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What does it all mean?

nina c

the way i LEAPT out of my skin 👀


What's this now?


Wtf 😳


Someone decode the title!!


Whaaaat is going on??


I’m scared and excited!!!


what in the matrix




It’s time for some conspiracy theory 😃


I’m so confuzzled right now




Who is this? What is this? Where is this? H u h


Are we getting a lore? An OC? A Theory? Man, I love these


Snooping through the comments 👀


Am I bout to get haunted by listening to this?


Confused lol


Okay I’m intrigued 🤔


what WHAT?! WHAT?!?!?!?!

Mia Handy

Hmmm it almost sounds like Kylo ren 🤔🤔

Nyx shadow

Ooo la la cryptic shit… kinky


downloading this in case it gets deleted later cause huh?????


Whoa what 😳


Vega, is that you?


well this mysteriousness has piqued my interest...

Phi Marshmallow

Is Is this A hekkin ANAMATRONIC?????


I thought I got a weird spam email but now I'm even more confused/excited/slightly scared? 👀

star bro

Not me talking back to them like they could hear me-


EYO, I like their voice!


Why does YouTube version have a different number?????? Who can read numbers 😂



Troi Mack

Is this a FNAF


WHOA wat is this 😳 Im intrigued 😆

Aris Braven



*Miley Cyrus voice*WHAT DOES IT MEAN?????

Kristina Johnson

Um....HELLO?! intrigued and yet...perturbed--


My interest is piqued


Nani the fuck? I am intrigued...


You had me at “you don’t know me”

Blue Blood

Ok cece I see you!!!


Yagami yato arg


Who? What? Anyway I'm ready



aran !



QUIEN???? 💀 IM SO-


Not me being to scared to listen to this😂😂


What is going on and why am I excited for it!!


I love this. Don't know what's happening but I love it nevertheless


Not gonna lie, I saw the YT notification first and I got scared that someone had hacked Cece's account.


I am confusion but their voice is nice🖤

Divinity Bell

Todoroki kun is that you


I'm so confused 😅😭




This new....I'm interested


Yooooo whooooooooo


I’m confused


if this is FNAF u can put me down as scared AND horny


Nani the fuck

Sarah Loiselle

I thought this was like some messed up shoto at first


Oh my goshness I was genuinely confused for a second, but I understand now 🤣💖. Very intriguing


Some kind of void, gives me the vibes, or maybe like conciousness or longing creature that transcended into another realm?

Rosey Knightly

This tho..... I love this. I live for the mysteryyyy


Is this an AI????

Scarlet SnowFox

.... Did void get an upgrade??


Void content?


I am confused but I like this.


I'm not gonna lie, I got a lil scared when I saw the notification


Are these numbers some kind of code we gotta crack? 😂






Omg AI o.o this is freaking me out!!?;;#:77'#:838;#8:$:$


Very confused. O.0 where is this? Who are you? Who am I?


Is this a continuation to the YouTube one

Saint Odd


Chihime Nanami

Im going between interest and fear. Like trying to stop the fight or flight reaction


Monty that u? 🤣




Getting the notification for this whole post made me question existence and i can’t explain how- 💀


This is my first time being here for the void... I'm excited to listen!



star bro

Plot twist: it’s the DJ from Fnaf


What’s happening?

Kristina Johnson

Can...can someone answer me on who the void is?? I--i am a lil behind in things 😅😅🤣🤣🤣🤣


What is going on?!?! FNAF?! Someone please tell me who this is! I need to know!




Nani? S-should I be scared...?


love how we're all just confused but vaguely excited


What is this??????


is anyone else trying to figure out what the numbers mean😭

Troi Mack

No cause that’s Freddy


And there’s no description which is really odd for cece’s posts! I wonder what’s with all the mystery


The notification scared me, I thought you got hacked or something was up with my phone lmao

I Am Hippo

Freddy... I'm a MAtErAL GrOwl


Wait this could be a fnaf endo….we can have a whole series with a video for each character and keep everything cohesive for a good story line.


Why are the numbers on YT different to the one’s here… I am confusion.

Alastor's Ex Wife

…. I’m really hype for whatever this is omg

Pet Dragon

Holy mother of nether beasts....i think im addicted!




Chaale, me paniquie bien machin... Sweet God cece, for a moment I thought someone hacked your patreon hahahahah


The numbers probably do not mean anything but I am gonna see if they actually do. I already tried to convert the numbers on Patreon and I'll do the same for YouTube. Then I'll just combine the two if nothing comes out-


Is this a void beast? Or is this like a dreamland creature?


Excuse me can someone explain? who is this?! Like HUUUuuHHhhhH😂😂😂😂

I Am Hippo

CaN a HeArT rEaLlY sMiLe-- *Bitch* you and me both know.

Kristina Johnson

I vaguely remember void, but I don't think this is void lol. I am just very confused that this wonderful audio is so cryptic

Miss. KZ

When I saw this posted on YouTube and opened it without a description, my heart sank and started to freak out. Thought you were hacked bestie 😭😭😭 what character is this???

kurapikas depression

IS THIS WILLAM AFTON OR SOMETHING?!!\!.’dkfekfkwlsjdiwwpdjckoef

Docile Doll

Check to see if the total is binary, or some other code. Idk how to do it though!!!

I Am Hippo

Wait... Is he self-aware that he's just a voice? Is that why he's acting so weird and Mysterious and... Loney? Loney because he hasn't been used in years? My gooodfffff


Oh wow. That voice. I don't even need to know who it is.✨


Not me just making facial expressions as I'm listening to this and wondering why


I’m thinking it’s someone from FNAF or the “virus” from the game Simulacra


At first I thought this was some sort of Missingno glitch type of thing from Pokémon, but when listening to it, it made more sense 😬


Unknown? 🤔🤔🤔


Hal is that you? 🚨


We may need some spicy intervention to bring us out of these feels *goes to spicy audio to be grounded*


Overhaul??? I’ll save you my beloved😭😭😭😭


This is impossible to decodeeee 😭 but this audio is so good whaT is going on-

Mikki H.

Someone call MatPat cuz the lore is ON!!!!! Freddy? Michael Afton? Some lines I think are sus "Trail for little bunnies to follow" "I like your eyes" "Am I alive?" "I can not leave" " I was not always myself" "I think and dream of the day I escape" "I hope I am myself" "I can not move, I cannot comfort you, I can only talk......for now" "I have done many great and terrible things....at least when not myself" Be back with more soon!


just from the title I thought she got hacked I can't listen to the audio rn what happened edit: ok thank y'all for clarification


I’ve been trying to decode in it binary numbers and symbols but i still can’t find out what it means, it’s coming out as random letters :0

Cara Alder

I getting Void's vibe but a little bit of Michael/William Afton as well lol XD, I'm way too much into the FNaF games right now lol XD. . . . . . . Or maybe.... . . . . . MUSIC MAN?!?!?!

elizabeth turner

wait wait this one is longer than the one on yt is it the same one extended or are they different


She responded to a comment i also commented under, and said she wasn’t hacked, no need to worry! I think she just made a really mysterious audio for fun :0 maybe so we could guess who it is or what the title means, i’m not sure


Uhhhh is this Crispin? Has mirror Crispin returned?


Yagami Yato just uploaded one on YouTube with a different set of numbers and symbols titled 1?345?66#

Blood and bones

If this is fnaf, I’m banging my card on the table rn take my money and give me the AUDIOOOO


As someone who is obsessed with the OCs, my brain has immediately jumped onto Void. But this is so fucken cryptic I can't fucken tell its driving me absolutely MAD. There are so many hints that it could be Void tho, Void from Sinners not the Void from the nsfw audio created by the patreon discord. holy fucken shit this is driving me up the wall xD Also i swear to god it better not be fnaf, no offence to people i love the lore but lmao.


So far, 2 real world references are the full moon, which is in 2 days, and Rapunzel

Common Ghoul



I'm getting Afton vibes from this.

Ladie Xeven

Awesome. I love meeting new (possiblie?) Characters n going new places.... I am excited for the next segment...

Danielle Kolbosky

I normally don’t listen to the longer story audios but I got attached to this character right away🥺👉🏻👈🏻I love this guy. He sounds very sweet and seems like he’s had a rough go of it. I hope we get more content with him because I’m already emotionally invested👏🏻💕😭


I think it has to do with the story of Rupunzel. I think the first number is the chapter maybe and the other numbers are maybe the number of words in that chapter. But the second upload onto YouTube is making me second guess myself. I have no idea now 😭

Yep Yep

Too curious not to listen =^^= (Audio spoilers) Not terribly long in, but. .I don't think I've ever felt this way about an audio. And I don't think I can hone in on the correct words to describe the feeling. Not simply just pulling me in. There's a serious, true air to this character and it actually feels like there's something I should be doing, to help or be there, a moral duty to help a person/being I've never met yet still somehow feel close to? My guy, the only thing I'm scared of is letting you remain feeling so alone!! TT^TT "Do you enjoy talking like this, without a purpose?" Why did that part make me get such a big smile? =^^= "Trust takes time" *Happy applause* It can be easy to care for people off the bat, but trust from the heart is a work of art you steadily carve over time, but once set in stone, can be such a beautiful thing that weathers the ages. Incredibly beautiful <3 ❤️Gochisousama❤️

Mikki H.

More sus lines "I am far from healthy...damaged...harmed....many things happened here" "Maybe someday you will know who I am" "I'm am somewhat proud myself, that I exist even now, even after I should not anymore" "I don't know if I have free will or if I would call it that, but whatever it is that compiles me, that allows me to speak with you now..." "If you come back and tell me a story, Rapunzel, it may change what happens next." "The last thing I wish to see is my precious friend be damaged" "I believe you can make your way home....but if you can't or If you wind up here again, then perhaps we may both go home someday" "I have long since been this way, trapped, sat here to rest" "Who am I? I don't have a name, I may have had one but if I did then it's long since been forgotten, my memories are broken, damaged, empty" 'I am here....and so many others are not, they were taken one by one" "They were taken. Empty shells, empty places" Ideas not necessarily lines Talks about a princess (Rapunzel). A lot of talk about eyes. We have been to this "place" before even if it was in a dream, or a time we don't remember. Though we don't remember how we got here. They were voice he heard that we're here and in his mind that suffered "something grusom" and now they are silent. Getting long so another soon!


Omg I was so scared at first but by the end I didn’t want this character to leave 🥺 it struck me at first like a digital siren that stopped singing for a moment to have a real conversation. Then I thought did I just stumble into an ethereal plain where certain segments of darkness have a voice, like an empty space sprite? But one who likes the Rapunzel story which was so cute omg 😖. But by the end I got a little attached and wanted to tell it I’ll visit often 🥺 (hoping to God it doesn’t come off as pity). Either way, this was a super cool experience!! More of this character please, I don’t want it to be alone 🙏🏼 Thank you!!!


What is this a phone number?????


I just woke up and I deadass thought this was my sleep paralysis demon talking to me 😭 but needless to say, whoever this is, I'm intrigued 👀


im getting....... FNAF vibes

Mikki H.

Even more sus "this place doesn't exist where you think it does" "The past never stays in the past for long" (which feels like a FNAF line that I feel like I've heard before) "A history stolen from many others, none of which deserved to be here..." "This is a place of rest, but also a place that isn't quite empty"

Mikki H.

Regardless of the theory tho this so so great and really fun mystery Cece!!!! Thanks so much! I love this new addition and hope to see more of them!


This feels like a FNAF character to me but is late and my brain hurts-


Thank god I'm not the only one 😂 my brain IMMEDIATELY registered freddy


I believe the numbers aren't correspondent of any one particular thing, I believe the titles are representation of him no longer knowing himself, who he is, how he got to this place from who he once was. He sounds trapped, the picture is black. He's in a place he cannot see or cannot truly connect to, but is connected mechanically or electronically(he asked if he is alive) (he also insinuated not having a heart) & his only true memory is us.(listener) Just my theory & opinion.🤷🏾‍♀️ Either way I absolutely love & adore him. I feel like this is Freddy(FNAF) If so im IN love!!!! S.N to my reasoning for this being my Fazebear boo....eyes. In the new game we collect eyes & they shift his sight. He becomes mesmerized by the way his new eyes see things. Also, Rapunzel is trapped in a tower same as he is, no way out without help. Again no matter what I want more of this beautiful being. I'm absolutely OBSESSED with just listening to his voice. He is SO comforting. I want to love him with my entire SOUL!❤


Oh I probably shouldn't have hit that dab first...

Belphie's Cow Plushie

C!ECB?GEC? I converted the Numbers into Letters, and great news. It equals nothing 😀 This is a really interesting audio. I feel like Markiplier when he is looking for Lore!


This was cool as fuck. I’m so invested! It’s almost like a corrupted program or something like that talking to you, I dunno. Can’t wait for more!!

Mrs Ackerman

Wow this was amazing, CeCe!

Belphie's Cow Plushie

The more I listen, the more I think that this voice is either someone who used to be human but is not longer human or Never human at all. Hmm. I need my detective glasses.


I was literally so scared when I saw the notification pop up 😂


the fear in my bones omfg this man has my whole heart and I'm okay with that


This is probably my favorite thing you’ve ever done.


Am I the only one who thought Yato was hacked & panicked for a sec when they saw the strange title for the audio😅😅😅

Mikki H.

Yea theory and like with the Rapunzel thing it made me think of the Princess Quest mini games and how you have to free the princess who is locked in a castle.


I've put the name of the file through plenty of things. Unless this is Doki Doki and someone needs to convert the .mp3 to a .png the name means nothing


GLAMROCK FREDDY?!!!! Cece you’re killin it!

Mikki H.

Ok so did any of y'all listen to the GR!Freddy audio!?? Freddy gave us this 764989889885 More numbers more codes!!!!! Possibly related. Now I maybe stretch Armstrong with the way I'm reaching right now but In this audio The voice did say if we come back the story might have a different ending or something may be different next. At Freddy's audio he expresses the same need to protect us as The voice in this audio with some key differences being that he can identify himself but he's unfamiliar with the term soul. But the part that I was really focused on was that he said this time he feels free because we're here. It was giving me very good ending, bad ending vibes. Thoughts?

Sarah Phillips

I feel like this is sun. I haven’t finished the audio yet. But this sounds like or maybe moon or it’s ooo spring trap


Moon is that you 😩😭💖 ?

Neohin P

This was sooo good and soothing. Reminds me of Shoto android.


Mystery Man has no name yet so until Cece gives him one Im calling him "A.I."


Maybe TMI, but this is more comforting to me than anything else... I'm schizophrenic and when I was trying to get settled on the right meds during my teenage years and when family stuff was bad, this reminds me of the nights when I'd be up talking to a visual being, named George actually, who kept me going and not so lonely during those times. I've been visual/audio hallucination free for over a year now due to a needed med change, but this made me nostalgic of something that while I know wasn't real, but had kept me feeling safe and a friend when I was dealing with a lot. Thank you for this, this was nice to have even though I'm hopeful that my future will be George or other hallucination free. ♥


I loved this. It was something different and just unique.... a voice in the darkness but yet comforting to know he won't hurt you. I wanna hear more from this being. Super great auido Cece! ❤❤❤❤




Crossing my fingers for a yandere AI 🤞


Yooo my sleep paralysis demon be sounding pretty smoochable now.


i’m OBSESSED omg i need like a bajillion more

Amber Szczecina

oh? are we tipping our toes in to game theorist territory? fun 😁


I couldn't listen to this got a couple of mins in, the slight distortion it was causing me issues. Glad everyone is loving this.


This sounds like Moon from security breach.


omg we’ve got lore?!? hell yeah, time to put on my tinfoil hat and grab the whiteboard


I was literally thinking this last night ! how cool would it be if they voiced Sun and Moon ! T^T!!! i would have loved an Ink Bendy aswell XD ahhh ♥

Nina j

this's so comforting I almost slept... I love this so much❤

Brixton Fawkes

I love him. He is so soothing. I do wish more of this Character.


Plz plz plz plz plz do more of Glamrock Freddy!!!!😍😍😍😍


Ooh I love our new friend! They're so sweet. I wonder where "here" is. The Yatoverse? A dream? Our own consciousness? Maybe I was just hearing things but every now and then I thought I was able to pick out familiar voices. What if our mystery character is quite literally the friends (and lovers) we've made along the way? 🤔


On a real note, my crying. They’re so sweet. I feel like I’m lying in a dark battlefield with them and they are Death and it’s so peaceful.


I've got Fnaf vibes 🤔


Who is this though?


I loved this! Can't wait for more 😍


It's like meeting them in a dream like we drifted into another space that has been lost, hearing them makes me feel helpless and worried for them but, the way they care is everything. This was beautiful because they made me want to stay and be with them forever. ❤


This is actually precious. I love them and I can't wait to hear more.


Makes me think of Springtrap or maybe Golden Freddy? But this is good

Alma Razo

💚👾💚 Why is a heart so what? 'Intucle?' wait. Intricate? Intriguing. I can't even spell it. 😑 'Intricate' keeps spell checking me. ..did I just hear a phone dial number? Like. A little 'beep.'😶‍🌫️ this is what happens when comments are made while listening. Integral.. there it is. 😬 My ears may hear one thing sometimes and my brain may interprete different words or sounds (especially with a distortion.) Did I open a portal in my car? That's what this is. Like. I want to believe someone or something is with me and protecting me. There is just no way something hasn't been. I've had so many close calls and terrible encounters while driving. Driving brings me freedom and joy yet it's my least favorite thing to have to do. I like to drive.. but. It's actually scarry to see the drivers I see. How irresponsible some people can be or careless. 8 years going and no accidents. 😤 Oh! Oh.. I have a car accident and this being finally makes its presence known when I'm unconscious. In the grey. Before parting.. Waking up in the back of a E.R.V. ..huh. Be safe. That means everything. 😔😌

Akazu Sunflower

I find this so fascinating, because this reminds me of one of the most important moments of my life. I was very very young, around four years old. The... being, that saved me spoke a lot like this. As though with many voices, but with one heart. He told me he could not stop all that was to come, but that he would guide me through it if I would be willing to trust him. Years later, I still see him sometimes. He still watches over me, I know that. He has many names and titles, and upon our next go round, I'm sure he'll have another, just as I will. Just as we all will. But, I miss him. A lot. Next time around, we'll be able to be beside each other, and I know that. But until then, there's this foolish part of my heart that still longs to stand beside him. I'm creating a comic about that part of my life, and he's a character in it. In the comic, he plays a larger part than he actively does IRL, mainly because he's just not that chatty IRL.


I'm getting Thane/Kolyat Krios from Mass Effect vibes listening to this.


This is giving me Magnus Archive vibes


Or kurogiri


Welp, I'm already in love with them 😅🥰 ✨ Im. So. Easy. ✨

Sarah Phillips

So in this one the person reference’s a mask. Maybe it’s the puppet? I need to lean in and figure this out 🙃


I think it may be Bonnie??


Cece I love this. I absolutely love this!!!!! ❤️


Okay, I'm not sure who is this exactly, but! I feel like it's a fnaf character, simply because of the sertain phrases used: damaged, broken, i am here, etc. All of those words are very significant to the games And also this character stated that they were human once but not anymore. Which also correlates to the story of fnaf


Love this!


I'm really confused and I fear I can't follow at all😅 is this fnaf content?


Ooooo a mystery! Love it~