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Here I bring you another small preview of a “Mini Story” with Commander Doomfist in the company of Captain Lacroix and Agent Colomar 💙

I've had an idea in mind but I had some difficulties to get the models I wanted (Mainly Doomfist and the map I want for the story), so preparing this took me longer than I had planned.

Sorry for the long wait, I know that many of you want to see more Widow and Sombra content, I just ask for a little more patience ^^”

A little while ago I also showed you a preview of some models with Kiriko and the Hashimoto clan, so first we will publish the planned content with those models and then we will start with the mini story of the Doomfist commander.

I want to be conform with the content I make and publish, but I know that also makes me more critical with my own ideas lately and causes me to take more time to make them >.<”

Sorry if I've kept you waiting longer than planned, I really appreciate your patience 💜

I wish you a great week! ^^ 🍀




Thank you for making more sombra content