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Just an appreciate post as you all have kept this patreon afloat! If not for all of the kindness and enthusiasm I would have never made it this far, thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you do and I will try and make this patreon as worth it and passionate as I possibly can!

I have plans to keep may as productive as this month! Ideally I would like to keep pace going forward regardless of time passing c: I will try my best to! With that said I will likely be trying new voices and keeping the series going! I think I might start a new more pointed story with mha stuff when I approach it, as I feel like it’s been too long and gotten very vague overall so I struggle with continuing the stories of the old old ones! Instead I think I’ll reinvision them! And of course the other new ones as well! I was thinking that a fun idea may be recreating classic audios in addition to the new series which I fully plan to make many many many parts of!

Other than that, I’ve loved meeting you all in the streams! I think I may set up a better method to handle requests as rapidly switching voices in livestream is extremely difficult for my chords, so I think I’ll mostly keep requests to a smaller amount in the future! Gotta protect the chords for as long as I can! With that said I might do some sleep asmr lives too! It might be easier with some stuff to do so! Other than that I want to establish a lot more consistency in my streaming style as I feel like I’m a bit aimless (in part due to my personality being the type to really struggle to turn down requests, bruh saying no is hard ;-;) I kind of just want void to be able to be void in a way, sure I love bringing the characters into live and will absolutely do it! I just don’t want to do it so much that it’s only ever chaos XD I do like chaos though so it’ll probably keep same energy.

Honestly, streaming has taught me a lot about myself too, I mean, void looks like a lewd tuber on the surface but I realized my personality is anything but, which creates an interesting and drastic contrast in the dynamic of void audios and void live.

I realize it’s partly due to simply being allowed to be myself instead of portraying something always. It’s akin to almost the old yato audios from wayyy back when in some ways! I’m honestly looking forward to getting to know you all more through the chat! I hope you’ll join me in the lives in the future too! (Also I don’t want to sound like you can’t make requests, I do love to make people feel special, I just mean that I may have to skip over more than I did in previous streams to avoid overstressing my chords!)

For now I think I can’t really take on too much more than I already have planned above! But in the case there is other stuff that I plan I’ll give y’all heads up! Might try a new voice tomorrow orrrr who knows? Maybe a really classic one? I can’t decide! Love y’all and thank you for being a part of my dream! I love you all and appreciate you endlessly. And I hope it shows even just a little. Thank you for being so patient with me!! Hope you join me again for the chaos of May!

Edit: My goal this year is to work harder than anyone else who makes asmr c: I know it’s subjective and a very ambitious goal! But I won’t go down without a fight! I always thought of myself as uniquely suited to working crazy schedules but, I think I’ve found a semi zen way of keeping it without going so overboard I hurt myself, honestly, I feel a lot more inspired just following what inspires me and vibing with the rest of it, so it feels less like the me from when I was curled up and scared of creating,

Tw: mental health, sad, heart to heart. Yapping..

I’m afraid it’s something of a mix of my perhaps fragile or gentle nature that I end up as a feast or famine type person. I only know how to fully dive into things without hesitation or planning or I get stopped by anxiety and obsessing over every tiny things said about me on every social media anywhere. I’ll fully admit it, I know that it’s unhealthy to look into the eyes of people who hate you, but to me, I always cared, and still do, even about those who are ex fans, I know it’s unhealthy and I know full well, it’s important to focus on people who care about you and not on those who do not. But I don’t and never will know how not to care. Even if someone spits in my face or calls me a name, I can’t hate them. It’s stupid, but I honestly think in some ways I’ve never been guarded, smart enough, or mature enough to be as successful of a creator as I’ve been.

I know I have very little to complain about, and it’s much in part to all of your love and kindness, to which I will give my absolute everything to repay and to maintain this community as a positive and kind place no matter what. I only thought it fair you knew why it took so long for me to find my bravery. So many times I would take two steps forward only to reel back. I think my breaking point came when I realized the intense hate toward me was gradually causing my health to decline rapidly, and I couldn’t accept such a terrible end of just fading away. I didn’t want to see people so fixated on hate win, and to blind myself to the kind and wonderful people in this community.

I always created this content to make others not feel alone, to feel genuinely loved and not just be nsfw for the sake of nsfw. I wanted to tell lovely stories of romance and genuinely touching stories, I still do just as much as the day I started. I will always, until I lose my voice and even then I write or find some way to convey the stories that always found their way into my heart. I’m weak, I know I am, I know I have a lot to learn and grow still. I want to get much better at creating stories that don’t yap so much and content that has beautiful world building too!

My dreams won’t be so easily broken, and I’m so happy and thankful and genuinely lucky and privileged to have you all here with me. Thank you, a million billion times thank you for being here with me. And even if you can’t stay at some point thank you, I hope that your time here felt like home, and that you are always welcome to return. I want to make even free members able to have a place to chat. I love you all, and thank you for giving me a place in this world that feels like a home. I’ll never take it for granted and never stop creating with all my heart.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart,

Love, Cece


Natasha Patterson

Above all protect your health. We will still be here. ❤️


We love you back just as much and will support any new ideas you wanna follow! ❤️❤️


Just woke up out of a nightmare a minute before you posted this, and thought this was a good opportunity to talk about how much I appreciate even the sfw comfort audios you’ve made.


I love your work, and a huge die hard fan ! You’re my favorite asmr person ❤️❤️❤️❤️!!

pepper jack

Your really opend up in this post, I appreciate you very much, you make my day a little better all the time. Keep up the amazing work I'm so proud of you <3 love you


Thank you Yato-Kami 🌸💖🌸💖🌸 all you’ve been doing lately is fantastic. I’m glad to see that you’ve come back so much.


I love that you post and create so much content and so often, but don’t feel forced to keep that fast rythm all the time, we sure want you to keep enjoying what you do for the longest time! I haven’t been around for very long yet but I’m excited to see what you’ll produce in the future and how you make it all evolve~ And indeed do take care of these damn quality vocal cords you got, cuz there ain’t no way we’ll be living without them anymore!😆 Thank you for your amazing work! Cheers~


thank you for all the hard work you’ve been putting in 🫶🏻 just remember to take as many breaks as needed, we’ll be here :)

Shandell Brown

I've been loving the Milkman story and your Bakugou b day audio was amazing. Make sure you take care of yourself and rest when you need to. P.S. A Fatgum sleep aid would be awesome with how you do his voice 🥰

Ana Villico

Thank you for making us happy with new and old ideas, Cece. I'm barely new here (a couple of months ago I found you on YouTube in a Muzan's audio because I'm a little bit obsessed with him hahaha) , but truly, you have many good roleplays, stories, sfw, nsfw, discover your streamer side with all your laughs and human side hahaha, and believe me, you became my fav asmr voice. And is ironic, because I speak more Spanish than English, but... You are a dream blessed female/male/non binary voice. Keep the good work and the principal thing: enjoy this ride, honey. Life is one and is notorious how you are enjoying yourself with new ideas and don't forgetting your old ones. Love you, queen, I will continue supporting until I can. ❤️🫂✨ ¡Besitos! 💋


omg i was gonna bring up the idea of you recreating the old storylines! you read my mind hehe You’re the best at what you do and your talent and creativity is astounding. And you keep improving as time goes on and I’m like woah I didn’t think it could get even better than it already was 🤣 Make sure you take care of yourself 🫂 and can’t wait to see what other stuff you have in mind 😈

princess memey

Thank YOU for working so hard for us! You're appreciated so much 💕 do whatever you need to take care of yourself. Also yes it is so hard to say no but pls don't feel bad if you can't constantly do requests in streams. It's nice when possible but not worth it if it's gonna be too much on your vocal chords or you simply just don't want to. Sending you lots of love and looking forward to the new voices/stories! 🥰


I'm happy you're doing so much better Cece!! And, of course, I'm always excited for what the future holds for you and us. I also really like how along your journey you're also learning new things about yourself as well. And I agree with you about the contrast between Voids personality and you 😂💖. But it's always fun to be a part of the live streams and I will continue to be a part of them as long as work doesn't kick my ass while I'm at it 😂. I've loved the consistency you've had this month. It's been absolutely amazing hearing from you practically everyday 🥹. That said, I do wish for you to have breaks when you want/need them and don't feel pressure to make audios or stream when you're not feeling up to it 🥹. But I know you try to balance out your health and uploading to the best of your ability. I hope with this consisent routine you've got helps you learn more about your limits and how to balance yourself between audios and rest 🥰. I will always look forward to what new things you have in store for us Cece. Whether that be new characters, new ideas or new stream ideas, whatever it is 💖💖. Sleep well tonight Cece and we shall see you tomorrow. Stay happy and healthy, love you 💖💖


Love you too 💕 I can’t say no either so I understand how you feel, but your health is important so it’s totally okay to not do ALL the requests :’) I feel like it would have been better to start with something like 1/2 streams a week and to gradually increase the amount ? Maybe it would have been better for your cords ? I’m probably talking nonsense I’m far from being a health professional XD so don’t take it too seriously- Also, just.. ty for being yourself ;v; the streams made me learn more about your personality and I love everything I’ve seen so far lololol Please make sure you don’t overwork yourself, you seem to have a lot of ideas for the next audios but it’s okay to take your time :< You don’t have to do everything right away ! Much much much love ❤️ (and don’t lick to many batteries)


Thank you for everything you’ve given and done for us Cece, we truly appreciate you and everything you do for us. Your work is absolutely amazing and it’s never failed to make me smile and laugh and put me in a better mood. You have sooo much talent and creativity and I’m soooo glad I stumbled across your page back in 2021. I’ve been a hugeee fan since and I always will be❤️ please continue to do what you do and we love youuuuu!!!!!❤️💖💕


You are such a beautiful person. I hope you know that. ♥️

Schlerp Schlorp

Thank you for being kind. ❤️

🌸💗 Yนϻΐko♛ 𝑺𝑎𝑘𝓾𝒓𝑎𝒾 💗🌸

Thank you very much for everything, I am really excited to see how you recreate old audios, I am curious more than anything with Shoto and Kuroo a little more attached to the canon (both being of legal age)... Also listen to special audios and with the new ones sound effects you added that make the audio sound more realistic. Anyway, thank you for everything, you have inspired me to create stories and you help me lift my spirits, you are a very kind person who deserves everything good in this world 🫶🏻💖💖💖


About the edit c: You don’t have to repay anything, in fact, I feel like I’m the one who needs to repay you for all the smiles and good vibes you could give me :’) And if you can’t stop paying attention to the hate you receive, ig I’ll just send you even more love ❤️ because you deserve it, and only it. You’re worthy of all the love we can give you, never forget that. Please try not to care too much about the hate T_T ik it’s easier said than done but I really care about your mental health as well. I just want you to be happy and healthy 💕 I’m just like you, I have to go all the way or I kinda lose my motivation if that’s a good way to say that ? So I can’t really tell you to not work too hard XD but just so you know you’re the only asmr creator I listen to <3 I don’t know how hard the others work, and I don’t care X) Love you (I really do)

Alice Liddell

Thank you so much for all that you do. Your audios have helped me grow and understand so much about myself, even through some of the toughest times I've made it through. It means the world to me as someone who identifies as genderfluid that you post audios with the various Listener genders (and for the ones that arent gender specific, thank you for making those generally adressed to they/them), youve always been so inclusive and considerate of your audience and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for that. I've been around your channel since the early 2019 (my memory is a bit fuzzy on that) days, and Ive been around on your patreon for only a few years now but I do meant it when I say having your audios has been a safe space for me, personally. Your Bakugou, Kuroo, (and now) Leon audios have helped me so much and I cannot thank you enough for creating them and sharing them with us. 💙 You and your work means so much to so many people, and it's been wonderful to watch you grow as a content creator. I know Im not the only one who says this and means it, but I do truly intend on being around for as long as youd like to continue creating, or if I die before thar happens, because I believe in you and your passion to create wonderful stories (and creating your own even characters, in some cases!). Im excited to see where the new mha storylines go! I remember listening to the OG Bakugou storyline as it came out (omg will this mean the return of Epidemic as a main villain?). Im glad you're more comfortable with things as they stand now. If it helps, theres a quote that goes something like "even New York Times best-selling authors get one star reviews on their best works" so honestly, theres always gonna be haters out there, but it doesnt ever mean you or your work is lesser just because some salty asshole says so 🫰🏻 Much love, but dont forget to put yourself first 💙💙💙 -A [edit]: this was so much longer than I meant for it to be, I am so sorry


Cece! Thank you for everything too you’ve done so much to keep me happy as well I cannot tell you how amazing you are and helped me through some tough patches by just listening to your audios especially the sleeping aid or even the comfort corners, your streams always me laugh rather it be from times you’ve played job stimulation to phasmo to playing that’s not my neighbor! You have a wonderful personality and great spirit, keep on being amazing and just downright awesome!! I love being apart of your discord and Patreon community 🩷🩷🫂 remember to rest your voice and keep hydrated too, We love you 🥰 🥰


Cece, your a amazing person who has honestly made so many of us laugh with the audios I know personally I have almost cried because of some of the comfort audios. I have also laughed with many of the audios, they make my day seeing you post a new one. I love the old ones just as much though. I'm excited to see what you do in the future with the audios but always make sure you come first. ❤️

Ladie Xeven

There r no words to how much I appreciate u n ur talent. So I decided to text a few j see where this comment goes. I have been subscribed on ur channel for YEARS. Onlie being a Patron for like 2 but in the beginning of ur YouTube. I gotta say u have come soooooo far n have onlie gotten better. N I'm in AWE how much ur audios have comforted n lifted my spirits when life was happening. There r over 7 million words in the English language but few describe how grateful I am for u n how wonderful u r. I have gone back n played the Yato Maki videos. *sigh* don't stop being u. Take care of urself. I said it before n I will say it again. I will be here. 🖤💜🖤💜🖤


I have said multiple times that you make me feel less alone and I will shout that out every day for as long as I live, everything that you are doing for us is beyond wonderful if the hate overwhelms you just know you can count on us to protect and support you I’ve been watching your vids since 2020 and my love for your work will never change you have a special place in all of our hearts and no amount of hate can make me change the way you have saved me and still currently saving me I don’t know if I make any sense but no amount of words can perfectly describe how you have been such an important impact in my life and others! I will always be here Cece this community feels like home so until the day I take my last breath I can peacefully say I loved being Cece’s #1 supporter!!🤎 much love Cece please rest well

Sarah Phillips

So excited!! I can’t wait your vids have helped me so much. And I have been here for a long time. Helped me through my divorce and some of the hardest times in my life. I can’t wait to see what all you have in store for us ❤️❤️❤️


i’m so ready for this month, you’ve done an amazing job giving us new things and keeping up audios ! still don’t be afraid to take some time off to yourself , remember you’ve got to take care of yourself just as well as you take care of us, 🫶🏼

Leia Sharpe

Cece i have been following you since early on and you are amazing. Your audios always make me feel special and happy when im down or having a bad day. I just want you to know that you matter and what you do matters. Stay healthy and rest when needed. Love a Die Hard Fan/Supporter❤❤❤❤❤


Thank you for being so amazing yagami!! Keep doing what makes you happiest, luv ya 💕


Thank you for the audios you create. They have truely helped me take a break and relax for a while. And another mha storyline sounds exciting~ i really enjoyed catching bits of it in the audios i listened to. Thank you again, take care of yourself to! 💕 💕


I can not convey in words just how important your work is to me. At any given time of day I have an audio going in my AirPods to help me focus my racing brain. I joke that your audios keep me sane, but it’s not really a joke. The storytelling and seeing you grow has been lovely. When I first found you and became a patreon supporter I went back and listened to every single audio in order until I caught up. I still listen to every audio, even if it’s not my thing because you put your heart and soul into the work and it deserves appreciation. Hell I’ve found new characters and things that I didn’t think were for me by doing so, so that’s also a benefit there. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all you do CeCe. I’ll be here and in the discord and in streams, showing my support and cheering you on. ^.^ Sending love and good vibes <3 (Now to go listen to Ogami again because the sweet angsty vulnerability is so good. ^.~)

Zomby Rain

To look at the negative is normal. You want to see if someone genuinely left because of reason A or reason J. The typical old news hate is just clout chasers. Anyways don't dwell too much on the negativity. It has a way of out weighing the positivity easily. Void also should stay themselves. Sometimes you got to say no to requests. Have a little sign next to void saying *no request at this time* Then when you do. Make a poll to limit vocal use. Community vote. Once done you flip that sign back on and ignore request. Set those boundaries and stick to it. If ppl don't respect boundaries. Put them in time out. If they see the sign of *no request* and still spam? To the corner of shame! Let void be void. Keep moving forward with this inspiration. I can gladly say hawks is an old favorite that I fell out of love with. I just feel like I've heard it all. If I'm in a certain mood, all I got to do is look through his archives and boom, hawks itch has been scratched. No need to waste an audio request on him. Use it for my underdogs instead. Honestly I like seeing you so inspired. You sound so happy and those creative juices are flowing like a river. I really hope this muse stays with you. I'll be happy to tag along as you search uncharted areas of this new found inspiration. With a shotgun bc I can't aim and there might be a huge bug. Take care of yourself always. 💜💙💜💙💜💙💜💙💜💙💜💙

Suguru’s Moon

I am so happy I stumbled upon your YouTube. Albeit it being more recently than many others here, (in the last year), I feel as though this is such a safe space you’ve created for all of us and you create with such absolute joy and love for us, your subscribers/followers! Thank you so much for everything you have done to build this community and everything you continue to do to keep it going, and keep yourself pouring out these tantalizing audios for us all! I’m even starting to expand my listening beyond JJK and MHA which is way outside of my comfort zone, but I’m finding everything you make to be awesome. 👏🏻💖 (of course). I fall asleep to them, they provide a pick me up when I’m in a low spot, and because I’m very single due to a loss 5 years ago which I do not know if I’ll recover from, they provide me an outlet I feel safe in. (I am not a creature made for online dating and I have horror stories for the attempts I made). So THANK YOU thank you thank you! I adore you and hope you take time for yourself often to rest your voice and mind and reset your creativity each day 💕

Kitamu Latham-Sampier

Thank you for being true to yourself. It's not just naughty audio, it's romance, drama and comedy that a lot of us need. Creatives deal with art blocks or imposter syndrome many times in life, but they are temporary. Your talent is yours to grow and share, and I hope you realize it inspires many who listen. 🥰👍🏾🤟🏾

Tabitha Guss

Thanks for letting me be able to be the real me, a horny weeb who loves fictional characters and allowing me to find people that wouldn’t judge me for who I am. I learned somethings about myself with these audios and felt so loved/cherished by the characters. These six-ish years I first encountered a Bakugou audio in 2018 (officially I think I was fully a fan in 2019 so five years xD) that made me curious on him then the series etc leading up to discovering new husbandos/shows/mangas/video games, but these four years I’ve been apart of the Patreon have been so wonderful. Having this family aside from my own biological one filled with kind people and caring ones helped me when my mom passed away in 2020. I still miss my mom, but she’s with me in spirit so even if I cry over her sometimes.. I will still carry on. I met some lovely people on here that I call my friends, I do miss showing all of you my art though when the community tab still existed. 🥺 Anyway, before I start crying. Thank you once again for this safespace, this family I love and for making these beautiful creations with your voice. Do take care.~


Your audios have helped me feel exactly that; loved and cherished for being myself, and it has been one of the best gifts!! The nsfw is great but honestly the feelings are the best part in my opinion! I’m so glad you’re making content and are being true to yourself, because you deserve to be true to yourself too!! You seem like such a genuine and caring person, and it shows in the quality of your work, but the streams and just hangouts are super fun too! So excited to see where you go in the future!! 💜💜


I absolutely second this. Well said dear. Seeing CeCe following her muse is lovely and you can feel it in the audios when she is truly inspired. (Not saying other audios are bad at all, I think they are wonderful but there is an extra "je ne sais quoi” to the audios where she is truly inspired.)

Rylie Brunko

Thank you for sharing your vulnerabilities with us. This community you've helped to build up cares about you as a person not just as a source of content. If you need breaks to get back to loving what you do that is 100% understandable. I appriciate how much effort and care you put into everything you make. Thank you for being yourself and showing us that side.

Kirinkatoki B-K

Aw CeCe🥹I swear on everything the first time I saw you was on YouTube because I went digging a little too far lol I fell in love with the way you portray the characters☺️I get called out every time I listen to your work because I always smile so much😅the comfort, the story lines, the chaos of the random audios always brings me joy🤭I’ve been hooked ever since and I will stay hooked until you just happen to stop one day, much love for you CeCe and I mean that❤️🫶🏽 And don’t worry about those other people… I’ve seen what they’ve said and it bothered me to my core how they just outright disrespect you even though they used to listen to you too🤨all 5,698 are here for you whenever you need an ear or just wanna rant☺️🫶🏽


I love all the stories that you share! Your haters don't realize the impact that you have on people's lives, but you really have changed all of ours! Remember to relax from time to time okay :)! Love you <3{


Cece we appreciate all of your hard work and dedication even though all the people that don’t know how to keep thier mouth shut. I’ve been following you sense 2020 and I can visibly see the amount of improvement in your videos sense then and I’m so proud. The story’s that you come up with are so good im especially invested in the recent milkman videos, the fact that in the game we barely know anything about the character you added your own OC swing to it and I fucking love every minute of it. We love you Cece keep your head up and make sure you don’t push yourself to hard cause burnout is a bitch. ❤️


This was so beautifully written. You’re so strong Cece I hope you know that, and I look forward to everything you create. Please take care of yourself, it’s easier said than done sure, but I feel like you’ll appreciate what you create when you’re 100%. That being said, seeing the influx of audios has been incredible!! I’m so excited of what’s to come!


Cece, I love all your creations you share and post. I’m sure everyone else here does too. I can’t even remember when I start listening to your stories but they really do make my day to day life better and thank you for that🥰 we love you and stay strong and healthy 🫶


Since you made such a heartfelt post, I feel like you deserve some in return. Sorry if it's too long, I just wanted to get it all out. I love how your audios have been going recently (i always love them, but nowadays I feel like they're getting more... better?? Sorry, words.) The idea that you're trying to put even more work into it is honestly incredible bc I seems like you already go above and beyond. I'm v excited to see how the next month goes for you. Please take care of yourself in the meantime though! I've been around for a few years and honestly you've created this amazing platform that is more than an escape. As you described, it's home. It's a playlist of comfort audios on bad days, it's calm down voices during thunderstorms, it's a familiar voice to listen to when in a strange environment.. all of it. I listen to a lot of character ASMR and when I tell you that no one is like you, I mean it. Your stories are unmatched in this community and truly mean a lot to me. I know you get that all the time, but it's true. I wish I understood more of what creators go through when it comes to online hate. I'm sure you feel everyone's love and support, but I know the hateful comments are... louder. So to speak. I hope that one day it will improve to the point where you don't get physically ill from it. Though that day my be far away, I still wholly wish for it every time I see your posts. Lastly, thank you for all the streams and extra content as of recently. Finals week was pretty brutal and I've had a lot of life changes going on as of late. Seeing your notifications is kind of like getting a text from someone that makes you smile. The streams are something I look forward to and the audios in between make things a little easier. So tl;dr, thank you for everything. You mentioned possibly doing other content one day and I want you to know I'll be a fan long after your poor voice goes out. Whatever comes will come and I'm excited to see it either way.


I came across your audios in 2020 on YouTube and been a fan ever since. When I finally decided to joined your Patreon in November of that year.... I was listening to a nsfw Hawks audio and thought to myself "holy shit...that was on a whole other level"! 😳 We all do love those explicit audios, but more importantly it's about the amazing storytelling and the connection we have with our favorite characters. Cece your audios and this community is my escape from reality and my safe place. Your voice talent and range still absolutely amazes me! Now, about those haters! I can hear Bakugou yelling at them to "go fuck off you dame extras"! 🤣 Anyways, keep up the fantastic work Cece and looking forward to what you have in the works for us. We love you and appreciate you always! ❤️


(Sorry for the wall of text 🫣) Reimagined old storylines sounds super exciting!! That would be amazing 🤩🤩 I love the idea of having more pointed stories spanning multiple audios, gives you a break in between them and means we can binge audios with more build-up and maybe even some plot twists and explore themes more deeply! I just thought of the justified villain OC audio that you did not too long ago where the "villain" is ending the bad people and we as police want the same but the justice system doesn't work - I would loooove to explore that storyline more, it's so interesting to me, the dilemma of what is right and what is wrong, the possible routes we could potentially go down, could we end up becoming a villain ourself? Or could we even turn on the OC because he's still doing things in a bad way? That's only one audio and storyline that came to mind, the possibilities for the other stories are so exciting! However, do what you plan and enjoy! Your enjoyment will seep through the audios, making them even more of a joy to listen 💓💓💓 I rarely make requests personally because I'd rather let you take the reins and put out what you're happy with and can have fun with! In terms of the streams, I do hope to join them too when I get to the work situation I'm aiming for, some potential suggestions though: > Perhaps in each stream you could put up a list of voices that your cords are warmed up for that you'll stick to for that stream and change the list each stream? Could put them on a wheel and have chat vote to spin the wheel to change to another voice on the list after some time. > Not sure if you do this already, but I believe there are watcher points (not sure what Twitch calls them) that people can earn by watching your streams and use as currency completely free. You can use that for people to pay for you to switch to a particular voice on your list? I believe it's meant to help with getting people coming back and rewarding long-time watchers. > You could perhaps do voice-themed streams, so like cosy, chill games with voices that match a softer or subby vibe, and maybe horror streams with villain voices or with the hero voices and go a "for justice" vibe 😂 I've only seen some clips so also not sure if you do this already (stupid timezone means I'm always asleep when you stream 🥲). > You could have a Void chaos time segment where you just surprise chat with what comes to mind / won't wreck your voice for a set period ignoring all requests and keeping the chaos manageable, personally, I enjoyed the end of the last sin call when you were practising new voices, felt like a Leonardo Di Caprio sitting in a chair pointing meme moment for me 😂 Loved it! It's nice to know your personality shows through in streams though, it's lovely to see when I watch the clips and does look like alot of fun 🥰 You should be yourself, it's nice hearing you just being yourself! Also, I'm pretty sure not a single one of us fans wants to damage any of your cords by asking for something when your voice is feeling rough! Holy crap, Cece, you are the furthest from weak! Your heart is so fucking strong, the fact that you still show care to those that are spiteful is a testament to how strong you are - it's easier to crawl up, to stop doing everything, let them win and close your heart off to the internet, just as it's easier for people to just say "don't listen to them" - the fact of the matter is that you're still going and thriving despite any hate (which I hope is a very small amount, unfortunately, there will always be hateful people in this world which sucks). Always remember you have us who love you dearly; us who you've made feel so many positive emotions, who want to nurture you and shield you from any hate, who you've improved the lives and mental states of with your beautiful soul, unequivocally incredible voice and inspiring creativity ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥 Hate is shallow, meaningless. People say shit to get a response and attention, as cliche as it is to say it's still true. As it may be hard to not care, you should atleast try to not give it too much weight. Honestly, how many other creators do you know that have built a community of people who genuinely care for each other and for the person they're supporting? Ensure you acknowledge that weighting too! I truely hope the love far outweighs the hate 💗 And complaining is healthy too, you are human also, don't keep things bottled up, it's not good for any of us and you're allowed to be annoyed or not happy with things too 💖 I'm a proud supporter of you, and I will continue to be for as long as I have access to the internet 😂 I remember the days of the Ad-apocalypse on Youtube and you were not sure about reviving your Patreon, I'm so glad you did, I'm glad I joined and supported, and I'm glad I'm back and will be sticking around ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥 Don't burn yourself out though!! If you need a vacation from time to time we will understand! Whatever revitalises you to enjoy what you do is always going to be a positive 🥰❤️‍🔥 You deserve all of the love in the world, you've truly ALWAYS been so bloody lovely and genuine everywhere I've seen you, never change! ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥


Oh Cece you're such a sweet soul! I've been a part of this Patreon since 2020 and I came for the Levi Ackerman audios but stayed because of the other amazing audios you created!!! You're incredibly talented and I can promise you that everything you've wanted to convey to your audience in your audios (love, lust, angst, etc) has been done successfully! I'm always excited every time you upload a new audio because when I listen to it, it feels like I'm actively part of the scenario you created (which feels insane btw lol) so keep at it!!! You're amazing 🩷


Reimagining old audios would be so dope! As someone who’s been around since like 2020 enjoying what you do it would be so cool to see how much you’ve grown. I’m glad to have been along for the journey. I can say I find so much comfort in your content and it has made me feel safe and laugh and cry and feel so special. So I’m so grateful you’ve persevered through it all. Thank you for everything you do 💖


Oh Cé, I’m literally tearing up right now. I feel genuinely sad that the negativity of others has hurt and affected you so deeply. I understand that it is hard to ignore, especially so much of it and because you also have such a big beautiful heart. But just know that we all are here for you as much as you are here for us. And I am so happy that I found you years ago on the Tube. You’ve helped me get through so much. And you put a smile on my face all the time, even when I don’t feel like smiling or am down myself. I’m very grateful for you. You’re such an amazing person even outside of the audios. I’ll be happy to stay on this journey with you and support you as much as I can. I really could never thank you enough, because no amount of thanks can even cover it. I love you tons and I do hope that you always take care of yourself! Lots of Wawas and enough rest and food. But also that you take care of your mental as well. Stay happy and healthy. And when you’re low, we’re here! Much love you beautiful artist! And heck yes am I ready for your goofy chaos! 💗

Urahara Hazu

I remember your original stories. I really liked those :3 you're very talented! <3 <3 muacks


so excited for more storytelling audios! i miss your old time shoto videos, that series was so good. if continuing old stories is challenging, starting a new one is also exciting 🥺🤍


I’m new but I manage to explore some of your old audios. I love your idea of reinvisioning them, since I enjoyed them very much. I also like the originals and how the story progress. It’s not very fast update but it gives me something to always look forward to in your channel. Keep up the good work. I highly appreciated all this effort you’re putting for the community you build. Thank you!


Some tears did fall while reading the sad part of the edit ngl. You are such a loving sweet and kind person. Please do not listen to the haters or focus on them, please always remember that aside from the hate we’re here for you and that we love and care about you Cece. I love how you didn’t let the haters win and you stayed strong and focused on all the love and kindness in the community.🫂 I’ve seen some of the hate and and it really breaks my heart because you don’t deserve any of it Cece.🫂 I want you to know that I get so happy when I see your notifications pop up on my screen. You and this community are like my escape from reality, my safe place. I’m so grateful for you Cece that I can’t even put it into words how much I’m grateful for you, you’ve helped me through so much. I’ve been having a lot of fun with all the live streams. I remember a couple of years ago when I first found your YouTube channel, I was doing some digging and I came across an audio of your Bakugo x listener series and after listening to the audio I became so obsessed.✨ I listened to every single part of the story and all the other Bakugo x listener audios. You are and always will be my favorite asmr creator. There is absolutely no one like you and not just with the audios I love your personality, you’re super funny too, everything about you is so chefs kiss. I could go on and on about it. Your creativity, your voices, your storys are so amazing. You and your audios will always hold a special place in my heart.❤️ Thank you for being you Cece. Much love.❤️


Thank you ;-; for all you do, but most importantly for just being you. It's actually a lot harder than it sounds for people to be themselves. Maybe because the hateful and thoughtless reactions from people can cut deeper when you're as true and as much yourself as you can be. Most people put up a front so criticisms don't cut to their core, but then that core can get forgotten behind all the walls. Honestly in day to day life it feels almost impossible for me not to put up a front-- almost everyone does it. I feel that a lot of what makes your work shine, especially to people like me and so many others who struggle, is how your realness comes through even in the fiction. Everything you create just feels so uniquely you, even through such a variety of characters, and while it puts something vulnerable on the spot, it feels like you're there in every word. There's so much loneliness in the world, and I think it's because people are hiding behind facades to protect themselves now more than ever. You are so strong to keep going, to keep being you, and to keep sharing. Please keep following those dreams and the ideas you're drawn to! I think there's no need to second-guess yourself into oblivion, though I know all too well how easy it is to fall into that :')

Akazu Sunflower

You have such a beautiful heart, Cece. Thank you for existing.

Sukuna’s Toy

Love your work. I listened on one of the other platforms and just found your Patreon and subscribed. Really appreciate the quality and creativity of your pieces.

Sukuna’s Toy

If it is any help at all, the work you do here really does help people. My main source of connection is listening. Audiobooks and podcasts. I get more from that than any other media. It has made things a bit hard with the intimate places in my mind and life. These stories help me feel those emotions and connections. It would otherwise be a very empty place in my life. Thank you for all you do.

˖⁺‧₊˚ dulce ♡˚₊‧⁺˖

So happy we all get to exist and experience your gift with you!!! I’m aroace and this space has taught me the most about myself and my sexuality than any other online. I love everything you share, thank you for everything you do for us 🫶🏽🫶🏽

Sukuna’s Toy

How do we join the discord?

Darci Boesen

I would love another Deku Bakugo one where bakugo gets hit with a list quirk but not only does the reader get double stuffed the reading is being done by bakugo and deku is doing bakugou at the same time