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I don't know, maybe the hot summer is weighing on my head!

So, what's up, doc?

I'm sick again! Crap! Lemons, teas and massive vitamins providers in hand, I sure fight it, but it's taking its toll on me.

Progressing on Jessica's game, too, but I don't want to overspoil it for you, so I'll hold up the screenshots for now.

Finally, I tried a little 'Source FilmMaker' (SFM), a free software known to be able to produce great 3D hentai gifs. But so far I got problems rigging nude models and learn the very basics, it's a complete mess. But it's a start! Who knows what tomorrow has for us?




So sorry to hear you aren't feeling well Mattis. I hope you've been checked out by a doctor and it isn't too serious. We're all in your corner bro!


I should be checked out by a doctor, but I prefer doodling with my hentai creation attempts, loool! Thanks for the support and care, though, love you dude! ^^