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(Sticky : "how to get bonus codes for all games", "access to the Redeemer" and other questions? Click right here for answers!)

First off : if you missed it, latest PB episode has just been released! Princess Peach is in for big troubles, so be sure to check out previous news!

Second off : new accesses to the 'Redeemer' catalog of codes will come the 7th, as always! See you then for a nice new round of delicacies and hentai wonders!

And third off : I started working back on something... But I won't tell you yet what it is, tehehehe. But ooooh damn, it should be quite nice! (you know me :p)
This new month starts super well!!
I'll see you very soon for more news!




Quite nice? Wait you mean you are degrading? lol