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"I love days like today," Bridget announced as she squeezed Jonathan's hand and pulled him a little closer.

"Days like today?"

She glanced at him, smiled, and said, "The day after a big thunderstorm. The humidity has broken. The city feels fresher and cleaner. The weather is so beautiful. The plants look greener. The flowers look a little brighter. It's a perfect day to be here."

They were at the same botanical garden where they'd met. They were celebrating their three month anniversary. It had been Jonathan's idea and Bridget had seemed genuinely touched when he'd suggested it. They'd been at her apartment at the time and she'd quickly straddled him, slipped her tongue into his mouth, kicking off what ended up being a rousing night of spectacular sex that included three orgasms for her and two for him.

"I couldn't agree more," he said as images from that night danced through his head. It was just over a week ago and it was the last time he'd cum, though Bridget had enjoyed an orgasm almost every day since then. "And you look as radiantly beautiful as ever."

She smiled, stopped, and pulled him close for a kiss. Her perfume blended with the scent of flowers - roses, Jonathan surmised - as her tongue slipped into his mouth for a moment before departing. He ran his hands down the back of her sundress - she owned a seemingly limitless supply of them and never failed to look utterly flawless in one - and stopped at the top of her ass, pressing his fingers into her soft flesh and eliciting a moan as Bridget pushed her hips forward.

After the kiss she leaned back and for the briefest moment Jonathan saw a look of gentle worry on her face. It was replaced by a smile - the kind that made her eyes light up - just a moment later, but he couldn't quite shake the sensation of worry her look had transferred to him.

"Is everything okay?" he asked.

"Yeah. Why?"

"I...well, I saw a look on your face. It was brief, but it was...I don't know...it was just a look."

She squeezed his hand, kissed him on the cheek, and led him into the rose garden, which was in full bloom and featured a wide array of colors. Bees buzzed from plant to plant and the floral scent in the air was astonishing.

"I like that you know me so well," she said softly. "I'm not sure anyone has ever known me as well as you do."

There was nothing in the tone of her voice that should have worried Jonathan, and yet he couldn't help but feel like she was on the verge of telling him something he wouldn't want to hear.

"I had a dream about you."

Jonathan let out a breath he didn't know he'd been holding in. Whatever Bridget had to say, it couldn't have been all that bad if it began with a dream.

"Well, it was sort of about you, I guess. You were in it."

His curiosity had been piqued. "What kind of dream?"

Bridget seemed reluctant to share, which brought back a touch of the nervousness Jonathan had felt earlier, though it seemed impossible that anything that happened in a dream could be a bother to him.

"It was a...well, not a sex dream, but something like that. A hook up dream, I guess? Or a make out dream."

They walked into an area of rose bushes as tall as Bridget and suddenly they were surrounded by flowers and thorny branches. They had privacy, though, and it felt wonderfully intimate.

"Making out with who?" he asked.

She looked away for a moment and then squeezed his hand. "That's the thing. It wasn't actually someone I know. It just...it just wasn't you."

Jonathan's heart fluttered, which was a bit confusing. Bridget seemed a touch distressed and there he was feeling a flash of excitement at the idea that she'd kissed someone else in her dream.

"But you said I was there. What...what was I doing?"

She looked up at him, paused for a few moments while holding his gaze, and said, "You were watching."

"I was watching you kiss another man?"

She stepped closer and her breasts pressed into his chest. They felt wondrous and soft and Jonathan's cock grew as his heart rate increased. "You were," she said softly. "In the dream you were doing it for me. Watching, I mean. I was locked in this deep, beautiful kiss with another man and you were watching...like a good boy."

Jonathan's cock was hard and Bridget could feel it. She pressed her hips forward and moved them in slow circles, eliciting a moan from him in the process.

"Did I like watching?" he asked.

Bridget nodded. "You did. You were excited to watch. You were turned on, actually."

"Does that mean...does that mean that's what you want? If you dreamed it, does that mean that you'd want me to be turned on watching you kiss another man? That you'd want me to...to want that?"

Her lips neared his. "I don't really know," she whispered. "I know that I woke up wet, though. My panties were soaked. I woke up thinking about you, too. Wishing you were there. Wishing I could have you between my legs, wishing I could feel your tongue against my clit. Wishing my morning could begin with my good boy worshiping my pussy and making me cum as many times as I could take."

Jonathan was tempted to fall to his knees right there in the rose garden. He wanted to lift her dress, pull her panties aside, and make her cum amongst the fragrant bushes.

"Can I go down on you now? Can I worship your pussy right here?" he asked.

Bridget looked surprised - in the best way possible - before kissing him. It was another deep kiss. A slow, deep, passionate kiss. Then, with her lips achingly close to his she whispered, "Yes, you can worship my pussy. Be a good boy and get on your knees."

Jonathan fell to his knees and ran his hands up her thighs and under her dress. He pulled aside her delicate panties and slipped two fingers into her pussy, bathing them in her wetness.

He lifted the front of her dress and leaned in. The soft fabric fell over the back of his head and Jonathan's tongue found his girlfriend's clit. He lapped at it, offering urgent, strong licks to provide an orgasm as quickly as possible.

"Fuck," she said softly. "You're such a good boy for me, Jonathan. Make me cum. Make me cum while I think about that dream. While I think about kissing someone else while you watch."

It struck Jonathan as both innocent - she'd dreamed of merely kissing someone, after all - and wildly naughty, as she'd dreamed about kissing someone other than him and about doing so while he sat and watched like a good boy. In some ways, that intersection of innocence and naughtiness was precisely what he loved about Bridget, for she often embodied both of those qualities.

She came in less than a minute. Her thighs trembled and she leaned forward, depriving him of the taste of her pussy. Jonathan leaned back and looked up to see orgasmic bliss on her face.

When it was over, Bridget smiled down at him. She ran her fingers through his hair and then bent over and kissed him while he ran his hands up the backs of her thighs.

"Thank you for letting me worship your pussy," he whispered.

"Believe me, it was my pleasure," she replied.

Bridget stood up straight and offered a hand to help Jonathan to his feet. They strolled through the rest of the rose garden, sharing soft kisses and gentle caresses as his cock slowly deflated until the bulge had completely disappeared.

They departed the rose garden and strolled through a meadow filled with bright, beautiful wildflowers, planted in a seemingly haphazard manner that made the experience all the more beautiful. In addition to the bees, butterflies floated from flower to flower, quickly feeding before moving on to the next.

They talked about the growth at the chocolate factory - they'd gotten their product into a small chain of local stores - and Bridget offered more details on her plans for a newsletter targeted at women that craved a different kind of control in their romantic relationships. The kind of control that Bridget enjoyed. Jonathan couldn't help but get excited at the idea of his girlfriend's interest in that sort of control both crystallizing and perhaps growing even deeper as she wrote about it. He certainly hoped that might happen.

As they stepped into the section of the garden dedicated to tropical plants - this part was indoors in a more humid environment designed to nurture those plants - Jonathan moved behind Bridget, wrapped his arms around her, and kissed her neck softly.

"I'd watch, you know," he said before offering another kiss. "I think...I think I'd probably be like in your dream, too. I mean, if you were enjoying kissing someone else I think there's a very good chance that I'd enjoy watching."

"Because making me happy is the most important thing to you?" she asked.

He'd never said it in such a direct manner, but that was absolutely how he felt. Without question. So much so that he experienced a surge of both happiness and lust as he considered the idea that making Bridget happy - even if it meant watching her make out with another guy - was the most important thing in the world to him.

"Yes. That's exactly what it is. Nothing is more important to me than making you happy, Bridget. Nothing in the world, and it's worth making all kinds of sacrifices to ensure your happiness."

"We've been invited to a party tonight," she said with a smile. "Well, me and a plus one, I guess. I'd like to go, though."


"It's at a bar. Or a cocktail lounge, I guess. A friend of mine has rented the place out for the night to celebrate her birthday. Lots of people will be there. Some I know. Some I don't."

She smiled in a way that made it seem absolutely certain she intended on making out with someone at the party.

"You'll really be okay watching?" she asked.

His cock twitched and a tingle of pleasure emanated from between his legs. "I don't know why, but I find myself kind of excited at the prospect of watching. So yeah, I won't mind."

"Let's go back to our spot."

Bridget took his hand and led them to the spot where they'd fooled around on the day they met. She sat in his lap and they spent half an hour kissing, touching, and generally fooling around. Jonathan very nearly came in his pants again, but Bridget held off this time, choosing instead to keep him in a place of desire. As much as he wanted to cum, it was a wise choice on her part, as it would make it a great deal easier for him to enjoy whatever was going to unfold at the party that night.


The cocktail bar wasn't the sort of place Jonathan usually went to. He suspected the same was true of Bridget. The aesthetic was high end and the drinks were insanely expensive. It seemed like the sort of place that wealthy young finance types visited in the hopes of hooking up with gorgeous, high class women.

On this particular night, though, the bar was filled with a broad mix of people, owing to the fact that Bridget's friend had invited seemingly everyone she knew to her birthday party. Because of that, Jonathan felt a great deal more comfortable than he otherwise would have as he entered. He'd changed into a suit - the dress code was formal - and Bridget had informed him that she'd be getting there ahead of him as she wanted to look like a single girl as she entered the party.

The music was loud enough that Jonathan suspected it would be impossible to carry on much of a conversation with anyone. That was fine by him, though. He wasn't at the party to hang out with anyone. He was there to watch as his girlfriend made out with another man.

On his first visual pass of the room Jonathan failed to find Bridget. She hadn't told him what she'd be wearing, though, and he realized he likely needed to look a little closer because she wouldn't be in a sundress and cardigan.

On his second visual pass of the room he found her. She was wearing a tight red dress and a pair of strappy three inch heels. Her hair was styled in a decidedly sexy manner and her makeup was done in the same fashion. She looked astoundingly beautiful and entirely different than he'd ever seen her before.

Jonathan also noticed the guy Bridget was sitting with. They were in a booth in the far corner of the bar. He was sitting on the inside and her body was turned towards him. Her drink was nearly empty - she'd likely arrived quite some time ago - and the guy's drink was empty.

When a waiter walked by the guy signaled and with a smile ordered what Jonathan imagined was two more drinks. Bridget watched the waiter go and then turned to the man she was talking to - who happened to be exceptionally good looking - and her lips curled into a beautiful smile.

The guy was talking, but her smile seemed to shut him up. He stared at her for a few seconds and then moved a little closer and reached up to brush a few stray blonde hairs behind her ear.

Then he leaned in and kissed her. Bridget leaned in too. Jonathan moved closer and found a seat where he could watch without it being painfully obvious he was doing so. He witnessed the entire kiss. He saw the guy's hand move to Bridget's leg. He saw her lips part. He saw the guy's tongue move into her mouth for a moment.

Jonathan's heart pounded as he watched. He felt nervous, but the arousal was far more potent. Significant, really. So much so that his cock had come to life and he was half hard by the time the kiss ended.

The guy smiled as he leaned back. Then he said something that made Bridget smile. Then she scooted closer to him, put a hand on his leg, and leaned in. He smiled - a victorious kind of smile - before their lips met for another kiss.

This time, though, it wasn't just a kiss. This time it developed into a full-on make out session. It was like they were college students at a frat party. They kissed, and kissed, and kissed. He touched her waist. His hand moved towards her breasts, stopping just short of touching them. He moved his fingers back down until they rested on the bare skin of her thigh just below the bottom of her dress.

To Jonathan's astonishment, Bridget parted her thighs, doing so as far as her tight dress seemed willing to allow. The guy took the hint and let his fingers wander further up Bridget's thighs.

He kissed her neck and Jonathan was certain she moaned. Her lips were parted. Her eyes were closed. The guy's hand was under her dress and it seemed entirely possible that Bridget had gone from making out with someone to getting fingered by someone.

Then, as the guy was kissing her neck, Bridget turned her head and met Jonathan's gaze. Her eyes lit up and she smiled. She held his gaze until it seemed as though she couldn't keep her eyes open any longer. They closed and she bit her lower lip before unleashing what must have been a beautiful moan.

Jonathan was convinced she was being fingered. Someone else was fingering his girlfriend's pussy at a party. It really was like they were in college again, and for whatever reason it felt just as exciting as if he'd been the freshman getting his fingers inside a beautiful girl for the first time despite the fact that he was sitting at a high top table with a drink in front of him while his girlfriend found pleasure with another man.

Jonathan couldn't quite tell, but it seemed possible that Bridget had cum on the guy's fingers by the time he pulled his hand from between her legs. He certainly smiled like he'd given her an orgasm and she certainly kissed him like she was lost in a sense of gratitude for the person that had just provided her with an orgasm.

Bridget leaned in and said something to him. He nodded and she slipped out of the booth and strode towards the bathroom. She offered Jonathan a gentle nod of her head and he waited a few moments and slid off his bar stool and followed a handful of steps behind her.

As soon as he rounded a corner Bridget grabbed him and pulled his lips to hers for a kiss. A deep kiss of the kind he'd witnessed her indulging in with another man. He thought of how no more than a minute ago someone else's lips had been pressed against hers and someone else's tongue had been deep in her mouth. The thought thrilled him and led to an almost instant erection.

"Did he make you cum?" Jonathan asked the first chance he got.

Bridget nodded.

"Was it good?"

"Yes, but mostly because you were watching. I was so turned on knowing you were sitting there and watching, Jonathan. That you were being such a good boy and watching me fool around with another man. I don't know why...it just made me so wet. That's why I let him finger me. I wanted to cum. I wanted him to make me cum while you watched."

He kissed her again. He had to. He had to feel her tongue in his mouth. He had to feel her body pressed against his. He had to.

"He asked me back to his apartment," she said. "He wants to fuck me."

Jonathan studied her face to discern if she wanted to do that. He felt deeply anxious at the idea of her having sex with someone else - it was a huge leap past getting fingered - but he knew immediately that he would offer no objection.

"I told him that was moving too fast for me," Bridget added.

Relief flooded Jonathan's body.

"But I want to make him cum. Not that he necessarily deserves an orgasm just because he gave me one - you know that's not how I feel about that sort of thing."

Jonathan knew and it thrilled him each and every time Bridget denied him an orgasm.

"I just...I want to feel his cock in my hand. I want to listen to him moan. I want to make him feel good. Then I want to tell you all about it while I have your cock in my hand."

She reached between Jonathan's legs and stroked him through his pants while their tongues mingled deeply. He probably would have cum in his pants with no more than a minute of vigorous stroking, but Bridget stopped after just a handful of seconds.

"I'm going to take him to the bathroom and give him a handjob," she said. "You're going to wait while I do so. Then we're going back to my place." Bridget stepped back, smiled at his erection, and added, "Wait here until I walk past with him."

She walked away and Jonathan waited. A short time later Bridget walked by with a man trailing behind her. He was pawing at her. They stopped at the door to the bathroom and she pulled him in for a kiss. She grabbed his cock and stroked him through his pants while Jonathan watched. Then they stepped into the bathroom and he heard Bridget lock the door.

Jonathan stepped closer. To anyone else it would have looked like he was waiting to use the bathroom. He wasn't, though. He was listening. He was listening to someone grunt and groan as he got a handjob from a beautiful girl in a tight red dress. He was listening to his girlfriend jerk someone else off.

It wasn't long before those grunts and groans got loud. Then they tapered off. Bridget had just made someone else cum and she'd done so no more than six feet from where Jonathan was standing.

Not long after, the bathroom door opened and Bridget smiled at Jonathan, took his hand, and led him out of the bar.

"You listened?" she asked once they were on the street.

"I did."

Her eyes were alive with lust. She stared at him for a moment and then kissed him.

"I was kissing him as he came. I was kissing him and stroking his cock as he blew his load in the sink. I felt so...powerful, Jonathan. I felt so powerful holding a relative stranger's cock and giving him an orgasm. It was incredible."

"I was turned on," he admitted. "Listening. It was such a turn on."

"I changed my mind," Bridget said. "About giving you a handjob. I need to get fucked. Let's go to my place. Now."

They ordered an Uber and made out for most of the ride to Bridget's building, no doubt annoying the driver with their unbridled lust. Once out of the car they rushed up the stairs and into her apartment and practically tore each other's clothes off.

Bridget grabbed Jonathan's cock and led him to the bedroom where she quickly dressed him in a condom, got on her back, and spread her legs.

"Fuck me," she demanded. "Fuck me hard."

Jonathan had never seen her like that and he loved it. Something about fooling around with another man had unleashed this beautifully naughty side of her and he gleefully crawled between her legs, slipped his cock inside her, and fucked his girlfriend.

"It really turned you on to fool around with him, didn't it?" he asked while thrusting in and out of her pussy.

Bridget smiled and nodded. "It turned me on to do it while you watched and listened, baby. Yes, he was handsome. Yes, he was a good kisser. Yes, he fingered my pussy like it was an art form he'd perfected. Yes, his cock was beautiful and great fun to play with, but knowing you were there is what really turned me on. Knowing that you were doing as you were told, that you were sitting and watching as your girlfriend made out with another man, as she got fingered by another man, as she made another man cum...it was so fucking hot, Jonathan."

Jonathan found himself lured into her arousal - her arousal at his eagerness to be a good boy - and his balls tightened as each thrust felt increasingly pleasurable.

"I love you, Bridget, and I just want to make you happy. I'd even watch as you fucked someone else."

She came. She closed her eyes, arched her back, and came. Jonathan was stunned, and yet his orgasm followed almost immediately. His body shuddered as he released his seed into the condom while thoughts of everything that had played out that day - from the botanical garden to the bar - played out in his head.

"I might take you up on that," she said as her body continued to twitch from the pleasure of her climax.

Jonathan smiled and lost himself in a long, slow, deep kiss with his girlfriend.

If she wanted him to watch, he would. He wanted to be a good boy for her, after all.



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