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Love ya'll hope you are doing okie! 


Holly Williams

After being sick for two weeks I have had to cram three weeks' worth of school work into three days. To say I am exhausted is an understatement. I really needed to hear this.

Lina Mellbo Cedermyr

I pretty much had one of those "neighbours from hell", and he stressed me out to the point that I got sick (curse you sympathetic nervous system). Not to mention I was stressed for almost an entire year before he moved in. He's finally moved out, but the pure exhaustion I have, it's almost like it's so deep that it's in my bones. It's really annoying for me, because I want to get back to what I was doing, but almost as soon as I start, it can get overtaken by the exhaustion. So this audio really made me feel better 🥰❤️