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This one goes out to all of you that consider taking your lives away. Please don't ever ; ~ ; its such a sad thing to lose people precious to you, and you are wonderful and beautiful and so very special. You deserve to be happy and can find a path to be!! I know it!! 




Oml I love this


thank you for his one :(((



Craw Daddy



When I tell you I gasped-




i really just need this thanks yagami :)




Thank you babe


i shall comment this under every post; we haven't heard 707 in so long~ i miss my hacker babyy😭😭


omg wait 🥺


This is exactly what I need and shigaraki is my favorite character and this really made my night ❤️❤️


Lemme finish the Hawks audios and I’ll be other with you hun




Time to ugly cry while playing 😭

jess ♡


zen zoldyck

Why did I immediately think of Pewdiepie when reading the title?? 🤣💀


I'm literally crying and all I said was "Shiggy..?" Bless, thank you for this one Cece💓

Meli VonCherry

You are so sweet! Thank you!! 💜🥺


now now you can’t just post the most unholy hawks audio then post the purest shaggy audio like that. you’re playing with my emotions to much 🥺

gaby brown



Is it weird that I kinda have a thing for Tomura? 😳❤


I started crying. I needed this. Thank you.


🥺🥺🥺I'm here for the comfort please


I- is the title a Pewds reference? 😂

Yaoi aka Kirby

I don't like being this called out


Bless this....I need some soft comfort after Kiri and Hawks 😭❤️

Furry Trash the movie

I’m so fucking happy to see this right now I’ve been feeling like shit today.


Awww Shiggy... I love this man so much


thank you 🥺


“nYeH nYeH” my heart 🥺🥺🥺


I really needed this- I was thinking about giving up and I didnt care if i regretted it.. but thank you yagami ❤


🥺🥺🥺 why must you make me feel this way 🥺🥺😭😭😭


thank you yagami i've been thinking pretty shitty today and feeling like a burden so thank you for this <3




Oh it's my baby🥺! Lil Roomba/Player 2 Squad ASSEMBLE


Sobbing. Raised by incredibly abusive and narcissistic parents who still try to sink their fangs in after all these years. This is hitting hard. I wasn't ready.


PewDiePie reference 😌


Honestly was having some pretty bad thoughts. Thank you for posting this it warmed my heart and is giving me strength right now. Honestly just thank you so much.

Selena Examo

I love shiggy so much now 😭😩❤️😭😭😭😭


Yess I love shigaraki he’s my favorite 😭😭❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


the loml 😭😭💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙 this bouta heal my soul


This just made my night. The EMOTION AUGH. Thank you Yagami! 🤍


haha i’m crying my eyes out ♥️


Shiggy is my fav and now I’m cryin in the club thank you so much🥺🥺💕❤️😭


Im sobbing right now, this was really heart warming. Thank you so much.!


Ugly crying right now. The passion you put into these videos is everything. ❤️❤️😭

Kristina Johnson

As...as someone who struggles so much with suicidal thoughts, self image, and extreme bouts of anxiety and depression...this...this one is a home run for me...all the other comfort corner audios are wonderful but...but as someone who tried committing in the past...this...this broke me. Broke me in the best way possible because this is giving me strength. Strength to keep going and better myself and to keep on living. Sincerely from the bottom of my heart CeCe....thankyou for posting this...I needed to hear it so much...you truly are my coping mechanism

Caleigh Sosa

I know I’m new to Yagami but with everything going on in my life I’m living for these sweet audios. 😭😭😭💝


I’ve never actually sobbed listening to one of these but its 2 am and I’m sitting in bed ugly crying bc of how much this means to me. I’ve always had issues with self loathing and anxiety and this just....fucked me up in the best way possible cece thank you so much for this


Im crying I love shiggy so much 🥺🥺😭😭


Im not the biggest simp for Shiggy but honestly this one hits hard especially with how ive felt lately.


Thank you,,, for posting these comfort audios. I really needed them,,, also I wheezed at the fuckboi69 and fuckgirl23 part-


Okay ngl haha this broke me... because if only you knew how much I’m disappointed and angry at myself for helping myself get out of these suicidal thoughts and those self harming thoughts and I was about to hit a year strong of none of these thoughts too! Haha only to be right back to square one because of me not being strong enough to handle a couple of bad days.... it kinda hurts and is very disappointing after all the hard work I put into myself and by myself.... it’s soul crushing...... Ahhhh damn! I don’t know why I suddenly wanted to open up about this maybe it’s because the audio made me realise something or maybe it’s something else... I’m sorry I usually tend to keep my issues to myself but I felt the urge to open up for some reason so thank you for this audio really I appreciate it and it gave me comfort when I only have myself to comfort. So seriously thank you so much for posting these comfort audios they really do mean a lot!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️ SORRY FOR THE LONG VENTING HAHA AS I SAID IDK WHY I WANTED TO TALK ABOUT THIS FORGIVE ME!!!


Thank you for this. I've battled being suicidal for so many damn years, and if I'm honest this last stretch has made me debate finally tapping out. It's hard, it's isolating, and I'm still trying. I know it's only ASMR, but hearing a voice tell me I'm worth keeping around broke me.


I seriously appreciate this comfort audio Cece. This seriously hit close to home, especially the "they expect you to be thankful because they keep a roof over your fucking head"


Update: I am full on sobbing because it's literally hitting everything in my life rn, and my past. CECE I LOVE YOU, LIKE LITERALLY THANK YOU FOR DOING THESE. FOR EXISTING, THANK YOU FOR BEING YOU😭💓


This is so amazing and it really hit me, I needed this ❤


Thank you. I really needed this :) ❤️


Shigaraki comforting me hits so different 😭 the love I have for this dusty man is unprecedented


these comfort videos really break down the wall i build every day to suppress and ignore bad thoughts and emotions and always makes me feel better after a tough day especially since quarantine and the world as a whole has been fucking with my head and heart


Are you a mind reader? Thank you. 💝


I needed this so much. 💔💔💔 it hurts from crying but god this was needed so much.


I’m at the lowest point I’ve ever been before It’s like u knew I need this


"The way you cry is so damn cute" Sir, that's sweet of you to say... but I look like total shit when I cry. It's all snot, ugly sobbing, wheezing and inhuman noises . Then I end up wearing myself out so much that I feel like I need a nap...


I can't thank you enough for this omg


This was just... wow... Over the course of MHA I've grown to connect more with the villains funny enough, and Shiggy has a special place in my heart. Maybe it's because I sympathize with the character on a personal level but the way you portray him in these audios makes my heart swell (in a positive way lol). The past few days have been an absolute roller coaster of emotions for me, with bouts of crying for more than I have in months, so this audio was very much needed to affirm my own emotions. Thank you so much for releasing this Cece, I always look forward to your comfort audios and anything with Shiggy ❤️


Don’t ever apologize for venting!! I think the world has conditioned people to feel guilty for letting their feelings out but in reality letting your feelings out and opening up is one of the bravest things ever! I am so proud of you!!! I know I’m just a stranger but I really am proud of you for opening up a little! It’s really hard to do so trust me I know! I hope that you continue to grow and let love and light in your life because you deserve it so much!! Don’t be disappointed in yourself human beings go through so much suffering it’s a wonder we can make it at all but we can! I’m proud of you, I wish you all the love and light in the world and trust me when I say there are people out there who would miss you!! You got this and you will get through it!


Yagami Yato deserves everything good in this world 🥺


Sorry to get a little personal but I just wanted to say it. I really was contemplating it yesterday. I was just done with everything in the world and this year has made me feel like its personal punching bag. No matter how many times I got back up, I was knocked right back down even harder. I said yesterday, "Give me a sign that I should stay alive or else I'm ending it." I literally said this and made up my mind. Then I get the notification for this audio....I was so done and tired but there was my sign. I can't end it. You were my sign Cece, and I can't thank you enough....even if it's just an audio of a fictional character, it saved my life. Thank you so so much....I'm going to push through, no matter how hard life pushes me down!!!


I am so so glad you decided to stay! Don’t ever apologize for getting personal it’s okay to not be strong all the time! Life is hard and sucks a lot and is really shitty but I’m so proud of you for still pushing through! I’m rooting for you!


Things will get better!! Even if they don’t seem like it now I promise you things will get better and I promise you 100% that your life matters!! You are so so so important! And you are worthy of love and happiness period


Aaaaand I'm an emotional mess now. I love you Cece, thank you for making this and all of your other audios. You're voice helps so many people through so many tough times and helps us laugh or cry and let out our emotions. Thank you for being that person that can make everyone's day, I hope you're proud of yourself and everything you've done because you should be. You're such a light in this world and you deserve all the good things in it; I can only hope you have someone to tell you all these kind words you tell us, because you deserve them just as much as everybody else. If you don't have that person, look no further than your fans; even if we don't technically know you personally, we love and appreciate everything you do and the beautiful person you are. We will continue to support you through all your endeavors and wish you the best ^w^ Thank you for everything love 💞

Kitty Holmes

I'm chuckling because depression is a mood but also my k/d is .5/5 lol it isnt funny to normal people but I promise, living is gonna suck but you are able to make life your proverbial bitch and you are gonna rock that. ~someone who's done the thing and lived but lost someone to the monster


I’m crying 😩😭


I’m so glad you are still with us! I’m proud of you for continuing to try and you are so so worthy of life and love and happiness! You are so strong for coming this far and you matter


I’m so glad you are still here and you will make it through! I believe in you and you are going to do great amazing things with your life! You matter. You matter so much and the world would be a darker place without you in it. I’m so glad you are here and there are people out there who feel the same I’m sure of it!


I’m glad you didn’t give up and I’m glad you decided to keep on going! You are so special and so so deserving of all the good in the world.


I know right? There's something absolutely heartwarming about the thought of someone who hates Nearly everything and everyone just being a softy when it comes to you. Now I'm eagerly awaiting a Dabi comfort audio cause the Villain ones just hit different. (Imagine an Overhaul or a Chrono one... or even one from Villain Deku)


Wow the description really made me cry before I even listened to the audio huh


i love this so much because it reflects his character so much i- thank you so much yagami ;-;


All of you in the chat talking about how you have felt suicidal feelings and have felt at your lowest points I am so so proud of you for being here and for continuing to push through. That shit is so so so hard to deal with trust me I’ve been there even 4 months ago and I know that if I can make it through so can you. You don’t have to be strong all the time and you don’t have to be perfect by any means. I know I’m just a stranger but I really am so happy all of you are still here and still moving forward. All of you will do amazing wonderful things and I am so blessed to be in a world where I get to be benefited by those wonderful things y’all will do. IM PROUD OF YOU AND YOU WILL MAKE IT THROUGH PERIOD !


i noticed that you were commenting on every post of someone venting and i just wanted to say thank you for listening ;-; and you are seriously a sweet soul it means so much just to see you commenting and acknowledging everyone, thank you ;-;


Ah bless you for making this. Last night I was at a breaking point and none of my friends or my parents were there for me to talk to. Made me feel a bit better to come on Patreon today and see this. <3


I wish someone told me this stuff when I was younger going through the worst time of my life, but better late than never, even as I'm doing better in life now this still hit me in a spot I ignored. I needed this so much. Thank you so very much Cece <3

Asia passmore

This hit the nail right on the head

Asia passmore

Lately I’ve been having suicidal thoughts again and I even started to fall back into self harming


This one has made me the most emotional so far. I've almost ended it all a few times, and some almost worked. Sadly, it's still something I think about... but this... I really needed this. I haven't really had people tell me what I need to hear but finally hearing it, I broke down into tears. But I'm glad I did. Thank you so much, thank you for giving all of us that think ending it all would be the best option, because I think this is something we all needed to hear~


I’m so so sorry that you have been struggling and that you have been hurting. You do not deserve that pain and suffering and I’m very sorry to hear about the self harming. I know that feeling and I know how frustrating it is to have such a clean slate for a long time only to fall back into it. But this does not make you weak!! Life is one tough son of a bitch and yet you are still here! That’s amazing! And I am proud of you for that! You will get through this I promise that you will. You are far more capable than you allow yourself to think and you are so deserving of love. I believe in you!


I’m so sorry to hear that you’ve struggled through this but I am so so glad that you made it! And I am so so sorry people haven’t told you how amazing and special and precious you are because you are so special and amazing and precious to this world and you deserve to hear those words. Thank you for being here still!


Thank you for the poopipie reference. Body positivity with Kiri or Mirio or FATGUM?


This one helped so so much. Thank you.


cece thank you so so much for this tomura one! 🥺🥺💙💙 hes one of my biggest comfort characters and i love your audios of him so much🥺🥺🥺


Crying my eyeballs out at 5:20 in the morning, i really needed to hear this. Thank you, Cece.

Tess Kubler

Shiggy calling me beautiful makes my heart melt


Such a heartwarming message from a perfect character for the scenario! Shigaraki works perfectly, especially when he's sweet on his Player 2~ >w< Thank you so much for this, Cece!


I really, really needed to hear this. It hit home for me


This means so much.. thank you for this, honestly. I started crying almost right away I’m so exhausted and I needed this more than I thought

Deadly bunny

It's so funny I just thought about killing myself today it's like you sense us yato sensei


It is so ironic that the first time I’ve ever heard support like this is from the biggest villain from an anime.


I love his character in the anime, but this— this is just beautiful. Thank you for the comfort audios. They help when the days feel too dark to try and see the light at the end of the tunnel. This was uplifting. 😭💞


I've been listening to this one on repeat for the past 2 hours and I've been sobbing non stop. Thank you so, so much, ms. Yato, I really didn't realize how much I needed this 🥺❤❤❤


Thank you


This... i needed this... one the first comfort video she posted I cried because a day or so prior i almost ended my life. Im not proud of that choice but I was so depressed and wanted to end it all... i still have days like that. But listening to my favorite crusty boy talk me up and help me... it honestly helps so much... to us our lives mean nothing but to others... we're they're world... this helps me a lot.


Thank you so much, i loove shiggy, and i have been waiting for a comfort audio from him....thank you so much!


No matter how much I say thank you. It will never be enough. I needed this. Thank you ceceee❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Ken Kan

Had no idea I needed this as much as I did. Cece, you angel.


wow i didn't know i needed this but BOY HOWDY i did. thank you, yato-san. i really needed this☺☺☺


I audibly gasped when I saw this, def do more shiggy audios!


Why did this comfort audio hit me the hardest?! Probably because it really does resonates with me. 😅 Hnnggg fuck why am I crying in this Denny's tonight?!?


Thank you Cece! This helped me way more than I thought it would because I've been considering suicide alot lately. Though I'm too much of a coward to actually do it this still made me feel alot better. Your audios in general make me happy because the suitors give me more attention than my family


I got excited for this comfort series, and listened to the others somewhat fine. It hurt to hear the them but they're what I needed. But this one hit the hardest. I couldn't listen to it without crying really hard, but I finally finished it. Thank you so much for making this audio,hopefully I'll stop crying soon.


I mean, considering all he's gone through he probably would be the sort of offer support to others who went through some of what he's gone through..


What’s funny to me. I was gonna attempt when this was posted, it sounds dumb but sometimes these little signs help. Thank you


My HEArT- thank you for this, Cece😭💙


I love Shiggy and this really is keeping me from doing anything to myself that I’ll regret. I’m gonna listen to it again and again since it helps to hear these words. Tysm for this and for being amazing❤️


I’m glad that you didn’t kill yourself and I’m glad that you are still here! Thank you so so much for being here still and I know eventually everything will Be okay even if it doesn’t feel like it now it will get better!


I promise you that if shiggy saw u RIGHT NOW he’d give you a big kiss on the forhead because he loves you and thinks you’re doing great!! I’m so glad that you decided to stay and I know that you can do it and you can make it through. It isn’t easy but you got this! I believe in you and I know that you matter and you mean so much to the world


I’m so sorry you have those bad thoughts telling you those things. Listen to me when I say you do not deserve to feel that way. You deserve so much love and so much sweetness and those thoughts do not make you weak. You are strong and you will get through this. Life sucks I get it I am constantly hating it here but there are good things about it too and I think that those good things are worth living for ! You are gonna do wonderful things! Thank you so much for being here still!


I’m glad that you didn’t attempt it and I’m glad that you are still here! It isn’t dumb, what is dumb is life constantly throwing you harsh obstacles when you don’t deserve them. Sometimes all it takes to remember your value or remember that you want to try some more is a little sign and that’s okay! For me it was unus annus uploading everyday and I didn’t want to kill myself bc I wanted to keep watching them , that sounds really really dumb but it’s true and it’s what kept me going. I’m wishing you the best and I hope life starts being kinder to you because you deserve it.


Now I want to hear shiggy say “ fLoOr gAnG aAAUOOH”


Damn this is heavy. I used to imagine if I were gone no one would miss me or really care as I questioned what was the point of everything. I still question the point of life but never my own anymore. I don’t think my head space truely entertained the thought of taking myself out or anything but I know people really think about it or make moves to do so. Please don’t give up. Think about your pet who won’t know why you’re not around anymore. Hell think about that show and how you won’t get to see that next season. You can do it please keep moving forward, keep living bc in this whole world there’s no one out there exactly like you.


hey uh if you like ever see this could you possibly consider doing an Aizawa comfort ik it's selfish but I've got mega daddy issues and just wanna be told it's alright by him

Tabitha Guss

You know... I needed this today and the days before. Losing my mom hurts so badly that I want to join her, but I won’t do anything that could kill me even if I want to no longer exist. I know she wouldn’t want any of my family to join her, but it just hurts. It hurts so badly. These wounds over my heart won’t heal right away, I know but.. I want to function normally. At least eat properly, I’m tired of everything tasting gross and having a bad texture even if I like the food. Heh also.. just earlier I was writing about how much I hate myself as well. This certainly hit the nail on the head. Once I’m in a better state I’m gonna take selfies in order to start the path of self love and self confidence. I hate being in pictures and so did mom, but... I will start taking selfies to make up for not being in many.


thank you so much for this. ive been having such a hard time recently and me and my dad arent on good terms and. i just really, really needed this


Thx you so much for this, I'm going through a lot without anyone knowing and a week ago I was like, what is life even worth? Why am I still here. But your audio's are one of the few things that makes me happy and that are helping me


Funny to think I was planning on suicide....then this popped up for me and I’ve been listening to this on repeat. Thanks Yagami i really did needed this.


I really understand losing a parent. My dad just died without warning less than a month ago. I’ve completely shut down and I’ve been really close to the edge lately. I still don’t know what I’ll do but at least for now I’m here. Also, Yagami’s comfort audios are so helpful, especially lately


holy shit. i’ve been planning on suicide for a while. i’ve been going through a lot and you hit the nail on the head for a few things and it caused me to break down and cry. shigaraki is my comfort character and i love him dearly and this really helped. thank you. so much.

Fanisha Zavis

Aww baby I hope this helps too. Idk you but u beautiful and r loved♥️♥️♥️Don’t forget that u got ur fellow weebs to love you too 😘🥰😍


so like my heart goes out to everyone in the comment section, just in general wishing you all the best.


My friend had just taken her life a couple days ago...

Plush Toy

You know something? I really wanted to go tonight. I’ve been going through so so much lately. I can’t even make it a week without relapsing on my self h*rm lately. Today was terrible and I just wanted to go. I’m not a shiggy fan in the slightest. I never have been. But being able to hear everything I need to hear from him is so oddly comforting. It’s such a good escape. I wanted to go but now I want to hold on. If ever possible I’d love more audios like this, especially with Mirio or something. These things help so much more than you think they do. This audio may have saved me tonight.


I'd be lying if I said I didn't cry, thank you so much!


I'm sorry for your loss, if you need someone to talk to there's always someone to lend an ear!


Lirerally teary eyed 20 seconds in. I needed this today so badly..


Really struggle with how I see myself. I was tearing up the whole time but the part where he goes 'neh neh' made me giggle. :')

anna boke

I'm a sucker for aggressive affection :,)


i've tried twice in the past year, and lately all i can think about is how the 'third time's the charm'. i'm already very soft for tomura in particular, so this felt especially nice. i've been so numb and exhausted tbh? last time, i got a lot of 'what were you thinking' and 'this was so selfish' instead of the 'are you okay's i feel like i might have needed. so it's just so, /so/ nice to hear someone comfort you so earnestly, and even cry for you when you haven't had the heart to do it for yourself in a very long time. tonight, listening to this, i cried sympathetically for him, but it feels like a little bit of the bitterness left me too. i'm still heavy with a bone-deep kind of tiredness but i want to thank you, yato, from the bottom of my heart for paving even just a single stone on the path to a better outlook. if i'm going to see the next sunrise, i'd love it so much if all of you saw it with me. tomorrow, and every day after that.


this was really needed, and with exactly the right tone. thank you for this one <3

Ariel Raine

Damn I haven't cried in awhile, but this one got to me. It made me think of how I've been lately and how I was two-years-ago. I've had a lot of thoughts of just not being alive for many years (not always suicidal and only ever once or twice with plans of doing so). I think I was at least 13 or so when I started thinking that way. Maybe even earlier. In 2017 I started my senior year of high school and I was really low. I had intentions of killing myself because so many things in my personal life and my school life piled up all at once. I luckily brought myself to telling my mom about it, and I went in-patient for 10 days. I must say those 10 days were a bit traumatizing and will haunt me for awhile, but I was okay. Not fixed, but I wasn't planning on killing myself. But the thoughts still pop up. Having bipolar II (much different than manic-depressive bipolar), anxiety, depression, and PTSD are a hard cocktail on top of the actual state of my life (being in a very poor financial state and having family issues while not being able to see my friends) has been tough on me. I have been joking more about wanting to die, which was what led up to the issues two-years-ago. This really hit me and I honestly have felt really good listening to all of your audios lately, and the comfort corner ones have really helped. It's still hard, but I really do appreciate what you're doing for everyone. Please keep doing what your doing. You are changing people's lives and I really love your work.

Kaitlyn Swaringen

I struggle with suicidal ideation and think how much things would be better if I was gone, and this pulled on my heart strings, just reminding me that if I gone, I wouldn’t of heard this audio, or any new ones. Thank you Cece 💛


i really needed this. I had a breakdown yesterday and had to have family intervention to keep me safe, and to calm down i came here as always and cried and listened to this over and over till i fell asleep. Yato your audios bring me so much happiness, thank you for this, it means a lot as i've been suicidal for years.

Luminey Mujitsu

Damn yato. Thank you for this.


god.....this melted my heart, like shit the feels lord i need it


here’s me hoping there’s going to be more of this because this is exactly what i need to hear


I forgot to write this yesterday but, this made me cry so so so much. No one in my life has ever been this open and accepting of my own problems and issues so when the audio straight up just makes me understand that I’m important and that I matter it just made me so happy. Thanks for making me so happy.


This one is really fucking cute 💕🥺💕


Just when I start having thoughts that I haven't had for months, I found this. Im ugly crying 😭 I'll probably listen to this on repeat for a bit 💕🥺 thank you for making this


Ive been struggling alot lately, and haven't talked about it. And this hit really hard. Firstly, for things that took me almost 10 years to overcome. And secondly, for the fact i know i have people that care and i really dont want them to worry, and i have my own "Tomura" that cares. I know this comment will get drowned but i really had to let it out. I broke one promise and im not about another. So truely from the bottom of my heart thank you for this


i’m not even that big of a fan of shigaraki, but this hit me hard. thank you for all that you do for us.


I’ve been playing this at least once a day now..


Hes so aggressively loving. its adorable 🥺

Jinx Valentine

Ive been sad all day and listening to this is exactly what I needed. Thank you


I'm sobbing T.T


I have hit my lowest today and was so close to just ending it tonight. So thank you yagami for this audio.... it helped.


I literally love Shiggy so much please. I couldn't stop smiling the whole time.


Today has been a really crappy day for me,,, this audio really helped me. My home life hasn't been great and ive been considering some things but this audio really just,,, gives me hope <3


Thank you for this. His raw words and his emotional arc throughout the audio really hit home

Min Ah

The amount of times I've been feeling along these lines lately has be way too high. Never thought an aspiring supervillain would be the one making me feel better. Thank you for this <3


Thank you. So much. I have this feeling so so much. And I cried while listening to it. It hits home


Oh my god, I had to leave to the backroom at work to cry. I've needed to hear this recently.


Thank you

Arcana (He Him)

I needed this. My mental health took a nose dive the past few days, like, I haven't felt this level of hopelessness, self-hate and the feeling that i might have the inability to go on in over a decade. It's all adding up and my intrusive thoughts came back recently, i feel a prisoner in my own head again and I can't stop it but I don't really want to die, I want to live but self-judgement and judgement of others with all the soaring in hate, I don't know how to function, i'm scared of worrying mum and I scared of the judgement from my GF for me getting alcohol to cope. Like, let me be, especially as she has only been adding to my sorrow since she moved in with us. I know she wants me to be healthy but I can't.

Tamaki Amajki

I..I needed this...thank you cece


Pardon me, I’m just sweating from my eyes


I've been fortunate enough to not have had the urge to hurt myself physically. Emotionally and mentally tho? Well. It felt really nice to be told that I was enough, that I don't need to change myself for anyone. This is probably by far my favorite comfort audio. I can't thank you enough for this.


I don’t even like shiggy that much, I am a hawks and shoto fan but this made me sob


I don’t ever listen to shiggy but man I just immediately started sobbing-


why did this make me pumped


Annnnnnd im bawling


Damn Shiggy why you do me like this?! 😭😭😭😭


Why am I SOBBING....


Can we have more soft shiggy please???


He is a silly man child, who needs to keep growing up, but he warms my heart!💞


Love this man


I know people probably comment stuff like this all the time but these comfort corners really help me. It feels like I'm burdening others when I talk about my problems or like I'm attention sneaking, anywho these audios help me so much to be able to let out the emotions I dont feel comfortable showing others


I needed to hear this rn, thank you Cece


I love shiggy


i am now a simp, a crying simp at that


Thank you so much for this audio, it really helps me


This is exactly what I needed today. <3


I was actually laughing so hard for the first 40 seconds but then I was like 😭😭

Transformie Edits

I never listened to a shiggy audio before so ill give it shot, plus your comfort audios are amazing🥺💖

Transformie Edits

Okay I am madly in love with your Shiggy audios now Yagami like God damn you sound just like him!!!! You did him so well!!!😭💖


With the death of my father 2 weeks ago I turn to comfort audios more than before. I always return to shiggy because he makes me feel safe, cared about and has somehow become my comfort character. Aizawa also helps a lot. Thank you so much for your work Cece


this is 100% my favorite comfort audio😭💖


Thank you so much for this audio, I'm ugly crying and I think shiggy is one of my favourite now ♥️ I really needed someone to call out toxic people and family. Thank you for this audio Cece.


It stung to see him doing nana's pose in the photo


ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I love this—


I was in the place of wanting to hurt myself just now.. I.. Thank you. I loved Shiggy before.. I love him even more now.



Kristina Johnson

My best friend is going through a hard time right now...to the point of wanting to end it...i thought about this audio as I talked her down out of her mindset...thankyou cece for being such an influence. You are saving lives without someone even being aware of you....because I used some of the words shiggy said to help me find the words to help her.....


This. This is my new favorite thing ever


I keep coming back to this one


This one always makes me feel better, no matter what I’m feeling shiggy gives me constant happiness


Back again for that shiggy comfort that hits me like a truck


This is my first Shiggy audio and well shit he's being far too accurate. Are all his audios like this because I think I'm becoming a Player 2 🥺💙


🥺I come back to this one a lot. I do not feel anything anymore but it gives me hope to going on

Kenma's kitty ~

I know this video is old but I really needed this today. Thank you🖤


Super heavy comment but this audio is the only reason I am alive today. Thanks for making it Cece.


I love this audio so much cause it really has helped me get through tough times. I keep replaying so much and it never gets old. Thank you so much :,) this really means so much to me and I bet other people too. Please I hope to hear another shiggy comfort audio soon :,)


Not my pillow being wet now 😀


Back again because it's that time again


I never thought Shiggy would be the one to comfort me when Im this low. This was very ..nice. <3


I'm crying this is so what I needed if you did sleep asmr that would be good too

ThatPotato 93

I literally listen to that audio every single day since I discovered it like two weeks ago... It's probably the only one that is so straight forward with the situation and I find it really relieving


I didnt realise how much i needed to hear this today, when i had no one to turn to and no one to talk my off the ledge .. thank u for the save


I cant even count how many time I’ve come back to this audio and other comfort audios but shit I have a hard time being able to tell people how I feel so these audios help so much in releasing all that’s built up inside of me


After the NSFW audios I gotta come back to this one 🥺 the only emotion I can feel is horny and when the horny gone I’m nothing again. :/


thank you so much for this


Shiggy is best comfort :) i feel understoo


I needed this


I’m embarrassed by the Amon of times I come back to this like FUCK am I ever not gonna be like this anymore? Will things get easier? This shit slaps tho I love it a lot


I wish he was real. This shit still slaps. It makes me feel like someone actually gives a fuck about me

Game Girl Mary

I’m crying so much 😔😭😭


it's lowkey sad that i come back to this every night, huh


Maaaan this shot goes so hard someone pass me the Aux


This shit still a vibe play it at my funeral


I needed this today... the past 5 years I’ve wanted to take my life.. ever since my step dad took his life..today is just hard as fuck. Today would have been his birthday so I woke up crying. My heart just hurts so bad I just feel like I need to scream and cry and listen to this audio..


Not me crying in class listening to this 🥲🥲


The serotonin boost is exquisite

Mei Suratinoyo

shiggyyyy youre making me cry

Bad Jinx

Didn't think shiggy would make me cry so hard but here we areeeeeee


I have to listen to these audios instead of showing my feelings


thank you cece ...


Thank you, I really REALLY Needed this, and I can count on this audio.

Yasmine Vaughns

honestly ive never commented on these but i have to on this one. This hit home so quickly it hurts. He isn’t my go to comfort character and I didn’t think i was gonna find a comfort audio by him. Im so glad i picked this one because the things i was going to do before this. Thank you so much.


I am not much of a shiggy fan apart from this, its my fave audio from him apart from the nini story one. He cheers me up and he is quite a fun character and also he comes across fiercely caring.


Comfort Shiggy is the best, this is definitely a favourite of my comfort audios, been more than a year from the pit of my depression , but now its more a lot more days good than bad or dips here and there. The loyalty and love in the words its really so much from the heart. I think I am getting soft for all the bad guys, especially after watching the mha seen Shiggy being in pain upset me, I am looking forward to seeing him dust everyone. Thank you cece for all what you do for us, we want you to be happy and healthy like what you want for us. 🤗


Shiggy comfort is Everything 😭❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹