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I'm so honored that you all believe in me so very much and that I've been able to meet so many cool people!! I hope you all enjoy your time here and if there is any way I can make things better I'll try my best no matter what!!



*flips everything when she hears kacchan* 🧡🧡 Take care of you and your awesome / beautiful voice 🧡 Love your work!


You want to cry? Go to Yato's channel You want to laugh? Go to Yato's channel You want to feel love? Go to Yato's channel You want to sin for a day? Go to Yato's channel All in all just go to his channel if you want to feel such feels train. Cause hell, I did and it was a good thing. Such raw emotions just transferred to me like a train And I have shit tons of time for you Yato, to listen to you all of your audios I love you and your works and you deserve better! Do remember to have a plenty of rest, take care of yourself cause you won't be able to do anything if you get sick, not for us but for yourself. Here catch this plus ultra heart 💝💖💕💓💗💚💙❤💛💜🧡 P.S I am too awkward to message or talk to anyone so I can only comment 😂😂


<3 you the best


I love you to Yagami. Please take care of the voice not for your fans but yourself. Team Master Yagami. Or Daddy I don't know yet 😉 ❤ The Ice Prince. Aahhh now you know my comments on YouTube. Big hug quick kiss on the cheek. You stud.


Your vids fill my soul with joy!


You deserve all the love for your hard work 💖 Remember to take it easy, and so happy for how far you have come!




❤️ you're top of the wozza darls XD xxx


Honestly im just glad I found your channel!


Awww your amazing, you deserve every bit of praise you get. Where I live were currently in a blizzard and this just warmed my heart. You do amazing work it really helps with my stress. Looking forward to your future works take care :)


* subscribed for the rest of her life *


Oh heck, what are you doing. You're giving me feels at 3AM! But, seriously I love your work and I want to draw something for you in return?? ( Though I'm already a patron but OHWELL.) Thank you for always giving me something to listen to. Especially at moments like this, when I woke up from a nightmare. Your timing is just amazing Haha. 💕


Sorry Yagami I keep listening to this. I love you to. Thank you YouTube for recommending you to me. Team Yagami! (Lets go Shoto 😉😈)


We love you Yato! <3 <3


No, thank you!!!

Emma Morris

No, thank you!!! Yagami san, you are amazing and fantastic in what you do, all the voices in each of your character you voice are all unique and you do an excellent job!!! I can't even...


We love you Yagami! Thanks for everything you do🤗


We love you so much , I'm so happy I found your youtube channel ! <3


Just make sure you're getting enough sleep!


You're awesome Yato! I've said it before and you are the fist any only person I've given money to on Patreon. For things you can improve on, please take care of your health and if maybe you can make a post on how to join the discord? ^-^ I can't seem to find a way to join.

V-Dante (edited)

Comment edits

2021-11-11 07:57:46 This made my Day (my anxiety was worse than ever tho) <3 i only recently found you but i feel already so connected :3 take care you all <3 thank you for making my Day a lot more liveable <3
2019-09-16 18:47:15 This made my Day (my anxiety was worse than ever tho) <3 i only recently found you but i feel already so connected :3 take care you all <3 thank you for making my Day a lot more liveable <3

This made my Day (my anxiety was worse than ever tho) <3 i only recently found you but i feel already so connected :3 take care you all <3 thank you for making my Day a lot more liveable <3

