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So I just wanted to give you all an update!

Currently doing the Iida for yt ripped open a sore in my mouth so I'm going to give it till tomorrow and hopefully it shall heal by then so I can get the rest of the comms and some posts on here done! 

I am so sorry things have been slightly delayed!! I'll be dang sure to make it worth the wait!!!

I love you all and hope that your night/day goes great!! 



Take care of yourself!! Try to just focus on healing for now. Hope you feel better soon!


Pleas take all the time you need to recover. We all appreciate your audios but we also want you to take care of yourself


Ajhdgsjakdksk omg get some rest pLEASE


Oh no! Please don't push yourself, your health is top priority! 😭


You need to take some time for yourself too sweety. Don't worry about us. Everyone will understand you needing a break

Bryony Bell (twosideddice)

Ouch. Give it time to heal and plenty of bongela. Thanks for being so amazing updating progress and trying so hard to keep things moving but we all would rather you take care of your self. Hope it feels better soon.


Take all the time you need to get better, you need to take care of yourself first that is what is most important. We will all be here when you get back


Ow that's gonna hurt for a bit put some bonjela over it or some prescribed medicine Hope it get well soon please do take care of yourself and focus on healing for now

master ZQ

Oh hun I'm so sorry you have to go through that please take as much time as you need will all be here get some rest and nice and cozy read a good book drink some tea have cough drops makes you take any prescriptions well I'll be here by the time you get back we just love you and we just want you to get better take your time I love you we all do get tons of rest trust me I know how that feels so bad I've had it happen to me before and trust me it's not pretty but please get your rest


Health first! Feel better soon <3



Mrs. Kaminari-Shinsou

Damn Yato. ;-; Rest up a bit and take care of yourself first! People can and will wait for your content and I’m sure everyone wants you to be healthy first and foremost! Get better soon, ^-^


Ouch. Sorry Yagami. I agree with the others. Health first. Feel better soon. 💘 you.


Your health comes first, second and third!!! Please take all the time you need to rest;;;


Jesus, please don't push yourself so hard, its okay to take a break sometimes.


Youre health is more important than the videos. Get better soon! We love you! <3


Baka...I told you not to record! grrrr


Please take your time to heal! You health is most important!


Yagami, babe, honey, dollface, STOP PUSHING YOURSELF. Don't get me wrong, all of us LOVE your work and support you as a voice actor with every fiber of our beings, that doesn't mean you gotta run yourself into the ground just to push out mire content for us. If you need a few days or a week or whatever, we aren't going to go anywhere! Just make sure you take care of that beautiful voice and creative mind of yours, kay?? 🙏💗


Oh dear. Please don't push yourself. Rest and enjoy just being you. You've already given us so much. Thank you. Now listen to all your worrying fans and sleep, gargle plenty of salt water, and drink plenty of fluids.


i tell him this on a regular basis... doesnt ever listen XD

