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And the good work keeps going, with more and more bug ironed out as I go, as well as structural and technical improvements, and new features and additions to all existing PB episodes!

And as you can see in this lil' sneak peek, one (at least) of latest groovy suggestion is being added to the mix! (my pleasure, really!)
I'll have to restrain myself not to jump in countless more additions for the time being, though, because it would delayed the global patch forever! (and you know I don't like that)

I would certainly love to work on more of your PB suggestions, in the future, though, and even to set up some specific global update...
But first things first : let's finish task at hand and not spread thin and dry like creators alas tend to do! We're here for the dense and boomblastin hentai juice!
Onward, my braves!



Red Serif

Oh, neat! Alt costumes I presume? Curious to how this'll play out. I'm sure it'll be a*dress*ed soon enough!