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Things are progressing good, both for Ino and Holli minigames! I'll tell (and show) you more when it's more advanced (I don't want to spoil too much, as usual), but it's going to be great!

Also, I commissionned SSS for a big badass '1000$ milestone' reward pictures for you (part of the sketch showed here). Of course with patreon.com system, we're faaaaar from real 1000$ of support, but it's more of a symbol of my gratitude, a piece of evil carnal hotness, and it should come up awesome! 

Diving right back into work! (Sunday? Holiday? What are those? Never heard of it, sorry :p)




ummmm i cant find where is game holli ut i already click to pb holli but it went to kpc?plus i got code about the C?


but it wont be work


The code for PB Holli is already implemented in the game and in the Redeemer, but as MSG didn't released the game yet, the link isn't updated yet. Once the game got release, I'll change the link, and you'll be able to use the code in the game, don't worry, it's just a little hiccup. ;)