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Hello beautiful loverrlies 🥰

Feeling lots of admiration and gratitude for the stories you come up with. Thank you in advance for casting your vote(s) - you can cast more than one. 

Have a great weekend, everyone x

[A] Dragon Girl Saves Knight from Evil Yandere Princess

You are a knight who has fallen into the trap of believing that the princess has been kidnapped. In truth, this is all part of her plan to make you her slave. Thankfully, the evil princess’s plans are ruined by a shapeshifting Dragon Girl who comes to your aid. After some reassurance and a love confession, you fall asleep in each other’s arms.

[B] Sultry Tiefling x Police Officer

You are a good-natured, honest police officer way over your head in a film noir city known as Elysium. You had recently blown the whistle to the press about a goblin crime family, whose gangsters took their revenge by heavily whacking you and leaving you out for dead. You are saved by Piety, the private eye tiefling you hired to help you crack the case. She dresses and stitches up your wounds, alcohol is consumed, and she confesses her attraction to you.

Script conditions (by Patron): Audio must contain a standard noir monologue, and Piety’s lipstick must be magical, the effects of which must be mentioned at some point.

[C] Giantess x Human Listener

You are captured by a corrupt king and held in his dungeon. Then, you start feeling the earth move. The roof begins to crumble. You go up…and up, and UP. The part of the castle you’re in is now being held in the hands of a giantess –  a kind, excitable woman you’ve crafted jewellery for and told stories about your adventures to. She scoops you up and decides to take you out of the kingdom for…a date!

[D] Half Orc x Human Mage

You are a half-orc, and part of an orc warband. Because you are not pure-blooded, you and your fellow brethren are treated very poorly. This causes you to lead a revolt against your current war chief. To punish your act of rebellion, you are tied up to a pole and left to die. You are saved by Christina din Ariesia, a mage who grew up in an orphanage. For her act of kindness, you swear to follow and protect her for the rest of your life. 

Fast forward...one night, as you are on your way to investigate reports of a local lich inhabiting a graveyard, you finally gather the courage to propose to Christina…

[E] Shy Lifeguard Classmate x Popular Listener

You almost drown after being caught in a riptide. The speaker is a shy, quiet classmate who has admired you from afar and been in love with you for some time. Your lifeguard classmate performs CPR and saves you, and you slowly regain consciousness. She looks after you for a while and eventually tells you how she feels.


Arexus Galia

Idea A sounds like a sequel to a previous voted audio "Dance with a Dragoness", where the Dragoness repays the favor after being spared. Could it possibly be linked?

Hobo Carnival

Yes, please save me from all these insane yandere I keep attacked by!


Idea A sounds like the best potential for a story. And you know I'm all about stories.


Man there’s some good choices this month.


I don't know if it's the same character or the same patron who submitted it - but I found out afterwards who submitted the Dance with a Dragoness idea so I can ask if it was them :D (if not, then different story/character)


Yeah I know right?! Those yanderes do be insane *giggles nervously and hides sack under bed*


Do you know who submits which idea when you receive them?


Submissions and polls are meant to be anonymous (as stated in the brainstorm forms), but I do occasionally get one or two people put their names in the submissions. Sometimes I find out after the poll finishes or after the audio is released the name of the person who sent the idea in, but this is quite rare as well - I can only think of 3 occasions where I was told