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So I got to thinking, would you all be ok if every now and then I put the comfort audios together into a yt video to share. My thoughts on it are, then ya'll get it first and in the bite sized pieces, but then later on after a few are posted, every now and then people can maybe see it and possibly get some happy feels if they really need it.

Just know no matter what you choose I totally respect it, there isn't a right or wrong answer and I want everyone to feel the patreon is worth it, I just thought this may be a way to help those in need sometimes :3 



Absolutely yes! These comfort audios make my day and i would love for others to hear the encouragement 💖


Everyone should get to hear them


Yessss love the comfort audios. That one Bakugou one was very encouraging 🥰


we stan a considerate queen 💖💖




This is why we love you 🥺 you’re so sweet


I think everyone deserves comfort ya know


100% yes! I love the comfort audios!!!

Maritza Sanchez

I need the encouragement just like others


of course!!


The amount of times I fell asleep to those comfort audios, I should probably be charged rent.... Yes, please upload them to YouTube.


Heck yeah!!


Everyone deserves to hear the comfort!! Absolutely 💓


Do what makes you happy queen


Who said no-


I think it's a great idea to share them.


Yesssss! A thousand times yes 💝💖


I think that would be a great idea. Gotta share the love.


everyone deserves comfort 💕


I don’t see an issue with it 💕


It’s whatever you feel like Yagami just make sure your taking care of your health thank you for doing this


yes!!! share the love🤗💖


Everyone should have the comfort they need, so absolutely yes!


Everyone deserves a bit of comfort 💓


spread de luv and happiness


In the end it’s your content hun you can do what you want with it.


everyone deserves comfort. 🥰


Share the happy


please do what you want! it's your content to share! :)




Everyone deserves to feel the love and happiness!!


everyone deserves good vibes 🖤🖤🖤


your comfort audios are really peaceful! they should be shared for everyone. we have other “patreon” exclusive stuff :)


That would be amazing! Everyone should hear them and it’ll brighten so many people’s day ^^


aw yes ofc spread the positive vibes!!


We gotta share the the love 😌

Kuroos Chibi Chan~

They’re very comforting and everyone deserves to listen ❤️


Comfort is so important. I think it should absolutely be shared!! 💜💜💜💜


Yes that would be so good!!! So many people would feel happy to hear there faves comfort them!


Definitely yes! They’ve totally made me feel better or fall asleep and I think everyone deserves a little love


Yes! The comfort audios are amazing and it can help someone having a hard time.


Especially with the Fatgum one you just posted, everyone deserves some serotonin


Of course!! Sharing is caring and your comfort audios are the best🥺💕


Everyone deserves the happy feels absolutely yes😤💖


everyone deserves those serotonin blasts 💙💙💙


Absolutely! They always make me feel so much better and I know there are others that need those happy & encouraging words. Comfort corner is honestly exactly what I need on bad days 🥰💕


i think it's a great idea! thank you for being so considerate of us but I agree that some of them have been REALLY needed during hard times and I think some other people could totes benefit from it <3


I really love the comfort audios. As someone who has low self esteem and depression those audios high key help a lot. 💕

Sharon D (Karma's Loyal Pet)

Yeah....share the comfy loves. I'm all for it. Some people can't afford Patreon so that would be something nice for them to enjoy too.

Bumble Bee

I really appreciate u wanting to share your comfort audios, some ppl may not be able to get your Patreon but hearing can those help a lot of people. 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕


Girl I absolutely love this idea everyone deserves care and compassion 🥰✨💖


Everyone deserves to feel good✨💕


Please I have listened to the bakugou comfort at least four times and it really made me happy ❤️ I cannot thank you enough for them


My daughter would love to hear some of her best bois via yt since she's not old I enough for the crazy stuff. (She's 14)


I feel like we already get a lot here, plus it’s wholesome content that anyone could listen to when they’re having a rough time. I say go for it


Everyone could use the pick me up and comfort, every now and then!!


This is a great idea to help people, even the ones who's cant or havent subscribed to your patreon, you're an amazing and kind person, keep doing what you're doing and know we all love and support you!


Who are the clowns that said no-🗿


That’s so kind of you. I know for a fact that the comfort pieces makes me all fuzzy and warm inside. It’s something we all need during times like this. Love you!


I love this! It’s a definite yes from me!!


how can someone say no wtf


Yes please !!!


Thank you for taking our feelings into consideration!! ❤️


Absolutely! Everyone deserves to feel that comfort, especially with the world the Way It Is.


i think this’d be a great idea! that way even if patrons get it first people on yt who cant pay can still get to hear their faves say comforting stuff 😲


I’ve been going through a time of stress recently and the audios have been such a big help to me. I’m sure they’ll help light up some people’s days as well


Everyone deserves a little happiness! And i know they will be so happy


Do it!!


I feel like this would be a great idea! There’s always the other patreon exclusive stuff, your audios are such a big help to so many people 💕✨


everyone would really appreciate the kind words from their favorites. thanks for all you do.


who said no🧍🏾‍♀️


Yes 100%! I wouldn’t mind if people got to hear them! I think people deserve to listen to something that could help them feel better about themselves to their situation 💕💕


They’ve helped me and I hope they help everyone else :))


Most definitely CeCe!! Your so kind!! I think that’s a great idea and they would very much appreciate it :)


Yes everyone needs a little pick me up and acknowledgement


The audios helped me feel better when i needed it, so Im totes down to share that love with others


I think that's a great idea! The comfort audios are so helpful and encouraging and I think everyone deserves that if they need it. So go ahead and spread the love 💗


For the ones who might need it it should be available. Besides, it’s good to have soft content too.


Paying for the patreon subscription will always be worth it if it means I get to support you! Please post it on youtube! I hope other people can get comfort from it like I do. Thank you for everything! ❤🥺👉👈


To the people who are saying “no”...why tho?


Omg yes!!! You're so amazing


I feel like people on YouTube could 100% need the comfort Audios. The ones who can't afford to be a Patreon would legit love you so much for doing this!


everyone deserves to feel comforted by their husbandos! 🥺


i totally think you should spread the good/happy vibes to everybody! times get tough and i think people would like the access to hear some wholesome content from one of their favorites


Absolutely, yes! Your space is a literal safe haven for me and others, even on YT. I believe everyone should hear words of encouragement, especially if they could possibly be life saving, y'know? 😊🥰


Yesssss the comfort audios are so nice and encouraging!!! Definitely need to share them!


Paying for your Patreon was always more about paying you for your hard work to me. The extra spicyness also makes it worth it. Those comfort audios have really helped me out and saved my day a few times already so I'm def fine with you sharing them.


That would be great! Spreading the love with the videos instead of it just being limited to us.


i can’t even express how thankful i am with your thoughtfulness. do absolutely everything that you’re comfy w queen 🥰


Id love for everyone to have access to them. I think they help a lot of people through dark times ^^ so I'm always ok with that

Marie Noir

Everyone needs some comfort, I say post it!


We all need happiness! It's so wonderful that you even thought of this and that you are using your platform to help others! Don't forget to take care of yourself too! And to everyone please stay safe! 💙🎃🦄


Your comfort audios have really helped me after my own breakdown a couple weeks ago, and I think it'd be amazing if your work went on to help other people too ♡♡♡


This is a great idea! I get so much from the comfort audios and i love the thought of putting them all out for others to hear too! You are doing an amazing job with all of these! I love your works! Thank you for all you do for us!! ❤


Everyone deserves to feel the love!

Dark Dragon

Absolutely. The comfort audios are just as heavenly as the spice content 💖


Yes of course! The audios could help someone out of a really dark and shitty place and we need to support one another anyway we can 💖


100%, these comfort posts are what helps me get through the day and I’m happy to share that love. 🥺♥️


It's a great idea. This will help alot of people during these times. 💕


The first art of yours i heard was a kiri cuddle comfort on yt and I fell in love. I might never have even come here or reinstalled patreon if not for that audio tbh. It helped me A LOT


I think you should! People in the discord were wondering if you’ll post them to YT since they don’t have patreon 🥺. They really want to hear them and I know it’ll make them very happy!


I'm down for that! Everyone needs comfort you know? 🥺👉👈💕


Of course I mean everyone needs comfort and some ppl aren’t old enough or have the money to spend but everyone needs comfort


I think it's a great idea! Everyone deserves comfort and a chance to feel loved and cared about, and we already get so much on here that there's no need or reason for us to be greedy.


why are ppl saying no? everyone deserves this 🥺


comfort audios should absolutely be shared. no doubt.


I think everyone deserves your comfort audios Cece 🥺💕💕💕

Madeline Milliken

Oh yessss sweetie everyone needs them ❤️❤️


I live for these comfort audios they make me feel so much better given I'm in an environment that makes me feel absolutely worthless 95% of the time. Thank you so much for being there for me when I feel so alone 😭😭😭


Every one deserves comfort even if they don’t have the expenses


You are so considerate to ALL your fans and that is one of the things I find AMAZING about you! Your comfort videos have definitely helped me out of some bad times, and I think everyone should have that experience. I'm just happy to be a supporter weither I'm "getting something out of it" or not so I would love for everyone to experience even a piece of the love you put back into your patrons! GO FOR IT!!!

Tia Grantham

You’re a beautiful soul and we greatly appreciate all you do for us, but of course we’d love to share your hard work with anyone who may need to hear some comforting words from their boo ♡


Comfort audios should 100% be on YouTube. I don’t really understand anyone saying no??? These audios make me really happy and I think EVERYONE deserves to listen to these.


Most creators post content early on Patreon then YouTube. The way you’ve been doing it already more than most ☺️ I think the comfort audio could benefit so many others and the reason I love this content so much!!!


Everyone needs to hear the comfort audios onehando percent it can help a lot of people just like it helped us ❤💖 and thank you for doing that for us cece


Everyone deserves some good ol comfort audios! No complaints here 😊


Those are easily some of my top go to audios so I think that everyone should have the chance to feel as cared about as I do when I listen to them. Especially with the state of the world.


It’s always great to help people out! I feel like it’s a good idea. Listening to comfort audios can truly assist someone. <3

Dr. Chibi✨

I know I was having a hard time a few weeks ago & I came home, showered, cried, & listened to comfort audios. Made me feel a bit better. I feel everyone deserves to feel good one bad days too. PS thank you for those. 😊


Whoever is saying no, stop being selfish. Comfort videos should be for EVERYONE!


That’s totally a great idea :) the comfort audios help me a lot and I feel like everyone deserves to have a comfort that’s so nice of you to do that 💕💕💕


Yes!! Everyone deserves a little comfort and encouragement. 🥺🥰💕


It’s a wonderful idea! The world is going through some really tough times right now and i think lots of people could benefit from such sweet and comforting audios.


i think its glitched bc its not letting me select an answer, but YES ABSOLUTELY!


Yes that sounds like an amazing idea!! I think everyone would love access to the happiness. I know these audios help cheer me up, and I’m positive that they will help others as well💞

Rebekah Kiggins

It’s amazing to hear how much of an effect you have on people through your audios. I will support this wholeheartedly ♥️


Yes I'm totally here for the comfort and encouragement audio pieces 🥰🥰🥰💜


A lot of people need this kind of love and comfort too! I use patreon as a way to support you and your amazing work of in the end! So I think it's beautiful to share the happiness you bring to us with everyone 👉👈♥️


Yes! Of course! That's an awesome idea!


More positivity? Sounds good to me 😁


Girl yeah it’s your content I’m just glad I can have it, these comfort audios have really helped me since I became a Patreon, ❤️❤️ much love to you❤️❤️

Dynasia McCoy

I totally would say yes. Thankfully I’m not in a place where I need to hear those audios at the moment but there are plenty of people in the world that need to experience the comfort. Those type of audios aren’t patreon exclusive in my opinion because everyone, no matter what their interest in content is, can benefit from it. Spread the love!

Questionable Decisions

Comfort Audios really help me when I’m feeling down, so I’d be great if they could reach more people and help them too


You’re such a beautiful and kind soul omg spreading the warmth and love to everyone! 😚💕❤️


Comfort videos are what make my day, especially when I'm having a super tough day


Of course! Everyone deserves a chance to feel loved!


Go ahead everyone deserves to have the warm feels your comfort audio brings!


I'd love to see the audios helping everyone else ❤️❤️ spread all the love


I personally don’t listen to a lot of the comfort audios but absolutely LOVE listening to the YouTube content before I fall asleep. You’re so incredibly kind and sweet to be considering your audiences on all platforms. So I would definitely say go for it! 💕


I'm lucky and privileged enough to be in a position to vote. I can't imagine how comforting my younger self would have been to have these audios so I have nothing against you eventually posting these. I believe it's on par with your caring heart and I always trust you and your decisions.


If the comfort audios can help to uplift even more people then I’m all for it!!!! Let’s pass around the good feels😊❤️


I think everyone needs to hear the Bakugo comfort audio. That audio did SO much for my mental health!!


I feel like the comfort/encouragement videos should be available for everybody to able to see. So putting them on YouTube would be great so everyone can get an extra boost when they need it most. :)


I think its great to get more people to support and get tour name out there. We still get to have it first which is dope, i see no problem with this at all :)


The more kindness we can spread, the better. We have tons of great audios that are private, why not?


The comfort audios have helped me on some of my worst days lately. I think everyone should be able to listen to it so go for it!

Bec Ember

No I was actually just thinking this yesterday! That if some of the short comfort audios you've been making recently were up on YouTube, they'd be able to help more people relax and feel happy


I think it's a great idea to put the comfort videos on YouTube, everyone needs and deserves a little moment of comfort and love onece in a while, I believe love should always be free and accessible to everyone ❤️


Definitely share it! I really love them and I believe it should be shared!


I think having it available to others would be great! I know they helped me, and I can imagine they’d be helpful to others.


I think the comfort videos should be shared with everyone! I know no matter the person everyone has things or problems that they are dealing with and need some comfort! You are so sweet to be thinking of everyone!!


everyone deserves the comfort audios !!!! please share them!


#relatable they've pulled me through HARD times and everyone deserves that feeling


Everyone should get the comfort vids!!! We never know who it will help!


I'm not so sure why this is a question when we know it's going to happen anyway considering how popular and helpful the comfort audios are. If they help others then go for it.


When I first started listening to you, I was in placement. Everything in my life had already gone wrong. I was an early mother , I worked all the time , my kid was a handful, foster family treated me like garbage, system made everything difficult, child's father was threatening to kill me and was stalking me and my real mother was on bad drugs and putting me down any time I seen her. oh and I was failing school because I never slept 😅 my anxiety was fucking horrible. Then I found you , making audio of my favorite characters, a way to escape. Shit I'll never forget the kiss under the stars audio for bakugou because I broke the fuck down and got the fuck up . I busted my ass off and listened to it almost every day when shit got rough. I know this is probably way too much information but I can't even begin to thank you enough. Now I have my own apartment, cys isn't in me or my kids life, I got a PFA on her dad and I kick toxic people out of my life. I'm turning 19 on the 1st of August and even after all this time I want to do what I can to support you 🖤 so , whatever is easiest for you 💜💙💜 and thank you!!




I wanna have a “chat” with the 36+ people who said no-


I pledge to your Patreon to aid in your content making, not to gain exclusives. Please do what you want to with your work.


I try not to listen to the comfort ones (going through some personal things) because ik I will definitely cry. But its not uncommon for people to experience hard times in life. Maybe one audio can save someone and help them feel better about themselves. It can be hard for some people to have self acceptance when they don't feel like they even belong anywhere in the first place. Everyone needs a lift in life every now and then; just being the fact that you want to help them out and put your thoughts into it means a lot. We love you Yagami and the things you do for us. Other people deserve to be happy too! ❤❤


Cece I was just wondering if we will get an oikawa birthday special- take your time tho sis stay hydrated


Why keep all the happiness to myself? We can all share.


If you say no come sit, i’ll offer you a nice hot cup of “you’re being selfish”


The comfort audios are my absolute favorite so I'm all about sharing them with others!


Them 36 people are selfish asl fr. Y’all don’t deserve Yagami’s NSFW content at all.

DaLila Senpai

That’s a great idea I think ppl really need it. My friend who is having a hard time did and I sent her a clip to make her feel better and she loved it but she’s not into anime at all so she isn’t interested in getting the patreon so this would be awesome

Aya Hideki

Sharing is caring~ haha someone might need it more outside of patreon :)


You are so strong for going through everything you've gone through and succeeding even though it was hard and I'm so happy yagamis videos were able to help you and although I'm just a random stranger I'm really proud of you for being as strong as you are 💕


Cece 🥺🥺 ilysm


I believe everyone should get comfort audios!!! it could seriously help someone going through some stuff. so it's an amazing idea! I respect you greatly for thinking of everyone. just remember though stay hydrated and look after yourself too ❤️


whoever said no needs to be sternly talked to by the bruh girl side of the fandom


I think it's a great idea. The comfort audios helped me when I didn't even know I really needed it. I want it to help someone else as well.


I think that's an awesome idea. I know the comfort audios help me a lot and I would love others to get to experience that too.


I’m a bit confused and it may be I’m slow and didn’t comprehend wording. Is she asking to put all the comfort audio that’s here on yt? I mean why not most of the comfort audio is on yt anyway right? I mean we are already blessed with the spiciest versions of sammich audio that yt wont allow.


I hope you're able to get through the personal things you're going through right now I believe in you 💕


I'm going to be very honest here. The comfort audios make me cry. A lot. Im dealing with a lot of things. Not so much currently, but my bad habit of bottling up my emotions and blocking out my trauma for the last 20 years is really wearing on me. Some days are extremely hard and some days I dont even get out of bed if I dont have work that day. But I also don't want to talk to anyone about my struggles because my anxiety is there telling me that I'm a burden and bothering them, telling me not to be such a buzzkill or inconvenience to anyone in my life. Ive been working on getting better, but its been a slow process. But when I listen to these comfort audios, even though I'm well aware that they're not real, having a voice tell me that everything is going to be okay and not to give up fighting is EXTREMELY helpful. I know there are other people out there who maybe can't afford the patreon, and rely on youtube for audios, and some of them might also need a pick-me-up from their favorite characters. I definitely feel like making the audios available to anyone will help someone out there who needs it. 💜💜


I think it’s a brilliant idea. Everyone deserves to listen to comfort audio’s like your’s that helps them through the day.


Alright @ 37 ppl square upp 😤😤😤🔫


The 40+ people who said no looking at the comment section: 👁👄👁💧

Tsukino Usagi

This is literally my life in a nutshell rn and exactlyyyy what I was thinking. Everyone deserves the comfort audios. Not everyone can pay to be here, and there are lots of people struggling.


everyone should deserve it! in the end, it’s your choice :)


And the Shiggy one too. If hearing our Crusty Player 1 is enough to save even one life, then it's worth it


The comfort audios are perfect! I think everyone should hear them if they need them. Also. Cuddle audios for sleep 👌.


You are unbelievably kind🥺🥺


I think it's a wonderful idea to share the audios!


I think its a great idea to compile them and post them on YouTube! I still feel like I'm getting my "paid benefits" or whatever by getting early access to the audios. They could really help people out who maybe can't afford to subscribe :)

Tazzy B

I'm sure it would be useful and appreciated. I vote yes.


Everyone who needs comfort will get it when they need it, not everyone who feels like that is able to support your patreon so it would be great


It helps me alot to get through the day 🥺💖


i’m all for sharing with everyone bc there’s people who can’t afford the patreon but would definitely benefit from the comfort audios 🥺 and it would in no way take away from me since early access either way share towards the masses uwu


Lmao... think that’s a resounding yes🤣💖


I used to suffer from anxiety attacks and extreme depression when it came to how I see myself. Thanks to your comfort audios I’m starting to believe that I might not be as ugly as I think I am. Thank you ☺️


yeah! you can't do playlists on the podcasts app so that would be sick

Meli VonCherry

It has helped me a lot so if more people can heard them and hopefully it help them!! Of course!! It's very kind!! We need to support each others! ! 💜💜💜💜


I'd say go ahead. No reason not to share, and they may help some people there too!


EVERYONE DESERVES HAPPINESS, POSITIVITY, THE WORLD AND A HELL OF A LOT MORE!!! AND NONE OF US AND I MEAN NONE OF US HAVE THE RIGHT TO TAKE THAT AWAY FROM PEOPLE!! With all that’s going on right now a lot of people could really use these audios and the fact that there are people saying no is DISGUSTING ASF!! But to all of my babes who said yes......I LOVE YOU SWEET CHEEKS 😍😍😍🥰🥰🥰🥰🥺🥺🥺🥺💕💕💕💕


To all of you babes who are suffering and need someone to talk to just know that I’m here if you guys ever need to talk to or even just someone to listen to you ramble....I know it may be hard but stay strong for me 🥺


Gotta share the wholesome vibes ♥️


So I know it probably sounds wild to some people but honestly the comfort audios give me such a visceral shot of serotonin, and I usually (desperately) need it. So, I personally have no qualms about sharing that with others who maybe aren't in the position to have an account. Especially with everything going on in the world. We should all try and choose kindness whenever the opportunity is presented to us, so share away!


Of corse sweetheart, this is your art, your expression. You have the right to do whatever you want with it. I think it’s so sweet of you to want to spread a little happiness wherever you can. We get plenty of bonuses on here so don’t worry about that. You do what you think is right. We love you girl!


everyone deserves comfort and this is your art that you bless us with so share it with the world 🥺❤️


I think it’s great to share the comfort ones. We all need a pick me up some days more than other and what better way than to hear it from our men😍 Share the comfort but keep the EXTRA SPICE for pay hehe


I have no issues with these being available to others. I've been having a really difficult time and the comfort audios are really helping me. Not everyone is able to do the Patreon but everyone deserves to have some comfort in their lives.


I love the comfort ones, I’m currently in the hospital now everybody needs a little love in their life🖤


Of course! Who would neglect the sharing of comfort and love to others? I know there are people out there who really don’t have anyone to tell them encouraging words. These audios would give them at least a little bit more happiness in their lives 💕


I hope whatever you're there for is nothing serious and you recover quickly <3 in the meantime, let the boys take care of you =]


my mouse is acting weird so Imma go ahead and say yes here :3 Happy vibes for everyone!! <3


Cece you precious angel the comfort ones are amazing everyone deserves to hear the comfort audios


nooooo i clicked no when i meant yes >:(


It’s your audio girl enjoy spreading your work!!


Yes yes and yes


Fabulous idea!!!


I’ve been very depressed lately and I cannot explain how much these comforts have helped me through the drives home from work as I cry. I absolutely think yes that everyone have the opportunity to feel better.


Of course that's fine! It could be very helpful for a lot of people and I'd be happy if everyone could listen to them :)


I think the comfort audios are amazing and can help people when they just need someone to tell them they’re doing a great job. Everyone deserves that!


YES! I'm all for sharing love and comfort!


These comfort audios definitely help me out, I want to share that feeling with as many people as possible. Yes!


Just saying I love this fan base so much. The support is real and we’re all so comfortable with each other I love it. I wish I could encounter this much security and tender-heartedness in my every day life. Thank you guys.


Everyone deserves the warm and fuzzies


Yes! Everyone deserves to feel this loved. You are doing an amazing job!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️


Sharing is caring! Share the love! 💕💞💕💞💕💞


We get the unedited naughty— so we’re okay sharing the fuzzies~ ;D

Sarah Vandangerous

Those kind of positive vibes are needed always even if they don't touch everyone. It never hurts to put those kind of feelings out there


I think it’s a great idea! Everyone needs care and sometimes we gotta share with others!


Everyone deserves love and comfort so I say go for it 💗💗

Transformie Edits

Do whatever feels best for you love, whatever you chose to do we'll still support you on your decision


The world is in a really weird place right now. And I think the comfort audios would be able to help a lot of people! Especially those who may not be able to become a Patreon right now. I have no issue with you posting them on youtube! I think everyone could use a little comfort this year, it's been crazy... Do whatever feels right to you! We'll still support you no matter what ^_^


I support you because you deserve the support. If I didn’t had the money I would still be convinced that you deserve it. I just happen to do, but for me, your art should belong to the world 🖤🤍


It would be so nice if others can get the comfort to so i think this is a very good idea.


Share the love!


Give the world some love I support what you choose to do


Please share. This world needs all the love it can get. <3

Jhopeismyshiteu Purple Heart

It would be wonderful for others to have that comfort ☺️ to be able to have a nice little safe place. Cause I cried to the audio of hawks comfort zone cause I wasn’t doing so hot and others might need that 💜


This is your work, honey, and as a creator you're entitled to post anywhere you please. No questions asked. Whatever is your decision, I'll support you no matter what! Now, when it comes to my opinion, my answer is a solid yes. These are difficult times we're going through and words of reassurance are something everyone needs right now. I say, spread that love and comfort to the world and warm those hearts!! ❤️


Im in an emotional mess after watching the Shie Hassaikai arc just now 😭😭😭 so yea, PLEASE keep them coming

Tammy Medina

Yass I usually listen to comforts to put me to sleep and is much helping ;-; thank you so much for you hard work and dedication! I sincerely hope you are doing well and not stressing yourself out too much. We love you! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


I’m not sure if it’s related, I definitely agree that there should be comfort audios because they so CUTE AAA. But another cute thing I think would be a good series/ content is like after-care or some audios of some characters that talk about consent- something like that? Like characters speaking softly and in a comforting voice saying, “Does that feel okay? How are you doing? Let me know how you feel.” Things like that! Idk 🤷‍♀️ I’ve been thinking how that kind of stuff would go and that it would be rlly cute 🥺


I believe everyone needs to hear that type of stuff every so often. These are hard times and those audios are super endearing and nice. 💙


Those could be a great help for a anyone ♥️If you want to share them with the thought of helping them, we don't have a choice in the matter in the end. I agree wholeheartedly with your views and admire your kindness so much ♥️ You do that and spread the love dear 💜


Can we please be fucking nice to each other here. I'm all for comfort audios going to everyone, but for those who disagree, let's not threaten or disrespect them. They feel the way they do for a reason and it's valid. I'd hate to see people here become so hateful and mean towards one another for simply not agreeing. Disagree and carry on for the sake of this art. No one is worth more or less because they don't feel the same way as you do. Love you all, but I'm starting to hate it here. Don't let yato's hard work lead to people hating the community that it creates. Have a beautiful day ✨


Honesty love your comfort audios I never knew I need something like that in my life but it makes things so much easier. I listened to one on my break today after a rough lunch shift and I nearly cried because it was exactly what I needed. Thank you gorgeous


Just like in Dear Evan Hansens "You Will Be Found" there so many people that needs to hear them. They lift me up and id love for everyone to be able to listen when theyre down.


I really love this idea and Im so happy you did it its great😁. Also I had an idea that I've heard from other people. Its called the stoplight trio. I dont wanna embarass myself here but I think a fun future project could be Kirishima x Kaminari x Deku x listener . They're also all super adorable and I like the concept. Also if you see this I love your work you have so much talent. Keep doing the good work😀

Hyper_ Ent

Are people seriously voting no? Even if you don't like comfort audio some of us love it I mean come on, its so cute and I love hearing them be uplifting ❤


People who said no do not pass the vibe check


I think its a great idea , but ultimately I feel like its up to you I know I appreciate these alot I'm sure others would as well. I vote yes


Share the love and comfort.

Hyper_ Ent

Okay but something that would be hella cute would be one of the boys teasing listener about never having a first kiss and then being their first kiss followed by cuddles, that's all. Just cuddles. That'd be adorable 😍😍

Vanessa P

Share da love!


tsuki comfort audio 😳

Kristen Young

Could we get more yandere stuff please


Make sure you post up the kaminari ones!!! I'm sure others would like to be his buzzy beautiful sunshine NUGGET!


Can we get a Ban from SDS audio please??