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Extremely sorry for my lengthy absence, IRL stuff got in the way for a while and I had a private comm to work on, plus I was struggling creatively in how to generate future sets. I've settled on smaller sets w/ more bonus images, since as the sets grow in canon size/length it can be exponentially more difficult for me to continue it.

Expect future sets every ~3 days. I think I've established a decent workflow of generating the sets now.

Next up is Rin netorase!

I'll be sending this set, and the next one, to anyone who was a Patreon in March, once I figure out how to batch message!

On the topic of the set: I've realized I adore seeing Micaiah on all fours.

Update: Sent out the first batch message, if I missed you, please let me know! If your membership expires before you see this download, please send me a message on Patreon and I will send you the full set!




I think you missed me in the batch message, good to see you back though!