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Enjoy! It will probably take a few days for things to settle so please be patient! This is the biggest tier so it may get flooded quick! The admins will get to you as soon as they can :3 Love ya'll!!

EDIT: The discord server will be a bit slow to accept everyone, but once you get in it should regulate :3 Thank you for your patience.


Join the Yato's House Discord Server!

Check out the Yato's House community on Discord - hang out with 6,257 other members and enjoy free voice and text chat.



Hi, I was banned from your sever for “having and alt account” when this is the only account I have. My account is: Mikachu#4208 I believe this occurred when I asked in “General Questions” why I didn’t have my Patreon roles even though I’m connected to my Discord account through Patreon and pretty much asked if this is an issue due to moving up a tier. I was about to reach out to a mod about the issue and suddenly got banned from a false accusation of going against the guidelines. I wanted to know if this was a mistake or misunderstanding to the ban. If not then I understand completely for the staffs decision, I just want to have a clear narrative to what is going on. Thank you.


Ah, I’m not entirely sure as I don’t usually have time to moderate but I would suggest dming an admin, otherwise I’ll see what I can find out




It's saying I'm banned? :(((


Anyone else not getting past the verification thing??




Yagami, I don’t have access to any admins because I’m banned and don’t have the usernames. So that’s my issue there, I don’t have that access to have that conversation with someone.


something’s wrong with the verification bot, i’ve been trying to get in since the invite was available for my tier (10) and it just keeps saying there’s an error


I have the exact same problem! I don't know why I'm banned and have no access to any admins account :(


Me: Hey, maybe I should joi-" My social anxiety: No 🥰✨ Me: okay. understandable, have a good day.


Me: yay finally the link is up ! *clicks on the link* The links: no❤️ (I’m trying to open it and it does open but then nothing appears on discord :') )


I read the rules and I am not a fan of having a channel #not-my-arwork that doesn't require credit in order to post. Still love what you do and will continue to support but I won't be in the server.


I think verification with the password is broken


May I ask why no HxH pfps? I think it’s pretty harmless unless it’s a pfp that’s nsfw


I think the bot isn't working properly?? Or is it just me?


how do i send that i’ve paid for the tier when it doesn’t send to my email...? i’m an active member but i don’t want to be kicked from the group because it doesn’t send my receipt to my email


Thank you Miss Yato 🥺❤️


Can someone tell me how the discord works please 😔


I was excited to join but with how broken everything seems to be I don't think its worth it.. kinda sad about it but oh well..


Hey yagami! I tried entering the code for verification but I accidentally put a space in between the word and now it won’t let me verify ):


Ummm this says 5 teir so I thought it meant only 5th teir people could access it? But I only have the 3rd teir and this is showing up or maybe I misunderstood


I believe there is a way to check transactions on the patreon page, though I'm far from an expert, I'll try and figure out!


its because discord bots are not meant to handle the load of many thousands of people trying to join at once, I apologize ;; it will settle down in a few days, its just sort of like when I post on here and sometimes things get a little laggy, the platforms are a bit shaky on large volumes of things at times.


Thank you for this!


Can I censor my address and driver license number for the ID verification or does everything need to be visible and unobstructed


I already join for the 10 tier discord, can I join for this one too?


It’s normal if the verification take more +30min 🥺 just want to be sure if everything okay with it


I covered up pretty much everything on my ID except for the picture and DOB and still got verified.


I was about to ask the same thing !! Like I get it with KS and boku no pico, but why hxh?

Kara Tyrell

All the admins are on the side that says ✨ADMINS✨ just message one that says verification open after you read the rules and enter the password in the verification chat.


Dammit. I have a rehearsal.


I had the 10 tier but I didn't get to verified yet because I've been too lazy to take a picture of my ID 😭😭😭

Kai Jenna

Yes I’ll just stay here on petreon till I’m 18


I can't find the password


There so many


Thank you, I appreciate it😊


How do I know if I got it


I don’t have an ID because the office near me has been closed due to the pandemic. I sent my birth certificate for the DOB and my school ID for the picture but it’s still saying I can’t be let in😔


I'm not super comfortable with sending my ID without censoring my picture, I don't post that stuff online anymore :(


Sent everything, now we wait


The discord bots are overloaded with people trying to join. Just keep trying and you will eventually get through :)


Are you trying via the discord app (whether on PC or mobile) or via desktop?


The bots can get a little overloaded come the days when new tiers gain access. Just keep trying :)


I believe I sent the right things, been hours hope it is all correct


Is anyone’s working? It’s not working for me...


I don't have a billing statement, since I joined on October 1st/2nd. Does that mean I can't join the discord until I get one next month?


I'm having a little trouble joining. I put the password in and then it tells me to wait 2 minutes?


Has anyone gotten in after typing the password? I'm confused on why I'm not in yet. It's been a few hours. 😅😭


Idk! I'm confused too


So I guess mine just went through. They want proof of age. Like DL. Then like a screenshot of your tier and then a reciept


And none of the admins will respond to me now😰 all of them are on do not disturb and say verified closed


I sent the password (copy pasted the rules to save them) and the password changed so I’m vibing in the waiting room.

Itachis Wife

I'm really confused. I've been trying to put the password in and the boys keep saying to try again in x amount of second. But I have to sit there for 15 minutes. I don't understand what I'm doing wrong. I've out the password in correctly as well and all other requirements


I'm confused too but after u put the password something called "yatos- foyer" should pop up with the rest of the instructions to get verified. I don't think u have to put anything else in the verification page where u put the password

Itachis Wife

Oh yes! I have that here now. I'm new to discord so still trying to work things out!

Itachis Wife

It's kind of hard to get passed the verification process when all the admin are in "Do Not Disturb" mode. I've been waiting hours now


Well they probably have like 100+ messages to look through. So I'd say be patient and wait for them to get to you

Carolyn Mellon

To everyone who is still waiting, I am not an admin but please remember, this is the tier with the largest number of subs for Yagami's patreon so please, remain patient! The admins probably have 100's of messages to check and go through as well as their own day to day lives. Give it time, once you have sent the required details it will take time for you to hear back, like on every other tier as well.


I’m just waiting for an admin to verify me now but I know they’re busy so I’m ma keep waiting 😌 I sent the info at midnight too so I’m sure that didn’t help lmao


Patience is key. There are many of us and few of admins. (Y’all are doing great!!)


Hey so I've recently joined this tier and haven't got an updated receipt, like it says I've only paid for the $1 tier. Am I going to have to wait till the 1st again till I can join because then I'll have an updated receipt?


i’m having the same issue with the 25 tier, so it seems like it


It won’t let me in ::((( it’s ok I guess


Still waiting to get verified since 10th tier 😭😭😭 the admins hate me 🤚


idk who to dm i'm nervous to DX


I’ve put the password in multiple times and nothing has came up yet..


i trying to dm any of the admins for few days but noone answer while i asking question bc i dont understand the message and i cant get inside the rest of the server


I spelled the pw wrong in the verification nfksnfosndossk


Hi! I never used discord before so i'm a little confused, i put the password, but i'm confused with the next step, it said that before DM an admin i have to have a certain role, but where i can see if i have it or not?:( and how to send the screenshot of the information asked? When i click an admin it just allow me to send written messages, how can i put the images?:( Sorry for the ignorance, i just really confused, if someone can answer me i'll really appreciate🥺🥺