fine with 15 minutes of praise. For instance, a Hawks sleep audio, or a character saying "Hey. I know you're tired. But I'm proud of you. You're wonderful and amazing and there is no one else like you in the world. Keep on being you." Simple things like that would go so much farther then an hour of audio. It would also be easier on you. Recommending putting out an hour audio every couple of weeks or once a month while you make small snippets between them. Okay, I'm ready for the bashing.


Thanks for telling me your honest feelings! I think it’s difficult to be creative consistently, let alone with the endless desire to one up the last piece. It’s a bit tough to maintain the level of creativity and still function however I am trying to get back into more story based things like with bakugou and the back rooms and some oc stuff! I know it’s not perfect and I probably have to work on the situation placement and such a lot! Like you said it’s easy to repeat too often when the audio is very long or semi long depending. The less I am familiar and practiced with a chara the more likely it is I will be less good at diverse conversational aspects. I think I simply need to find my focus again and get back to the daily posting. I just have struggled with forcing my creativity as much as I used to if only because I’ve become increasingly manic so it’s difficult to sit down and focus sometimes. Regardless I’m gonna keep pushing forward and beat the burnout! I’ve got a lot of fun stuff like a story with video components and maybe a start over of the storylines redone with similar timelines to better iron out the happenings. Like a second draft or more polished take on old pieces. I’ve got a lot of passion it’s just become very much a “what can I do to make things recover/better” and I admit it’s half my panic that fuels things sometimes. I’m terrified of dropping quality and I’m trying my utmost to make sure it doesn’t happen, though obviously I know it does sometimes. The proof is in the viewership/patrons leaving. I never want things to be about numbers or money and I will never let it be about that aspect. But I do feel like I’ve lost a lot of my touch and will have to work very hard to get it back. This place is my everything and I know sometimes it may have ups and downs but I don’t intend to let things be taken lightly or simply roll over and let quality decay. I will bust my ass to make things proper and try and keep this place thriving! It’s not easy and especially 2022 wasn’t easy but I’m not going to let this year simply repeat last years woes. Much love and hope that clarifies a bit and gives some understanding of the situation and hopefully it doesn’t come across as me making excuses. Because I won’t, I can and will do better.


I agree and you shouldn't get bashed for caring the way you do I also support this situation and hope you take better care of yourself much love ❤️

𝓒ǂ๑𓍼ᯅ𓂅﹅_𝓝𓂅 (edited)

Comment edits

2023-03-09 14:16:27 I do support comments like this because I know you're not trying to bash Cece or have a go at her, you genuinely do care about her because youre giving constructive criticism. Plus you're also putting her feelings into consideration. I hope others will see this as supportive as well 😊
2023-02-09 06:44:28 I do support comments like this because I know you're not trying to bash Cece or have a go at her, you genuinely do care about her because youre giving constructive criticism. Plus you're also putting her feelings into consideration. I hope others will see this as supportive as well 😊

I do support comments like this because I know you're not trying to bash Cece or have a go at her, you genuinely do care about her because youre giving constructive criticism. Plus you're also putting her feelings into consideration. I hope others will see this as supportive as well 😊

𝓒ǂ๑𓍼ᯅ𓂅﹅_𝓝𓂅 (edited)

Comment edits

2023-03-09 14:16:28 We're cheering you on Cece! It's understandable that change does take time, focus on yourself because we all just want you to be well and I'm sad to hear that 2022 was a hard year for you. I hope this comment does give you the motivation to keep going and wanting to improve yourself. However big or small the community may be, you'll always have supporters who care for you. 💖💖
2023-02-09 06:56:35 We're cheering you on Cece! It's understandable that change does take time, focus on yourself because we all just want you to be well and I'm sad to hear that 2022 was a hard year for you. I hope this comment does give you the motivation to keep going and wanting to improve yourself. However big or small the community may be, you'll always have supporters who care for you. 💖💖

We're cheering you on Cece! It's understandable that change does take time, focus on yourself because we all just want you to be well and I'm sad to hear that 2022 was a hard year for you. I hope this comment does give you the motivation to keep going and wanting to improve yourself. However big or small the community may be, you'll always have supporters who care for you. 💖💖


I have gone through burnout. Don't push through it. The last one I forced took me 3 years to overcome. It is one thing to force creativity. It'd another to have it inspire and drive you. If you ever want help, I and many of your followers are willing to help put out writings for you to help take some stress off you for creativity's sake. Put out on your patron discord that there will be a theme for a month and have patrons submit themes for their fav characters. For instance, March- drinking, drunk, alcohol related. April- pirate themed. May- rainy days or caught in a storm. These are just suggestions.

𝓒ǂ๑𓍼ᯅ𓂅﹅_𝓝𓂅 (edited)

Comment edits

2023-03-03 14:34:00 It may just be me but I think that accent is perfect 🥰🥰. OMFG, so I listen to the audios with my Bluetooth headphones right? But the thing is I'm also paired up with our Sonos speaker that we keep in the bathroom. When I pressed play on the audio again, I couldn't hear anything coming out of my headphones so I was like wtf?? THEN I HEARD A VOICE COMING FROM THE BATHROOM AND I WAS LIKE SONIC AND PAUSED IT BECAUSE IM UP TO THE EATING OUT PART! But I was so lucky that I was up to 23:45 and he was only talking 😃😃 25:5 Those mouth sounds are perfect 😩😩. The fact that he attached himself so quickly and then continued to eat her out slowly is just 🥴🥴. "Who have fucked themselves to death upon my manhood" SIIIIIIIRRRRRRRRR THAT IS 🫢🫢🫣🫣🫣🫣🫣🫣. My God. I know that is quite morbid, but still like that 😀😀😳😳 43:40 It's so cute how he uncertain of himself 😂😂 "Do be a dear and don't bite your tongue off now~"....is that a pun? 😂😂😂 Also is it just me or does anyone else find it fascinating that he tells us about how his previous partners basically lost their mind while being with him? Likes hes warning us for what's about to come and that just makes it more exciting 😀😀. Stay happy and healthy, love you Cece 💖💖
2023-02-12 07:12:33 It may just be me but I think that accent is perfect 🥰🥰. OMFG, so I listen to the audios with my Bluetooth headphones right? But the thing is I'm also paired up with our Sonos speaker that we keep in the bathroom. When I pressed play on the audio again, I couldn't hear anything coming out of my headphones so I was like wtf?? THEN I HEARD A VOICE COMING FROM THE BATHROOM AND I WAS LIKE SONIC AND PAUSED IT BECAUSE IM UP TO THE EATING OUT PART! But I was so lucky that I was up to 23:45 and he was only talking 😃😃 25:5 Those mouth sounds are perfect 😩😩. The fact that he attached himself so quickly and then continued to eat her out slowly is just 🥴🥴. "Who have fucked themselves to death upon my manhood" SIIIIIIIRRRRRRRRR THAT IS 🫢🫢🫣🫣🫣🫣🫣🫣. My God. I know that is quite morbid, but still like that 😀😀😳😳 43:40 It's so cute how he uncertain of himself 😂😂 "Do be a dear and don't bite your tongue off now~"....is that a pun? 😂😂😂 Also is it just me or does anyone else find it fascinating that he tells us about how his previous partners basically lost their mind while being with him? Likes hes warning us for what's about to come and that just makes it more exciting 😀😀. Stay happy and healthy, love you Cece 💖💖

It may just be me but I think that accent is perfect 🥰🥰. OMFG, so I listen to the audios with my Bluetooth headphones right? But the thing is I'm also paired up with our Sonos speaker that we keep in the bathroom. When I pressed play on the audio again, I couldn't hear anything coming out of my headphones so I was like wtf?? THEN I HEARD A VOICE COMING FROM THE BATHROOM AND I WAS LIKE SONIC AND PAUSED IT BECAUSE IM UP TO THE EATING OUT PART! But I was so lucky that I was up to 23:45 and he was only talking 😃😃 25:5 Those mouth sounds are perfect 😩😩. The fact that he attached himself so quickly and then continued to eat her out slowly is just 🥴🥴. "Who have fucked themselves to death upon my manhood" SIIIIIIIRRRRRRRRR THAT IS 🫢🫢🫣🫣🫣🫣🫣🫣. My God. I know that is quite morbid, but still like that 😀😀😳😳 43:40 It's so cute how he uncertain of himself 😂😂 "Do be a dear and don't bite your tongue off now~"....is that a pun? 😂😂😂 Also is it just me or does anyone else find it fascinating that he tells us about how his previous partners basically lost their mind while being with him? Likes hes warning us for what's about to come and that just makes it more exciting 😀😀. Stay happy and healthy, love you Cece 💖💖



Rosa Andersen

"whos a good girl" OML

Tabitha Guss

Working down the list, I have like 12+ audios to go through before Nanamin’s soft dom.

Tabitha Guss

Ufufu~ Like bruh don’t touch my nekomimi parts without permission. xD