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"Lowly peasant, it's past midnight, time for your penis inspection!"
"Yes, my Queen (‘A`)"

Trying to push more expression on character by using morphs/blendshapes. The result is that I  see a lewder Primrose. XD

After seeing Kitsune model by Ida Faber I just realized I'm too lazy to make facial morphs before, only use bones to make expression. I should do more of it now and slowly updating on my models when I have free time.

More 4k res images with extra angles are available at April Deluxe Reward!






Nice! Prim's thighs look a bit weird where they join her hips, but looks good otherwise. The caption really makes me think of the meme "it's 4pm, time for your pegging session!" lol I love that you're experimenting with expressions more, it really helps to make any scene hotter! I can't wait to see how this develops as you do it more :D I don't think the Primrose dungeon is that interesting to me personally, but its great to see your assets get love from others, it looks well made ^_^ Finally, do you think we will get 2 sexfight scenes or 1, or do you not know yet? I take it this set is just like a fun extra/experiment, since it wasn't part of the votes this month


I was hoping for Irelia vs. Primrose and Daemon Girl vs. High Priestess. But the poll result is interesting anyway, Irelia vs. Daemon Girl will be a battle of flying blades! Sexfight is a rare porn concept so I will need to study some material references for this :)


Yeah I would have preferred those pairings too, they make more obvious character sense. I think the pinups you did of Daemon and Irelia got people wanting more of them lol I guess the poll pairings would probably mean something like Irelia summoning Daemon Girl to practice her skills + the chance of some "fun", or maybe she's just been "attacked" by the Daemon. Prim vs Priestess could be the getting Church and State intermingled lol. Maybe some weird private ceremony, or just some training-turned-steamy. I didn't really know about the sexfight genre either, but after looking some up, it looks like one of the turn-ons is that it ends in wrestling, which is physically intimate in a way. It would be cool if you could include some actualy martial arts grappling positions. I LOVE the idea of bringing in character abilities/items, like Irelia and Daemon's flying blades! We're all here for sexy content, but some genuinely cool visuals mixed-in too are great!