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Hey all you lovely patrons! 

We are cooking up some new ideas and would love your input. Joe and John recorded a podcast episode for patrons only! It is our initial test episode and future episodes will be made public, but this one is just for you guys! It's a little rough. It's our first go at things. But its something that we would love to continue doing and get better at! We would love to know what you would like us to talk about in future episodes, and if you have any technical input that might help us make these sound the best they can! You can comment below or send us an email at questforthejanklord@gmail.com. Your feedback is crucial to making this a success! 

Thank you for all that you do! We love you!

Now enjoy this glorious catastrophe of auditory torture...



Justin Brown

I'm super excited to listen to this. Hearing you guys on other shows, I'm already sure it'll be awesome.


I know I'm a wee bit late on the feedback but I'd be remiss not to express how much I enjoyed it. I would love to see more in the future! Some people have already mentioned that Joe's vs John's audio sounds different, I'd mirror that sentiment, but I don't think it's a big problem or anything. As for topics for the podquest, personally I'm super intrigued in behind the scenes stuff. You's said that Dan writes the story script, but how do you know in advance who's going to win, and thus whose story needs to be continued? At least I wouldn't imagine you stack all 4 decks to lead to a specific winner outcome ^^