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I just felt like last month I let things overwhelm me, I wanted to do better this month and give a lot more content!

I'm sincerely thankful to all of you that have stuck with me!! I shall try my best to give you precisely what you're looking for to the best of my ability!!

OH also feel free to leave suggestions of stuff you'd like in the comments!



Hope all is well with you, & please make sure you’re getting enough rest 💕


Don't overwork yourself, your doing a wonderful job!!


You are doing amazing darling, also please let me see Tamaki I NEED HIM (but all your content is amazing anyways, so anything you wish to record will makes us happy n.n)


Take your time!!! Self care is very important and should always come first!!! 💕the wait is worth it because all your posts are amazing 😊


Dude. You do a lot. Some months are slower than others and that’s just a fact of life when you’re a creator. But are you good to us? YES. So will we understand, be patient, and cheer you on? ABSOLUTELY. Take care of yourself hon. No one does what you do like you do. *hugs*

Lilly Brown

you are doing a great job. also maybe a part 3 to nastu and grey x listener

Dana Fear

You're doing a wonderful job hun! Also maybe you could do more stuff with the guys being jealous? I thought the audios were cute lol


What are you talking about clown you literally put out more content than anyone else I follow (also I stan all your tomura recordings)


Ur doing such an amazing job :3. Take your time sweetness :3


No worries Yagami, take care of yourself❤️ I’ve been wanting another yandere video like the brutal bliss (female listener) you uploaded a while ago. Another dominant Bakugo or Todoroki x (female listener) video would be awesome!

Uranian Games

You do so much great work, don’t be afraid to rest! Also I am so excited for more Tamaki x Mirio audio!! Anything with those two is so awesome, along with everything else you do! If you could do some FtM listener sexy audios some time as well, that would be so nice! Thanks for all you do!


Dominant Todoroki or Bakugou would be so so so good. Would love to see some Deku (dom or sub) as well~

Gummie Jo

You make so much content already, don't forget to take time to rest! For stuff...707? Karma? We'll listen to pretty much anything you make Yato!


Dom!/ Possessive Bakugou ? Please ? It would be great to see how extremely intense! that angry boy can get 😶


You are doing a great job! Sometimes things happen and life slows down things. Just make sure you're taking care of yourself and we will patiently wait <3 As far as audios hearing some things for Levi would be amazing <3 And I could always go for another Shinso(with some help 🤤) since they are soooo good <3


Oh and maybe also explore Dabi, Kiri’s & a bit more of Shinsou’s dominant sides too ? eventually, please. ♥️ Overall just make sure to go at your own pace Yagami! we appreciate everything you do!


Take care of yourself, Yagami! We can be patient. I’m re-hearing your previous posts on here and YT, so it is all good! 😊


Hmmm don’t judge me xD but some Fem pregnant listener x Bakugou (or any other character) it would be so cute cx !!! You’re doing amazing hon!! 💛💛 don’t overwork yourself! Self care is important and we care about you love! Take your time and have a break! Enough some “me” time and relax :3 ❤️


Some NSFW Yandere Shigaraki 🥰🤷🏼‍♀️ That would be everything


Dont worry, everyone gets overwhelmed sometimes ^.^. But I have to ask, will we be seeing either of the x male version of last month's audios? They both kinda just never happened.


Yato, you need to take a break man. It’s okay to slow down, we won’t mind. As for suggestions, I really liked your sub bakugou and karma ideas that you had a while back. I think they could be unique since they have such dominant personalities.


You still managed to pump out a lot of content this month, please don't worry or overwork yourself too much! If it's okay to mention I think that it's just the mouse clicks that have been more noticable recently? But you're on such a tight schedule it's very understandable! Please do take some time for yourself if you need to.


Yato you always give out you best and spoil us with outstanding content. The thing that I want is you to take a breather and not overwhelm yourself from work. As for suggestion just more Aizawa x listener or yato x listener


And we're thankful for the awesome work you do! Hm as much as the nsfw stuff is nice, maybe some more softer content for male listeners? Like along the lines of the first part of the todoroki x male audio and the shinsou one, I found those really comforting! Or even general audios the drunk audios were adorable. But it's honestly awesome to see things you have fun with! (and you didnt hear it from me but uh*cough*top male listener*cough*)


defo catch up on the x male versions first... cos they've been left a lil bereft than the others and i must admit i am a huge fan of them too. your original stuff, i live for ❤️ the hotly anticipated dominant Shinsou with quirked strangers :P but if i was to dare state what i would truly want, it would be... i'd like to hear what you fangirl hard for... that way you are spoiling yourself and us in the process ;D yes... something for you and go as soft or as hardcore as you like. and... don't put so much pressure on yourself! you are an amazing creator! we adore ALL your work and hey it's not a displeasure to relisten the older stuff... revisiting is like having it new again! yayzeez!! XD big loves ❤️ warm hugs... squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeze! p.s. anything with Aoba Seragaki!


Making consistent content within itself is a challenge, so it is definitely easy to get overwhelmed. Just keep on keepin' on, and remember that you have a supportive community of people standing behind you ♥ I think I can speak for just about everyone when I say that you're clearly a very hard-working individual; and while that's one of the most wonderful traits a person can have, it also means that you hold yourself (and your work) to a very high standard. That's part of what makes your content so amazing! You put passion and effort into what you do, and that's all anyone can ask for. So don't be so hard on yourself. We all love your work, and have the utmost confidence in your talent and where it will take you. Thank you for all you do Yagami! *P.S. Since you asked, any and all Shinsou content is appreciated very VERY greatly... ♥


You work so hard remember rest is good every now and again we would hate for you to keep feeling overwhelmed just for us 😊


You still pump out an insane amount of content, and we love you for it. Just don't strain yourself and we'll be happy I think. As for ideas other than more of faves Shigaraki and Tamaki, I'd love to see Karma and Levi make an appearance on Patreon. For regular series I'd love to see more Monoma (still waiting for him to step on me lol). Thank you so much for providing tons of quality content that consistently brightens up my day.


Yess I still can't believe we haven't corrupted Deku yet on Patreon.


honey... your words are spot on! ❤️ love your way :D


What i’d REALLY like is for you to take a break and relax, dude! I think it’s great you want to work so hard for your fans, but all that constant talking can’t be good for your throat... Unless it’s because YouTube demonetizes the more popular 18+ videos? If so, I’m sure a lot of us would be willing to rewatch the non NSFW ones if it means you get your full paycheck! But if I really did have to choose a character to suggest.... maybe Karma since he doesn’t have too much content and he sounds a bit easier on your voice? Whatever makes you happy, honestly💕


you are honestly one of the most hardworking, optimistic, kind, and talented creators i’ve come across. please know how much i and everyone else appreciate all your work! ❤️ for suggestions, literally anything for denki and i would be so happy ^__^


As others have said, definitely don't overwork yourself. Enjoying content is one thing, but it's never worth the Creator's health or well-being.


Hmmm... looks like the second part of my comment got cut off. Well, as for what I'd like to see in the future, I'd really appreciate more equity between audios with male listeners and female listeners. There are numerous lengthy/intense audios with female listeners that have been produced over the past few months (Shinsou, Aizawa, Shiggy, Bakugou, etc) that never got a male counterpart. If it makes it easier on you, I'm fine with the two audios being "close" to each other; i.e. the male version doesn't need to be 100% unique. That being said if you are able, I'd love to hear more like one where Amajiki was the bottom...maybe with Bakugou or Kirishima. I'd also love more of Dom Aizawa and Shinsou.


You're doing a really great job! Each of my day is begin with your video. All of them are awesome and absolutely fantastic!! I'll not be original, but please don't overwhelm yourself. For suggestions - Levi, Aizawa, Shinsou, Tamaki and Mirio. And, UNEXPECTED, maybe - Present Mic. I think it would be pretty fun :з


Yato please take care of yourself! We love you! 🖤 (Suggestions wise, I say more Aizawa and Shigaraki pls and thanks)


Yagami, you need to rest! You work too hard for us! Take care of yourself ok? Much love ❤️. (If you wanna be a stubborn potato and not listen to us (😂) that I would suggest to do levi and maybe todoroki! Love ya! 💜. )


● AN FAQ-type PAGE/POST- with an 'About Yato' section where you can give your paying audience a less vague description of yourself, your goals, etc. And to also provide general information and instructions about reaping tier-specific rewards. For example, more information about Discord (what it is, how to access it, what to expect), and how to request tier specific audios detailed in the tier benefits column. (ex. I’m a $10 tier patron and I don’t know how I’m supposed to go about requesting the 2-minute/500 word audio rewarded to my tier - do I contact you, and how? Or are you going to contact me, and when? Is there a deadline each month where if I don’t submit an audio request I don’t get that reward for that month? Are there any kinks or subjects or characters you won’t do? etc.) ● ARCHIVE ALL YOUR YOUTUBE AUDIOS ON PATREON - if at all possible, this would be an incredible resource to your patrons. While, yes, that content is already posted to YouTube, having all your audios in one place on Patreon would be fantastic, especially to those like myself who download them for later listening. Speaking of, the ability to be able to download those currently YouTube-only audios through Patreon could become a new tier reward for $1-tier and up. ● AN IMPROVED TAGGING SYSTEM - on patreon the tags per audio/post are lackluster and sometimes inconsistent or have misspellings. Tags should be as kink-, character-, and fandom-specific as possible, so that patrons can easily look up what is relevant to their needs without having unrelated characters or fandoms cross into their search results. ((mixing of kinks would be inevitable as audios usually cover more than one)) ●THIRSTY THURSDAYS - or any other themed day per week, honestly, where you could potentially release 2 or 3 very short audios (~5 minutes long MAX) focusing on one character and one kink, and/or where the audios are unscripted and it is just you in-character talking for a few minutes to the listener (post-sex pillow talk, domestic conversation, etc.) or you as yourself talking to your patrons about life. ●TAKE A BREATHER MY DUDE - seriously, for one creator you are pushing out an INSANE amount of content all the time, which we all appreciate, yato, really, but bruh, you gotta chill every once in awhile. and just, dam sun, THANK YOU SO MUCH for all your hard work ! ●and this last thing is completely a personal preference, but since youre taking general requests, i’d love more breeding/impregnation kink, and more loving/praising audio, wink


Woah thank you so much!! I appreciate all the feedback on this and will try my best to fix everything up! Also to briefly answer! The audios are by request! I don't mind doing any and all! >:3 Literally just send me a message and I'll add it to my list and get to it asap! I always get everything done I just got a bit overwhelmed with the shear amount of comms taking up most of my day and setting back posting schedules by a lot >:3 but its getting slowly better!


please ensure ALL your fans know that you rest, you take good care of yourself (being a grown up and all) and that you do spend time having and doing fun things... time to put those concerns to rest ❤ maybe get a managerial friend to do all the improvements suggested for Patreon, cos damn you just gonna get busier! maybe change the tier rewards... i just envisage you being continually swamped by requests and commissions. not that I'm complaining, cos the 2 things i requested are rather challenging, but to be waiting several months is concerning and can give the impression one has been forgotten. i mean we have to consider the over 1000 peeps on Discord who can request/commission you, the nearly 300 of us who can request/commission here and managing a possible 1300 requests p/month is too much for 1 person... don't even get me started on YouTube! just something to consider ❤ maybe ask the fans what they think would be a better reward system love you ❤


I know I put In a few suggestions already but 👉👈 lately the idea of bakugou and Fem! Listener trying for a baby sounds so lovely - please 🥺


I’ve been scouring the inter webs for possibly a Mikoto Suoh from K! ASMR but sadly he isn’t a hugely requested character on many platforms. Nice thing is you don’t even really need to watch the anime to get his persona down either but he’s definitely a babe and your voice would be a hundred percent perfect for him.


also I love you. 😊❤️


Would you consider continuing the Jealous Todoroki series? If not it’s no big deal!


Take good care of yourself! I’d love to see more Mirio, Kiri, and Tamaki🥰 I love my soft kind bois!!


I know so many have already left messages of you getting rest, so this is just one more encouraging it. Honestly, love everything you do, last time you asked, I suggested comfort audios and wow did you deliver. I've always been a fan of the more asmr aspect of your vids, maybe adding some foley sounds of hair petting or fabric sounds. And as silly as it sounds, kiss sounds are like an asmr goldmine to me, so thank you for those! <3

Ximena_A (edited)

Comment edits

2021-11-11 07:56:46 Yagami you’re literally the best you make all of us happy :))) and we love you very much just know that we’re gonna be here for you <3 I would also like to request more dominate/kinky karma if you have time just know you’re the best and we are grateful for you very much gnnn yagami <3
2020-06-01 08:52:24 Yagami you’re literally the best you make all of us happy :))) and we love you very much just know that we’re gonna be here for you <3 I would also like to request more dominate/kinky karma if you have time just know you’re the best and we are grateful for you very much gnnn yagami <3

Yagami you’re literally the best you make all of us happy :))) and we love you very much just know that we’re gonna be here for you <3 I would also like to request more dominate/kinky karma if you have time just know you’re the best and we are grateful for you very much gnnn yagami <3

Deku917 (edited)

Comment edits

2021-11-11 07:56:46 &lt;3
2020-11-27 14:02:57 <3
