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First things first : if you missed it, check out previous news!
Zatanna PB episode has just been released, and there's sensual magic in the air!
(also : already patched and uploaded most feedback mentionned! Hurray!)

Now, for upcoming stuff, I was thinking about making some global PB updates.
(thanks to various breakthroughs of late, that could benefit other games too)
So, if you got stuff in mind for all games, it's time to share!

Regarding futa mains : it's being studied, yes, but we don't have graphic assets needed, for now. And SSS is still out, so... patience, I guess ? I'll keep searching for workarounds, though.

Regarding other ideas : lactation ? Do you want those in our delightful PB episodes ?


PB topic aside (even if that's already some hard work involved), how about planning a new KoPC update, hmm ?

If you have suggestions for new sets or outfits, feel free to drop them in comments!
(I still got a toooon of ideas for those, obviously, but you know me : if I can help it, I like to prioritize your own wishes, lol!)

And I would like to have your opinion on some stuff, too :
Quick KoPC poll : https://linkto.run/p/TV81XJ5H

New horizons unfold! Onward to lustful shores!




more peach outfits would be nice 😁


Nice, PB games are my personal favourite, and KoPC is very detailed and cool as well. For PB, optional larger breast options (especially for when getting the girls pregnant), plus possible stomach fluctuations/bulging when male cums inside them.


Options for multiple pregnancies like in SBO would be an awesome addition to the PB series.


Thanks for sharing! For stomach bulge, I don't know how I could implement that in good looking way, but I'll definitely think about it! For larger breasts : it should be doable, I'll look into that!


Why not indeed! Though the SBO prototype seems to call for improvement, for now. (like increasing belly size depending on numbers of babies). So I don't know if we should wait a bit, to have a more advanced "m-preg" experience/implementation in SBO, focusing there on what could be experimented or not, and then when we're sure we got a solid thing, we try to infuse that back in all PBs. (because in the end, making global updates for PB is a massive work. Not something I can easily tweak every month for quick additions) What would be your personal feeling on that ? (so I have a better idea of the community expectations!)


and what about her hand position, like having her hands on her knees or thighs instead of the man?


For arms : doable, but ain't easy. I'll write it on my list anyway ;) For outfits : noted ;)