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Hi everyone! Love ya'll! Sorry its been a bit hectic lately! Workin on a 7mih and then maybe a comfort too :3 thank you for sticking around and being so kind to me!! 

WARNING: has lots of demanding spoiled Dom oikawa, some mentions of problems in listener's life (to try and support them through it.) lots of feral moans and themes of generally being very much a demanding lover. 




Vulnerable Kawa fucks me up every damn time... aaagh


Love this man 🥰 🏐💚💙


I listen to this at least once a week 😭 my favourite part (hard to choose) is when he says “Not there” *patpat “…Here.” The slight whine and breathiness of his voice sounds so intense and affectionate and I just get butterflies and other things 🙏 thank you thank you thank you for your imagination and talent, Cece! My quality of life has improved ever since I discovered you 🥹❤️❤️