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You are a prince who has been sent as an ambassador to the Lamia Kingdom to improve diplomatic relations between your kind and theirs. You are somewhat nervous at the beginning, but the first day of your visit turns out to be a lot more relaxing than you had anticipated! 

Nephia, the lamia assigned to you, greets you warmly. Her job is to ensure you are comfortable and show you around the Lamia Kingdom. As such, she does everything in her power to help you and make you feel welcome. She takes you to the private hot spring bath she booked, and after a bit of chatting, convinces you to try a traditional lamian massage. 

Thank you to Arexus Galia for submitting the outline for this month's sleep-themed story! ✨🎉

Drinking challenge: take a shot every time Nephia says "massage" 🤣



Arexus Galia

"Take a shot every time Nephia says 'massage' " Holy smokes that's 14 shots in my count. If I went through with that, the ambassador won't be the only one sleeping well tonight. How you're able to turn the rather rushed outline (and the words "diplomatic hissing") into this continues to blow my mind. Now I wanna enter this world and learn more about its history, cultures, political systems, and more! Thanks for this awesome audio.

Arexus Galia

Listened to it a second time to enjoy is without counting the word "massage". 9 members in the serpentine council ehh. Guess you could call it, the serpent"nine" council... ehh?... ehh?